Term Information

regulation of apoptotic process
apoptosis regulator activity, regulation of apoptosis
Alternate IDs
Any process that modulates the occurrence or rate of cell death by apoptotic process. Source: GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_apoptosis
This term should only be used when it is not possible to determine which phase or subtype of the apoptotic process is regulated by a gene product. Whenever detailed information is available, the more granular children terms should be used.
See term history for GO:0042981 at QuickGO
Chem. react.
Include "regulates"
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Parents of regulation of apoptotic process (GO:0042981)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
regulation of apoptotic process [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of programmed cell death (GO:0043067)
regulation of apoptotic process [RO:0002211 relation] RO:0002211  apoptotic process (GO:0006915)
Children of regulation of apoptotic process (GO:0042981)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
negative regulation of apoptotic process (GO:0043066) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of epithelial cell apoptotic process (GO:1904035) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
modulation of apoptotic process in another organism (GO:0044532) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process (GO:2000269) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of muscle cell apoptotic process (GO:0010660) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of fat cell apoptotic process (GO:1904649) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
positive regulation of apoptotic process (GO:0043065) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of apoptotic process involved in development (GO:1904748) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of compound eye retinal cell apoptotic process (GO:1901692) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of leukocyte apoptotic process (GO:2000106) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process (GO:2001053) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of apoptosis involved in tissue homeostasis (GO:0060785) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway (GO:2001233) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of myeloid cell apoptotic process (GO:0033032) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of anoikis (GO:2000209) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of myofibroblast cell apoptotic process (GO:1904520) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of neuron apoptotic process (GO:0043523) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of glial cell apoptotic process (GO:0034350) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
regulation of apoptotic process in bone marrow cell (GO:0071865) [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of apoptotic process
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