
-          in the national language(s) and script(s): Centrum NUKAT Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie

-          in English: NUKAT Center of the University of Warsaw Library




Centrum NUKAT

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie

ul. Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa



Web site:




Short description of the institution :

Brief history and missions:


In 1992 four leading Polish academic libraries began building UAF - Union Authority File (coordinated and controlled by CFAF - the Center for Formats and Authority Files at the University of Warsaw Library from 1996 to 2001). In 1998 the A. W. Mellon Foundation awarded a grant for the establishment of NUKAT union catalog. In 2001 CFAF was transformed into NUKAT Center and the cooperative cataloging was started in July 2002 with UAF becoming a part of NUKAT database. NUKAT contributors have grown from 27 libraries building and using NUKAT data in 2002 to 130 libraries in June 2013. NUKAT objectives are: - 1) provide library users with quick and detailed information on Polish library holdings and their location, 2) facilitate and accelerate cataloging by offering libraries a source of ready high-quality records built by means of shared cataloging. NUKAT provides information on nearly all types of resources held by Polish research libraries.



Short description of the authority data:

-          Authorities web site : HTTP://WWW.NUKAT.EDU.PL (select cataloger's interface)

-          described entities: persons, corporate bodies, uniform titles, series, subject authority records

-          quantity/number of records:3491435


Data provided in the authority records:

See our: MARC 21 Format for Authority Record (in Polish)


Data provided to VIAF and number of records :


o   Authority records for persons and corporate bodies: 1 204 267

o   Bibliographic records: 2 537 935

