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Promoting diversity and shaping career paths

It is a central objective of the University of Freiburg to provide equal opportunities, as well as inclusive, non-discriminatory and attractive career, study and working conditions. We see the diversity of our university members as an enrichment and a strength and aim to build on this strength through gender- and diversity-sensitive organizational and personnel development.

As a department assigned to the Prorectorate for University Culture, we are responsible for strategic structural and development planning and its implementation – both in the department "gender and diversity" and "academic personnel development". For the institutional development of the university, we design concepts and measures specific to equality and diversity, as well as those for academic personnel development and the university personnel structure. It is of particular importance for us to support the career paths of highly qualified young researchers in a transparent and reliable manner, as we already do, for example, with tenure-track professorships.

As a service facility, we guide and support our researchers in structural and personnel matters regarding gender and diversity as well as on the implementation of basic gender and diversity initiatives in research projects. We support the individual diversity competency in teaching with the help of our online-toolbox "diversity in teaching" and through a variety of workshops we provide. In addition, our awareness-raising and anti-bias trainings serve to promote a gender- and diversity-sensitive leadership culture, to establish diversity-enhancing study and working conditions.

Our personnel development offers are aimed at researchers at different career levels – from doctoral researchers currently transitioning to the postdoc phase to postdoctoral researchers including junior research group leaders and junior and tenure-track professors – and these offers serve to develop the individual interdisciplinary competency of our researchers. It is our goal to promote researchers in accordance with their talents, to support them in their individual career planning and to strengthen them with regard to the competency requirements for careers both inside and outside of academia. To this end, we offer specific, diversity-sensitive qualification, coaching and mentoring programs.

  • AdvanceMent

  • Qualification for Postdocs

  • CORA Coaching Program

  • Tenure-Track and Junior Professorships
