Press Kit

Company Overview

The Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology-enabled problem solving. The Lens is an extension of work started by Cambia in 1999 to render the global patent system more transparent, called the Patent Lens.

The Lens is a greatly expanded and updated version of the Patent Lens with vastly more data and greater analytical capabilities. In December 2017, the Lens became more than a patent and sequence database with the alpha launch of scholarly works search. The Lens now hosts and serves scholarly works from 200 million scholarly records from multiple sources including Microsoft Academic, PubMed, Crossref and PubMed Central, exposing those works cited in the patent literature.
More about history...


The logo has two layout options available in two colour profiles, light and dark. The horizontal (stretched) layout is to always be considered first as it is the primary layout option. The vertical (stacked) layout option should only be considered where the use of the primary layout is inadequate. Both logo layouts can be used with and without our tagline.

Usage Notes: Do not alter the scale or logo device to logotype under any circumstances, Either brand-mark layout can be used with or without a tag-line, Do not alter the opacity levels of the reversed out brand-mark or the mono brand-mark, Do not reverse the brand-mark out of a complex/busy image that prevents the logo from being clearly displayed, Clear space the size of the ‘I’ in the logo device should be used. Minimum size should not be less than 20mm, Minimun size for the brand-mark containing the tagline should be no less than 40mm.

Looking for more logo's?

Contact us for more logo options and we can advise on the correct logo application for your needs.

Brand Guidelines


The Lens Explainer Video

Search, Analyze and Manage Patent and Scholarly Data. Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving.

The Lens Collective Action Project

The Lens Collective Action Project levels the playing field with universal and equitable access to open innovation knowledge. The Lens focuses on illuminating what innovation capabilities exist, who and which institutions have them, and how those capabilities fit into the complex jigsaw puzzle of problem solving.

Overview Video

An explainer video of the Lens and our features. Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving. No account required.

Print Materials

Release Notes

The Lens has periodical software updates, each software update comes with a log of changes, upgrades and fixes that can be accessed in the Release Notes section of this site.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact us at support [@] to make requests.