All of your requests made from your app’s UI or within ad inspector will appear in the SDK request log; your requests made from within ad inspector will be differentiated by being labeled with “Requested from ad inspector”. For these special requests you’ll be able to tap the “View” button one time to view the actual ad, see which network filled the slot, and more.

Alongside single ad source testing, these new testing features will allow you to rigorously test each individual ad network integration in your app.

To learn more about how to test your ads with ad inspector, check out our developer guides here:

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact us via the developer forum.

How does the change apply to existing versions?

Effective today, Android v19 and iOS v7 versions are considered deprecated. In accordance with the schedule above, we plan to sunset Android v19 and iOS v7 versions in Q2 2023 following the releases of Android v22 and iOS v9 planned for Q1 2023. We will provide more specific sunset dates following the releases of Android v22 and iOS v9.

The graphic below helps visualize the state of existing Google Mobile Ads SDK versions for Android and iOS with today’s announcement.

Note: Versions 6.x.x and below for both Android and iOS have been sunset since 2018.


The deprecation schedule provides a framework for predictable lifetimes for an SDK version. However, there may be exceptions in the future. This schedule does not preclude us from sunsetting an SDK version at an earlier date, but we are committed to providing proactive communication with ample lead time for any future changes.

Next Steps

  1. Refer to the deprecation developer pages (Android | iOS) for the latest updates to the deprecation schedule. If you are on a deprecated version, see the Android migration guide or iOS migration guide for more information on how to update.
  2. Stay tuned for future updates to this blog, where more specific sunset dates will be communicated once new major Google Mobile Ads SDK versions are released.

If you have any questions about this announcement, please reach out to us on the Google Mobile Ads SDK Developer Forum.

And here is the project afterwards:

First, you’ll notice that the package name for AppCompatActivity has changed to The refactor has changed this project’s dependency to androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0 and fixed the associated imports.

Second, this migration added a file with these two lines:


These properties ensure your project and its dependencies use AndroidX, by rewriting any binaries that are using an Android support library. See Using AndroidX for more details on these flags.

Now that your project is converted to AndroidX, you can safely update your play-services-ads dependency to 18.0.0 in your project-level build.gradle file:

dependencies {
   implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0'
   implementation ''

As always, you can follow the release notes to learn what’s changed in the Google Mobile Ads SDK. We’d also love to hear about how your migration went! If you have any questions about the release or have trouble migrating, please reach out to us on the Google Mobile Ads SDK developer forum.

Mediation Test Suite allows you to:

  • View a full list of mediation ad source configurations for your app
  • Automatically check your project for missing SDKs, adapters, and manifest changes required by partner ad sources
  • Load a banner, interstitial, rewarded, or native ad for any ad source using a certified Google Mobile Ads SDK implementation
  • Batch test multiple ad sources for the same ad unit
  • Test both open source mediation adapters and custom event adapters

Integrating Mediation Test Suite is easy -- once you have the SDK imported, it can be launched with just a single line of code. All you need is your AdMob app ID.

On Android, the launch code looks like this:

String appId = "YOUR-ADMOB-APP-ID";
MediationTestSuite.launch(MainActivity.this, appId);

On iOS, all that's required is importing the correct header and launching the Test Suite:

#import "GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite.h"
NSString* appId = @"YOUR-ADMOB-APP-ID"
[GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite presentWithAppID:appId
                                   onViewController:self delegate:nil];

Unity is just as simple, but please note that you need to use the appropriate app ID for your platform:

using GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite.Api;
string appId = "YOUR-iOS-ADMOB-APP-ID";
string appId = "";

Including Mediation Test Suite in production builds is optional

You are not required to keep the Mediation Test Suite library in the production release of your app; however, you may choose to leave it in and hide it behind a debug gesture. Doing so enables you to launch Mediation Test Suite within your production build.

You can find more information about how to use Mediation Test Suite in the developer guide (Android | iOS | Unity). Remember that Mediation Test Suite is a beta product, so if you have any questions or feedback, please contact us on the developer forum.

While this worked well as a basic check, it didn't allow for testing what real ads would look like in a production environment. For example, you couldn't test your mediation configurations or the different types of banner and interstitial formats that AdMob offers. The update we're rolling out addresses these problems.

New Test Ad Behavior

Starting today, apps built against Google Mobile Ads SDK 11.6.0 or higher on Android or 7.26.0 or higher on iOS can take advantage of the new behavior of test ads, which serves production-looking ads without charging advertisers. With this change, you can safely test the clickthrough behavior of your ads without your account getting flagged for invalid activity.

Banner, interstitial, and rewarded test ads now show a "Test Ad" label in the top-middle of the ad to give you a visual indicator that the ad returned is actually a test ad.

Sample 300x250 Banner ad

For native advanced test ads, the headline asset has the text "Test Ad" prepended.

Sample native content ad.

Test ads with Mediation

When using mediation, ads shown from third-party ad networks won't display the test ad label. Only Google ads show the test ad label. You are responsible for ensuring that your testing of third-party ad networks is compliant with their stated policies. See each mediation network's respective mediation guide for more information on how to enable test ads on those networks.

See the testing guide (Android | iOS) for more information on how to enable test ads in the Google Mobile Ads SDK. If you have any questions, contact us on the developer forum.

Implementation Guides

We've also updated our publisher guides with Kotlin snippets wherever code is shown. Similar to the mobile ads guides for iOS (which show either Swift or Objective-C syntax with a click of a tab), the Android guides now let developers easily switch back and forth between Java and Kotlin implementations.


If you take a look at the Kotlin guides and samples and find you've got questions about the best way to implement something in Android's first ever new language, stop by our support forum. Our staff there will be happy to help.

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