.MMA registry information

.MMA is a brand top level domain (TLD) exclusively developed for the use of the MMA insurance group and its community. MMA's community includes MMA's employees, its agents and their employees, its clients, its social network of cooperation, MMA Foundation and all other members who, over the years, became an integral part of the community, sharing the same interests and common values, particularly those of solidarity and humanism.

MMA is the ICANN approved registry operator of the .MMA top level domain.

This top level domain will provide MMA innovative ways to interact with its community members in a trusted and secured namespace.

.MMA will be managed as a single-registrant TLD, with all second-level registrations held directly by the company itself.

.MMA Whois service and Policy

Whois Service : http://whois.nic.mma/

Policy : DotMMA Policy

.MMA abuse contact

MMA IARD – Direction Juridique
14 Boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon
72030 Le Mans Cedex 9 - FRANCE

Declare an abuse on the .MMA
