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This is the official registry of the .SANDVIK top-level domain name. Sandvik AB is the ICANN approved registry operator of the .SANDVIK top-level domain.


The .SANDVIK top-level domain follows a single-registrant model, wherin all registrations within the space are held by Sandvik AB. When you visit a website with an Internet address ending with .SANDVIK, you can be certain that it’s authorized by Sandvik and overseen by us.

WHOIS search

Following the launch or the .SANDVIK top-level domain, all interested parties can request information about registred .SANDVIK domains to find out if a domain is available for registration or who is the holder of a registered domain by using a ICANN WHOIS query or see details about this page at whois.nic.sandvik.

Abuse Contact

Jernbanegade 23B
4000 Roskilde


Registration policy.pdf

Annex 1 Registry Reserved Names.pdf

Annex 2 Reserved Names.pdf

Annex 3 Eligibility Requirements and Criteria.pdf

GDR - DNSSEC Practice Statement - sandvik.pdf
