AuthorClaim registration service

Privacy policy

The AuthorClaim Registration Service gathers biographic information from publicly available or participating bibliographies. An an author, you can say which ones of the papers belong to you. Thus you claim authorship over these items. Since they are your work, you want that information available to others.

Thus all information collected here is public, except

The deletion of a profile on AuthorClaim may take a few days to be reflected on other services due to normal delays in the synchronization of data across web sites.

Even if a user declines to have his or her email address listed, a valid email address is required to be registered.

This email address may be used for short monthly summaries that include statistics about downloads and abstract views of the your works. Our experience with the RePEc Author Service has shown that such information is highly valued by authors. Currently there is no such service. If any such a services starts, we will report it here.
