HKU Portal

Privacy Policies


1. Personal Information Collection Statements


The information provided will be used by the University for all purposes related to your use of the University's computing and networking services.
It is possible that any information submitted electronically could be observed by a third party in transit.
Submission of the form implies you have read, understood and agreed to obey all rules and regulations governing the use of the University computing and network services as stated in the Centre's Computing Service Handbook.
If you use the online form to enquire information related to your usage of the University computing and network services, you will be required to enter your personal information for authentication purpose and the displayed usage information may be accompanied with your personal information.
For correction of and access to the personal related information collected by Information Technology Services, you can submit a signed request to the Centre's Data Protection Officer.


2. Privacy Policy Statements

It is necessary for users to provide Information Technology Services with data in connection to their application for, the use or continuing use of the University computing and network services.
Failure to provide such data may result in Information Technology Services being unable to or continue to provide the user any University computing and networking services.
Information Technology Services will treat the data provided by you strictly confidential. Information Technology Services may provide such data to the University for the administrative and academic purposes. Information Technology Services will not disclose any personal information provided by you to any external bodies or organizations unless you have been informed or it is required to do so by law.
You can submit a signed request to Centre's Data Protection Officer to request access to or correction of personal data held by Information Technology Services about you. Information Technology Services may charge you for accessing the information.


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