Release 8.10

02 August 2023 by Aaron Ballagh in Release Notes

Release 8.10
New work area Notifications tab, Aggregation API Beta, Agent and Attorney logo grids, German localisation and more!

New Features and Improvements

Notifications Tab

With this release, we are pleased to add a new work area tab for managing your saved query and dynamic collection alert notifications. The Notifications tab allows you to view new and past notifications, mark them as read/unread and delete notifications all within your account work area. Read more about Notifications and Alerts.

Introducing the Aggregation API Beta

We are also pleased to introduce the Aggregation API Beta, providing an additional API endpoint that supports aggregation requests. Currently in beta, the Aggregation API will enable users to run the same aggregation requests used to power all the analysis charts and metrics available in the user interface, allowing users to perform their own analyses on the entire scholarly and patent datasets.

The query syntax for the Aggregation API uses a modified version of the Elasticsearch Aggregations syntax, with the following aggregation types supported: cardinality, average, max, min, sum, terms, date histograms and filters. Beta API documentation is available here:

We are currently seeking testers to help us finalise parameters for release. Use cases for the Aggregation API include research analyses, calculating metrics, creating and displaying charts. If you are interested in trying or testing the Aggregation API please contact us at Support.

Agent and Attorney Logo Grids

With this release, functionality for creating Agent and Attorney logo grids has been added, allowing you to create and add Agent and Attorney logo grids to analysis dashboards e.g.

Logos have been added for over 600 Agent and Attorneys, however not all Agent and Attorneys have a logo. If we are missing a logo or have an incorrect logo for a particular Agent or Attorney, please suggest an alternative by contacting us at Support.

New Language Options - Deutsch (German)

Continuing with the updates to our localisation, with this release we are pleased to announce the addition of translated message properties in Deutsch (German). Much of this localisation has been done using machine translation with a check from a native German speaker.

Please note, not all elements of the UI have been checked for each language. If you see a term that is not translated correctly or should be improved, please let us know by contacting us at Support. The updated localisation does not include PatSeq, PatCite, In4M or individual reports.

Other Improvements and Changes

The Lens is a work in progress and with each release The Lens team improves on certain features or perfects the quality of the data and the service to provide you with the most comprehensive data we can source. While often these changes stem from users' feedback, they also originate from improved data processing and improvements in the source data. In this release, here is the list of other improvements and changes that were implemented:

  • Standardised search and filter functions in the work area
  • Added a redirect to the account activation page for non-confirmed password resets
  • Added Sequence Count to the fields available for visualisation in the histogram chart type
  • Updated the default scholarly works dashboard and preset charts in the analysis wizard
  • Added support for collection import by OpenAlex identifiers
  • Added JSON Lines export file format to the Download Citation options for scholarly works
  • The updated date is now displayed in the Notifications modal in the work area sidebar
  • Updated the masthead and design of the search box on the homepage
  • Updated the responsive behaviour on subscription pages
  • Updated the Climate Action Landscapes landing page
  • Added tooltip to the Stemmed query tools filter
  • Hide citations tabs on mobile menu if 0 citations counts
  • Show no author info if no authors are available
  • Removed the legacy query warning on the Saved Queries work area tab
  • Updated Japanese message properties


  • Fix display of legal status calculation log modal on individual patent documents
  • Fix article scatter plot display when limit is set to 1,000
  • Fix patent family abstract message displayed when no abstract is available
  • Update legal status modal fix for Unknown statuses
  • Fix patent family message being displayed for some WO/US patent images/pdf when the images/pdf are available

API & Data Improvements

Scholarly Works:

  • Indexed journal article full text and added abstracts and copyright statements provided by Springer Nature, adding full text for 9.5M scholarly works.
  • Renamed scholarly works fields fulltext to full_text and has_fulltext to has_full_text. Note: The fields fulltext and has_fulltext will be deprecated in a future release, please replace these fields with the new fields in your scholarly works API queries.
  • The top-level identifier fields doi, pmcid, pmid, magid, coreid and openalex have also been deprecated, please use the fields ids.doi, ids.pmcid, ids.pmid, ids.magid, ids.coreid and ids.openalex instead.

Lens API (version 2.10.0):

  • Added and improved API error and validation messages.
  • The size of result sets that are supported by offset/size based pagination has been increased to 10,000 results.
  • Released the beta Aggregation API.

For guidance navigating the API, please check the API Documentation, and to report bugs/issues, usability related questions, or to request features, please use our GitHub issue tracker.

Interested in supporting the sustainability of The Lens?

  • Contact your library, research office or technology transfer and commercialization teams, and let them know about Lens for Institutions and the Institutional Toolkits.
  • If you need to use for commercial uses, please comply with Lens Terms of Use by either subscribing to an Enterprise Toolkit, or if you are a sole practitioner or SME, an individual commercial use license. See account and pricing options. If you need more than 4 seats or have other special circumstances, please contact us at
  • Do you know someone who would be interested in The Lens? Share a search or collection with them, or suggest that they register for our newsletter here.

Interested in helping us improve?

  • Collective Action needs connected actors. The Collective Action Project provides a number of different activities for all stakeholders to participate in collective problem solving. See how you can participate.
  • Are you supportive of The Lens mission and interested in volunteering your expertise and time to support The Lens? We welcome expressions of interest. Please contact us at We are happy to learn more about your skill sets and see if there is a good fit of skills and timing to contribute to The Lens.
  • If you have published using Lens tools or data, or created an application using the API or data from the Lens, please share your work with us so we can share it with others on Lens Labs to help improve The Lens as a public resource.
  • Share your use case with us and explore how The Lens can help you and keep sending us your feedback on The Lens features and functionality.

The Lens is a public good project run by Cambia, a global social enterprise that is committed to making the innovation process more transparent, inclusive and effective for those seeking to solve problems and make a social impact and thus, we welcome your active engagement, participation, and support.