General Information

Promoter ID:SCNN1G_1
Promoter type:region
Organism:Homo sapiens (Human)
Gene Symbol:SCNN1G
Description of the gene:sodium channel epithelial 1 gamma subunit
Position in the genome:Chromosome [NC_000016.10]; Strand [+]; Position [23182746]
Ensembl: ENSG00000166828
RefSeq: NM_001039
GeneCards: SCNN1G

Promoter Image [View it at UCSC]


Other viewers

EPD view at UCSC (hg38): chr16:23180745–23184745  (European mirror) Selective viewer showing the 3 Fantom5 tissues with the highest expression of SCNN1G_1  (European mirror)
EPD view at UCSC (hg19): chr16:23192066–23196066  (European mirror) GM12878 viewer (European mirror)
SwissRegulon (hg19):chr16:23192067–23196067
FANTOM5 (hg38):chr16:23180746–23184746
DBTSS/KERO (hg38):chr16:23180746–23184746
refTSS (hg38): chr16:23180745–23184745 (European mirror)

Sequence Retrieval Tool

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lower case upstream TSS

Search Motif Tool

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From: To: bp relative to TSS and a cut-off (p-value) of:

Expression Profile Tool


Last update October 2019