The Worklife Fulfillment Company

The Worklife Fulfillment Company
Registry Operator Website
for the .STAPLES top-level domain name

This is the official Registry Website of the .STAPLES top-level domain name.

The line between work and life is blurring. We have solutions to keep your teams productive, connected and inspired, wherever and whenever. Whether you know exactly what you need, or you’re looking for tools and inspiration to hit your goals, Staples is here for you.

Head to to see our array of Worklife content, products and solutions.

Report abuse

For any inquiries related to .STAPLES please contact the .Staples Registry Abuse Team:


.Staples Registry Abuse Team
500 Staples Drive
Framingham, MA 01702

DNSSEC policy
Registration policy
Anti-abuse policy
WHOIS policy
