Investigating the Dexterity of Multi-Finger Input
for Mid-Air Text Entry

SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2015, Seoul, South Korea

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This paper investigates an emerging input method enabled by progress in hand tracking: input by free motion of fingers. The method is expressive, potentially fast, and usable across many settings as it does not insist on physical contact or visual feedback. Our goal is to inform the design of high-performance input methods by providing detailed analysis of the performance and anatomical characteristics of finger motion. We conducted an experiment using a commercially available sensor to report on the speed, accuracy, individuation, movement ranges, and individual differences of each finger. Findings show differences of up to 50% in movement times and provide indices quantifying the individuation of single fingers. We apply our findings to text entry by computational optimization of multi-finger gestures in mid-air. To this end, we define a novel objective function that considers performance, anatomical factors, and learnability. First investigations of one optimization case show entry rates of 22 words per minute (WPM). We conclude with a critical discussion of the limitations posed by human factors and performance characteristics of existing markerless hand trackers.



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This research was funded by the ERC Starting Grant projects CapReal and COMPUTED (637991), and the Academy of Finland.


Srinath Sridhar

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