
Protein Data Bank in Europe : mmCIF Information

mmCIF is a flexible and extensible tag-value format for representing macromolecular structural data. The set of mmCIF tags, which determine the classes of information present in a given mmCIF format file, are defined in an mmCIF dictionary. The structure of the dictionary is in turn defined by a ddl. The standard mmCIF dictionary - now stable since being ratified by the IUCr in 1997 - was pioneered by Paula M. Fitzgerald, Helen Berman, Phil Bourne, Brian McMahon, Keith Watenpaugh, and John Westbrook. However, work is still ongoing fine-tuning dictionary extensions. More information on mmCIF can be found at the mmCIF Resource pages at the RCSB.

mmCIF Dictionaries

  • Core mmcif Dictionary | Ascii | HTML    The ICUr standard mmCIF Dictionary.

  • PDB mmCIF Extension (PDBX) Dictionary | Ascii | HTML    The Data dictionary developed as a collaboration between EBI and RCSB for data exchange and currently also being extended for deposition of data from high-throughput structure determination.

  • 3D EM Extension Dictionary | Ascii | HTML    Data dictionary developed by EBI and RCSB to describe structures and experimental data produced by 3D Electron Microscopy experiments.


  • Core mmcif ddl | Ascii | HTML    Core ddl version 2.2.1

  • Exchange stylesheet ddl | Ascii    EBI ddl extensions to define formatting during exchange

PDB and exchange

Document mantained by: Gaurav Sahni