starBase (Cite Our Paper) OR ENCORI (The Encyclopedia of RNA Interactomes) is an openly licensed and state-of-the-art platform to decode the cellular interaction networks among thousands of RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and various RNAs. We have identified millions of RBP-RNA and RNA-RNA interactions through analyzing thousands of CLIP-seq and various high-throughput sequencing data by developing new software and tools, and studied their functions and mechanisms in human diseases.

In summary, ENCORI identifies more than 4.1 million miRNA-ncRNA, 2.9 million miRNA-mRNA, 4.1 million RBP-RNA and 1.5 million RNA-RNA interactions from multi-dimensional sequencing data.

Accompany with gene expression data of 32 types of cancers which are derived from 10,882 RNA-seq and 10,546 miRNA-seq data, ENCORI allows researchers performing Pan-Cancer analysis on RNA-RNA and RBP-RNA interactions. ENCORI also provides platforms to perform the survival and differential expression analysis of miRNAs, lncRNAs, pseudogenes and mRNAs.

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ENCORI Citations (2018-2022)   Cite Our Paper

>13500 Citations in Google Scholar (starBase or ENCORI)
  • Average Daily Usage: ~5000 visits from ~500 unique researchers
  • Average Annual Usage: >1,000,000 visits from >100 countries

Statistics of ENCORI

  • Species: 23 Species
  • CLIP-seq data: >700 datasets
  • Degradome-seq: 100 datasets
  • RNA-RNA interactome: >30 datasets
  • RNA-seq data: >10,800 samples from 32 cancer types
  • miRNA-seq data: >10,500 samples from 32 cancer types
  • Disease data: >3,236,000 mutations from 366 disease types
  • miRNA-ncRNA(CLIP): >1,100,000 interactions
  • miRNA-mRNA(CLIP): >2,500,000 interactions
  • RBP-mRNA: >1,208,900 interactions
  • RBP-ncRNA: >117,000 interactions
  • RNA-RNA: >1,530,000 interactions
  • miRNA-ncRNA(degradome): >32,000 interactions
  • miRNA-mRNA(degradome): >459,000 interactions
  • ceRNA: >11,700,000 pairs
  • function annoation: >19,900 functional terms from 15 categories
  • Pan-Cancer: Differential Expression,Survival Analysis,CoExpression