
About the Max Planck Center

The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC) was
established by the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG) and Stanford University in October 2003 recognizing the high potential of a mutually beneficial cooperation between Stanford and MPG in the field of Visual Computing and Communication and recognizing the desire of the scientists of the parties to conduct joint research.

Goals of the Collaboration

The proposed collaboration between the Max Planck Society and Stanford University has two intertwined goals:

  • Establish a joint research program in the key information technology area of “Visual Computing and Communication”
  • Incorporate a strong career development component to alleviate the shortage of qualified faculty and scientists in information technology in Germany.

To achieve these goals, Stanford University and the Max Planck Society collaborated to establish the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication, with corresponding research activities at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and at Stanford University.

The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication addresses the particular career-development needs of young German scientists in Information Technology. It fosters the professional development of a small number of selected, outstanding individuals by providing them with the opportunity to work at Stanford University as Visiting Assistant Professors in the area of Visual Computing and Communication for two years and then return to Germany to continue their research as a senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and ultimately as a professor at a German university or a research leader in industry.

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

The Max Planck Center was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany from 2003 to 2020.
