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Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Bizkaia



As the Chairman of the Jury of the "Pedro Mª Unanue" BILBAO-BIZKAIA INTERNATIONAL SINGING COMPETITION, I would like, on behalf of Bizkaia Provincial Council as the organiser of this International Competition and on my own behalf, to warmly welcome the participants to the XV International Competition. Apart from displaying your technical and artistic skills as performers to the lyrical world, I hope that you will make time to enjoy the magnificent cultural facilities of the capital of Bizkaia, Bilbao.

I hope and I wish, along with the other members of the Jury, that your participation in our International Competition marks the start of a fruitful, exemplary and artistic professional career that will see you enjoying better and greater success in the most famous and acclaimed lyrical theatres around the world.

We have all experienced those moments of uncertainty that a singer feels when taking part in a competition or event, given that competing means being compared and assessed. We sometimes believe that we have not been rated as highly as we deserve, which leads us to think about not participating in any more contests. However, I encourage you to keep participating as the mere fact of performing before such an eminent jury as the one at this International Competition should spur you on to make your mark in this difficult but beautiful world of lyrical music.

I wish you every success in your performing careers and I should like to stress that triumph, success is achieved through hard work, dedication and endeavour. Do not doubt your skills, as conviction and hard work will lead to your achieving your dreams and desires.

Thank you for taking part.

María Bayo

Terms and conditions


The XV "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition will be governed by the following terms and conditions:

  1. One:

    The "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition is open, without distinction of nationality, to:

    1. Female singers between the ages of 18 and 35, reaching either age in 2014.
    2. Male singers between the ages of 20 and 35, reaching either age in 2014.

    There will be no exceptions regarding age limits.

    (Applicants must comply with the provisions of article 12 of Provincial Law 5/2005, of May 31, (OGB no. 114, 16/6/ 2005) which regulates the general legal framework for subsidies granted by the Provincial Administration).

  2. Two:

    No applicant who has obtained a first prize in a previous Bilbao International Singing Competition or at the current "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition in competitions prior to this convening of the 2014 edition will be admitted.

  3. Three.- Entry fee

    • The entry fee is set at €60.00 (sixty euros), with any bank fees or other expenses to be paid by the contestant.
  1. Three.- Entry fee

    The entry fee will be paid by bank transfer to the following account:

    1. Bank: KUTXABANK
    2. Account holder: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Departamento Foral de Cultura. Difusión Cultural. Gastos varios
    3. Account number: 2095 0611 07 2016029399
    4. IBAN: ES40 2095 0611 07 2016029399

    Payment will not be accepted by cheque or banker's draft and, once the entry fee has been paid and accepted, under no circumstances will the amount of the entry fee be returned.

    Likewise, no application form will be accepted if the amount for the entry fee shown on the bank receipt provided by the applicant does not correspond to the correct amount i.e. €60, transfer charges apart.

  2. Four.- Entry

    • 1.- This will be carried out by filling out, using block letters and characters from Western languages, the "Entry Form" which appears in the Entry section of these terms and conditions and, at the same time, in the Regional Decree which regulates this convening, which is accessible on the web:

      1. www.bizkaia.eus/concursocantobilbao
      2. www.bizkaia.eus/kulturadirulaguntzak
  1. Four.- Entry

    The following documentation should accompany the Entry Form:

    1. Copy of the identity document or passport of the contestant or official document showing his/her age and nationality.

    2. Brief curriculum vitae of the contestant which should cover: their musical studies stating centre and teachers, awards obtained, professional activities and any other information considered of interest.

    3. A recent photograph in 8.00 x 12.00 cm format. (300 dpi resolution).

    4. Documentary proof of having duly paid the entry fee (€60.00) into the regional bank account opened for these purposes (charges apart).

    5. Programme of works to be performed, which cannot be changed once accepted by the Competition Organising Committee:

      1. GROUP A: Six compositions from the Oratory, Cantata, Lied or concert song genre (you can mix works from different styles).
      2. GROUP B: Six arias from opera, zarzuela and operetta.
    6. Candidates should specify their voice type on the entry form: Soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone or bass.

    7. Candidates from Spain will present certificates issued by the Inland Revenue and Social Security showing that the applicant is up to date with their tax and social security obligations.
    8. Participants from foreign countries will submit a sworn statement that they do not have a tax debt with the Inland Revenue and or with any institutions in their country of origin that are equivalent to the Spanish Social Security system.
  1. Four.- Entry

    • 2.- Entry can be made as follows:

      1. By presenting the official form attached here as Annex I - K1, accompanied by the required documentation and signed by the person concerned, at the Servicio de Acción Cultural del Departamento de Cultura de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia (Cultural Action Department of the Department of Culture of the Provincial Council of Biscay), Alda. Rekalde, 30-2º, Bilbao (from Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.), or in the manner determined by article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Framework of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.
      2. In the event of submitting the entry by mail or courier, the documentation mentioned above should be sent to:





        • Rekalde avenue 30, 2. floor

        • 48009 BILBO (Spain)

      3. If for reasons of force majeure the applicant sends the entry documentation online from the "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition website (www.bizkaia.eus/concursocantobilbao), the applicant must sign the Entry Form "in situ" at the offices of the competition organisers on the day of their arrival in Bilbao to take part in the competition.
  1. Four.- Entry

    • 3.- The maximum number of entries will be 140, as a result of which the date shown for sending the entry will be strictly adhered to (both for postal and on-line entries), to which the corresponding entry number will be allocated for the documentation submitted by the contestant.
    • 4.- The deadline for entry is June 6, 2014 at 2.00 pm. (GMT: Greenwich Mean Time).
    • 5.- Those entries that are submitted but where some of the documents listed in point 1 above are missing, will be given ten working days to take the necessary steps to rectify the situation.
    • At the end of that period, any entries that are not accompanied by the necessary documentation will not be considered and the applicant will be duly notified that his/her entry has been rejected.
    • 6.- After the deadline for submission of the application forms for participation and prior to June 20, 2014, the provisional list of those who have been accepted and rejected will be published in the Official Gazette of Biscay and a communication on the website of the BILBAO BIZKAIA "PEDRO Mª UNANUE" INTERNATIONAL SINGING COMPETITION: www.bizkaia.eus/concursocantobilbao as well as a list of those with documentation missing, if any, setting a deadline of ten (10) working days to rectify the situation, making it clear that, if no action is taken, their application to participate will, as a result, be deemed to have been withdrawn.
    • Likewise, the name of the piano accompanist will be made public to those candidates who requested one.
    • The admission places provisionally awarded to people adjudged to have withdrawn their entries will provisionally be awarded to persons whose names appear at the top of the rejected list on the basis of the entry number awarded to the application form based on the date of registration of the entry.
  1. Four.- Entry

    • If there is more than one case of this nature, the same procedure will be followed until completing the maximum number of entries set out in section 5 above.

    • Subsequently, by the deadline of July 11, 2014 and also by publication in the Official Gazette of Biscay and a communication on the website of the BILBAO BIZKAIA "PEDRO Mª UNANUE" INTERNATIONAL: www.bizkaia.eus/concursocantobilbao the final list of those accepted and rejected will be published.

  2. Five:

    The competition will consist of the following rounds:

    • Elimination

    • Semifinal

    • Final

    The order in which the competitors will participate in each round will be established by means of a draw held in the presence of a notary at the Department of Culture of the Provincial Council of Biscay, and that order may not be altered in any way.

  1. The performances of the contestants in each of the rounds will be organised as follows:


    Contestants will perform 2 (two) works chosen by the Jury, one from Group A and one from Group B, from those that have been accepted by the competition jury.

    The maximum duration of this round will be 10 minutes per contestant.

    The jury of the International Singing Competition reserves the right to remove and/or reduce the performance of the works to be performed if it believes that the duration exceeds the set time.


    Contestants will perform 2 (two) works from their programme chosen by the jury, from among those listed in the programme submitted by the contestant and which have been accepted by the competition jury.

    The first will come from Group A and the second from Group B. The jury of the International Singing Competition reserves the right to delete and/or reduce the performance of the works to be performed if it believes that the duration exceeds the set time.

    The maximum duration of this round will be 20 minutes per contestant.


    The participants will perform two arias from Group B of the programme of works accepted by the competition jury. These works, which will be designated by the jury, will not have been selected in any of the previous rounds.The jury reserves the right to request the contestant to modify the programme chosen for this round, within their repertoire, as well as to remove and/or reduce the performance of the works to be performed if it considers that their duration exceeds the set time.

    The arias from the works to be performed will be accompanied by the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (BOS), which will be led by the conductor designated by the competition organisers

    Contestants should be in possession of the sheet music for singing and piano, corresponding to the programme of works to be performed that they have submitted on their entry application form and that have been accepted by the competition jury. Also, where required, they should have the relevant authorisation from the composer or companies or individuals that own the copyright of the works that they want to perform.

    The orchestral material for the opera aria that contestants will perform in the Final will be supplied by the competition organisers.

  1. Six:

    The rounds will be held on the following dates:


    November 22 (Saturday), 23 (Sunday), 24 (Monday) and 25, 2014 from 4.00 p.m. in the Auditorio del Conservatorio Profesional de Música "Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga", c/. Plaza Ibarrekolanda, nº1, Bilbao


    November 26, 2014 (Wednesday), from 4.00 pm in the Auditorio del Conservatorio Profesional de Música "Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga", c/. Plaza Ibarrekolanda, nº1, Bilbao


    November 29, 2014 (Saturday), at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Palacio Euskalduna (Euskalduna Conference Centre) in Bilbao.

  2. Seven:

    All participants who have obtained a first prize in any International Singing Competition affiliated to the World Federation of International Music Competitions, provided that they indicate this and provide documentary proof, will go directly into the Semifinal.

  3. Eight:

    The draw for the order of performance of the contestants in the various rounds will be held on the following dates:

    • September 19, 2014 at 12.00 p.m. (noon), to determine the order of performance in the elimination round.

    • November 26, 2014 at 10.00 a.m., to participate in the Semifinal (it is compulsory for the contestants who have been selected to participate in the Semifinal of the competition to attend).

    • November 27, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., to determine the order of participation in the Final and rehearsals with the piano accompanist and the conductor who will lead the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (it is compulsory for contestants who have reached the Final to attend).

    In the draws to determine the order of participation in the SEMIFINAL and FINAL rounds, all of the participants concerned must be present.

  1. Nine:

    Immediately after each draw, the competition organisers will make an official piano accompanist available for each of the contestants, who will have the right to a rehearsal before each round. The contestants will rehearse based on their order of performance in front of the jury.

    However, any contestant who so wishes may be accompanied by their own pianist. The rehearsals for the elimination round will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes.

    The rehearsals for the elimination round will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes.

  2. Ten:

    The works will be sung in their original language and by heart, and no tonal transpositions will be allowed. Those opera arias that include recitative and cabaletta sections should be performed in full. However, the jury reserves the right to limit the performance.

    Monolingual programmes will not be accepted. All contestants will sing in at least two living languages, included in the programme that they should send together with their entry for the competition.

  3. Eleven:

    The organisers of the Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition will appoint a jury entrusted with assessing and judging the performances of the contestants, which will consist of leading international figures in the world of opera, whose decisions will be final.

  4. Twelve:

    The attendance of the prizewinners at the prize-giving ceremony for the different awards will be compulsory. Failure to attend the prize-giving ceremony will mean that the contestant waives their prize.

  5. Thirteen:

    A Committee of Music Critics will be set up in order to choose the winner of the Critics' Special Award.

  1. Fourteen:

    The contestants authorise the Provincial Council of Biscay to make any sound or audiovisual recordings of the performances. The Provincial Council, as the producer of these recordings, will exclusively hold all exploitation, reproduction, public communication, distribution and transformation rights that may exist, with no limitations on term or territory and by any means currently known and in existence, without prejudice to any statutory equitable remuneration and moral rights that the competitors-performers may hold, without the latter being entitled to any other remuneration or equity compensation. The authorisation will be deemed to have been given by signing the entry form.

  2. Fifteen.- Hotel Subsidies

    The competition organisers will provide accommodation and breakfast for the contestants that have made it through the elimination rounds to the Semifinal, from the day on which the list of the successful participants in the elimination rounds is published until the day they are eliminated.

  3. Sixteen.- Incidents and other aspects

    Any incidents that may occur during the competition will be resolved by the Jury, if it has been set up, or by the competition organisers if they occur before the jury has been set up.

    The competition organisers may invite representatives from opera houses, agents or leading figures from the world of opera to the Final of the competition, so that the finalists can be heard by these professionals.

  4. Seventeen:

    The entry by the contestant in the "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition implies their acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as the decisions of the jury.

  5. Eighteen:

    The regulatory bases and call of the XV International Singing Competition Bilbao-Bizkaia "Pedro Mª Unanue" are approved by Regional Government of Bizkaia 22/2014 Decree, March 11. Any question, dispute or claim shall be settled by the said Decree.



Official Prizes

  • For female voices:

    • 1st. Prize: €12,000.00

    • 2nd Prize: €7,000.00

    • 3rd Prize: €4,500.00

  • For male voices:

    • 1st. Prize: €12,000.00

    • 2nd Prize: €7,000.00

    • 3rd Prize: €4,500.00

Special Awards

The following will be awarded:

  • Special Public Award:

    A special award of €2,500.00 will be made to the participant in the Grand Final who receives the largest number of votes from the audience at the Grand Final, irrespective of whether they have received a prize or not.

  • Critics' Special Award:

    A special award of €2,500.00 will be made to the participant in the Grand Final who is chosen by the Critics' Committee set up for that purpose, irrespective of whether they have received a prize or not.

  • Special Prize for the best Basque Singer:

    A special award of €3,000.00 will be made to the Basque participant in the Grand Final who is chosen by the Critics' Committee set up for that purpose, irrespective of whether they have received a prize or not.

Special Awards

The Critics' Committee will be made up of people attending the final who are specialist singing critics for daily newspapers that are published in the country.

The Committee will meet on the day of the competition Final and will consist of a chairman, members and a secretary.

The Public Award will be decided by the votes of the audience at the Final, who will vote by placing their slips in the ballot boxes that are located for this purpose at the venue where the Final is held. The boxes will be opened and counted by staff from the Cultural Action Department.

Special Prizes

  • The BBK foundation is providing a scholarship worth €3,000.00 (three thousand euros) to a singer who takes part in the Final of the 15th edition of the Contest, for further vocal training.

  • The Cia Opera Sao Paulo (Brazil) is awarding a concert to one male and one female singer who takes part in the final of the competition, to be performed at the Teatro Sao Pedro de Brazil in the 2015 opera season.

  • The Asociación Musical Alfredo Kraus (AMAK) is awarding to one male and one female finalist who reside in Spain a prize consisting of their participation in the Primavera Musical Bizkaina - Bizkaiko Udaberri Musikala season of concerts. They will be awarded directly during the recital in the Grand Final.

  • The ABAO-OLBE is offering an invitation to a singer to participate in one of the operas in their upcoming seasons.

Diploma of Honour

  • All of the participants in the Grand Final, as well as the winners, will receive a diploma of honour as a finalist or winner.

  • * The payment of prizes to be awarded at the 15th edition of the Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition will be made by bank transfer to the account that the beneficiary indicates on their creditor sheet, which should be submitted as part of the documentation required to be allowed to participate in this international competition.

  • ** The legally established tax withholdings will be applied to the aforementioned amounts.

  • *** In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation of the content of these regulations, only the text of the Regional Decree by which the 15th edition of the "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizkaia International Singing Competition is convened and published in the Official Gazette of Biscay will be valid.

International Jury

The Jury of the XV "Pedro Mª Unanue" Bilbao-Bizakaia International Singing Competition will consist of the following dignitaries from the world of lyrical music:

  • Chair:

    Maria Bayo Jiménez (Soprano. 2009 National Music Award).

  • Members:


  • Secretary:

    Olatz Saitua Iribar, Lyric singer and voice teacher at the "Juan C. de Arriaga de Bilbao" Conservatory.

Pianist and Conductor


Itziar Barredo

Specializing in vocal repertoire, and has been Director of scenario and Master repeater in ABAO. He has worked in the Teatro Real Madrid, Barcelona Liceu and Maestranza in Seville. Official pianist of the National Singing Competition Jeunesses Musicales International Singing Competition of Bilbao, Julian Gayarre International Competition and various masterclasses. Professor at the Conservatory Repertory Chrysostom Arriaga of Bilbao and Musikene.

Email: itziar@itziarbarredo.com

Web: www.itziarbarredo.com

Rodrigo de Vera

Formed in Musikene of San Sebastian, the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London, and the English National Opera correpetidor as an apprentice and a regular contributor. Accompanist, recitalist and accompanist in vocal and instrumental genres, performing at venues such as the Wigmore Hall and BBC Radio 3 in London. First prize in the International Piano Competition "Ciudad de San Sebastián" and Concert Recital Diploma and prize awarded by the Guildhall School of Music & Drama.

Email: rodrigodeveradiez@gmail.com

Web: www.rodrigodevera.com

Ricardo Francia

Advanced degrees in piano and chamber music and music theory professional title at the Conservatory of Music in Las Palmas. Since 1995 he has been professor of Vocal Repertoire in Higher and Professional Conservatories of Music in Las Palmas while worked as accompanist at courses like correpetidor Theatre, as part of the Symphony Orchestra of Las Palmas and the Orchestra of the Atlantic and as accompanist to singers and choirs worldwide.

Email: rjfrancia@hotmail.com

Web: www.ricardofrancia.com


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Friday 6

2:00 p.m. Registration period ends

Friday 20

Provisional list of those admitted and those excluded Communication with piano accompanists


Friday 11

Deadline for communicating the DEFINITIVE LIST of those admitted and those excluded


Friday 19

12:00 p.m. Draw in the presence of a Notary to establish the order of performance in the ELIMINATION ROUNDS at the Provincial Department of Culture


Saturday 22

10:00 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists


Sunday 23

10:00 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists


Monday 24

10:00 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists


Tuesday 25

10:00 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists


Wednesday 26

10:00 a.m. Draw in the presence of a Notary to establish the order of performance in the SEMIFINAL at the Provincial Department of Culture

11:00 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists

4:00 p.m. SEMIFINAL

Thursday 27

10:00 a.m. Draw for order of performance in the FINAL at the Provincial Department of Culture

10:30 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists and the Conductor

Friday 28

10:30 a.m. Rehearsals with piano accompanists and the Conductor

Saturday 29

10:00 a.m. Rehearsals with the BOS

7:30 p.m. The GRAND FINAL

Information of interest





  • c/. Alameda de Rekalde, nº 30 - 2º

  • 48009 BILBAO (Spain)


34 94 4068710
34 94 4068711
34 94 4068713



The performances by the competitors in each round will be organised as follows:

Contestants will perform 2 (two) works chosen by the Jury, one from Group A and one from Group B, from those that have been accepted by the competition jury.
The maximum duration of this round will be 10 minutes per contestant.
The jury of the International Singing Competition reserves the right to remove and/or reduce the performance of the works to be performed if it believes that the duration exceeds the set time.
Contestants will perform 2 (two) works from their programme chosen by the jury, from among those listed in the programme submitted by the contestant and which have been accepted by the competition jury.
The first will come from Group A and the second from Group B. The jury of the International Singing Competition reserves the right to delete and/or reduce the performance of the works to be performed if it believes that the duration exceeds the set time.
The maximum duration of this round will be 20 minutes per contestant.
The participants will perform two arias from Group B of the programme of works accepted by the competition jury. These works, which will be designated by the jury, will not have been selected in any of the previous rounds.The jury reserves the right to request the contestant to modify the programme chosen for this round, within their repertoire, as well as to remove and/or reduce the performance of the works to be performed if it considers that their duration exceeds the set time.
The arias from the works to be performed will be accompanied by the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (BOS), which will be led by the conductor designated by the competition organisers.
Contestants should be in possession of the sheet music for singing and piano, corresponding to the programme of works to be performed that they have submitted on their entry application form and that have been accepted by the competition jury. Also, where required, they should have the relevant authorisation from the composer or companies or individuals that own the copyright of the works that they want to perform.
The orchestral material for the opera aria that contestants will perform in the Final will be supplied by the competition organisers.





  • Final List of Acepted People 2014

