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'; if(typeof i.thumbnail !== "undefined") { if(i.thumbnail != null) { var thumb = i.thumbnail; if (thumb.length > 0) { //if a thumbnail exists if (thumb.indexOf('professional_assets') > -1) { thumb = thumb.split('/images/'); thumb = '//'+thumb[1]; } el += '
'; } } } el += '
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'; var creditTypes = ''; var ceExists = false; var ebacClass = ''; $(i.creditDetails).each(function(idx){ if (i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 1) { if (creditTypes !== '') { creditTypes += ' / ' } creditTypes = 'CME'; } if (i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 9) { if (creditTypes !== '') { creditTypes += ' / ' } creditTypes += 'ABIM MOC' } if (i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 2 || i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 3 || i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 4 || i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 5 || i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 7 || i.creditDetails[idx].creditTypeId == 8) { if (ceExists === false) { if (creditTypes !== '') { creditTypes += ' / ' } creditTypes += 'CE' ceExists = true; } } if (i.creditDetails[idx].priAccreditorId == '1073') { creditTypes = 'EBAC'; } }); el += '
'; //return el; }); $('.hp-card--you-might-like .hp-card_list').prepend(el); reformatCards.detailsClickBind(); resetSavedActivities(); $('.hp-card--you-might-like .hp-card').each(function(i){ $(this).find('a').on('click',function(){ wmdPageLink('hp-art_yml-'+i) }); }); }
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'; e+= ''; eventsMarkUp = eventsMarkUp + e; } }); $(".hp-card--upcoming-events .hp-card_list").prepend(eventsMarkUp); $('.hp-card--upcoming-events .hp-card').each(function(i){ $(this).find('a').on('click',function(){ wmdPageLink('hp-art_live-'+i) }); }); } } $(function(){ liveEvents.init(); });
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