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Endocrine Reviews Author Guidelines

Please submit manuscripts through the Endocrine Reviews submission site

Aims and Scope

More about the journal

Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors


Article Types

  • Review Articles
    • Review Article
  • Opinion and Comment
    • Editorial
    • Commentary
    • Perspective
    • Letter to the Editor
    • Letter to the Editor Response
  • Endocrine Society Communications
    • Clinical Practice Guideline
    • Clinical Practice Guideline Meta-analyses
    • Clinical Practice Guideline Systematic Review
    • Clinical Practice Guideline Communication
    • Clinical Practice Guideline Update
    • Clinical Practice Guideline Alert
    • Expert Consensus Reports
    • Policy Perspectives
    • Position Statements
    • Research Guide
    • Scientific Statement

Guidelines for Submission of Article Plans

Publication Fees and Open Access

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines and Checklist

Ethical Issues and Conduct

Editorial Guidelines and Policies

Data Repositories and Data Registration

Author Services and Information

Operations Policies

Article Types

Review Articles

  • Review Articles generally range from 6,000 to 25,000 words in length and typically cite from 50 to 400 references. They should not contain unpublished observations or refer to preprints. Articles must present a critical and inclusive review of previous findings, and provide an analytical interpretation of the significance of any newly published information described. The editors discourage the submission of papers that are simple compilations of published data and interpretations, or meta-analyses. Shorter reviews may reflect integration of the latest discoveries in basic research or of important clinical advances in any area of endocrinology. All submitted review articles must be preceded by the submission of an Article Plan.

Opinion and Comment

  • Editorials are opinion articles by the journal's Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor and will typically address a timely policy matter of very high importance to endocrinologists. Editorials carry no figures or tables and have no more than eight references.
  • Commentaries are opinion articles invited by the Editor-in-Chief that will examine concepts and findings recently introduced into the scientific record that have exceptional interest. They are typically up to 1,000 words in length, should have no more than eight references, and have no figures or tables. Commentaries should not cite unpublished work or data.
  • Perspectives present a new viewpoint on generally accepted principles and practices in endocrinology that warrant closer examination because of data published within the past year. They should cite relevant literature and are typically no longer than 2,400 words. They should have no more than forty references and no more than one art item (a figure or a table). Perspectives should not cite unpublished work or data.
  • Letters to the Editor should discuss only articles published in final format in this journal, and be submitted within six months of the article’s final publication. (Concerns about Advance Articles should be brought to the attention of the Executive Editor.) Letters must be no more than 500 words in length, have no more than eight references, and must not cite unpublished work or data. Letters will be published at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief and publisher. Authors of accepted letters see page proofs before publication. Only changes to correct inadvertent/introduced grammar and/or spelling inaccuracies are permitted. Publication charges apply – see the Publication Fees section. No figures or tables are allowed. The title format of Letters to the Editor depends on the number of authors of the letter. If the letter is by a single author, format the title as “Letter to the Editor from [author last name]: ‘[Title of Original Article being Discussed].’” If the letter is by two authors, format the title as “Letter to the Editor from [first author last name and second author last name]: ‘[Title of Original Article being Discussed].’” If the letter is by three or more authors, format the title as “Letter to the Editor from [first author last name et al.]: ‘[Title of Original Article being Discussed].’” Should the title not follow this format, it will be returned to the author for correction.  ​
  • Letters to the Editor Responses reply to a Letter to the Editor at no greater length than the original letter. Authors whose work is discussed in a Letter to the Editor will typically be invited to provide a response. If accepted, authors will see page proofs before publication. Only changes to correct inadvertent/introduced grammar and/or spelling inaccuracies are permitted. No figures or tables are allowed. The title of the letter should follow the format of “Response to Letter to the Editor: [Title of Original Article being Discussed]”. Should your title not follow this format, it will be standardized by the publisher.

Endocrine Society Communications

The following article types are official Endocrine Society communications:

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines are developed by an Endocrine Society appointed task force, are evidence based, and provide graded clinical practice recommendations. These are developed with input from Society committees and members.
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Meta-analyses are commissioned by the Endocrine Society to provide statistical analyses to support its Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Systematic Reviews are commissioned by the Endocrine Society for its Clinical Practice Guidelines. These reviews address a defined clinical question by collecting and summarizing empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria.
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Communications are derivatives of the Endocrine Society's Clinical Practice Guidelines that supplement or comment on developments in the disease area since the time of publication of a Guideline.
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Updates are developed to address interim changes in prevention, diagnosis, or management in an existing Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline since the time of publication of a Guideline.
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Alerts are focused communications in response to new developments that significantly alter recommendations in an existing Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline (e.g., important new drug approval(s), important drug withdrawal(s), important new risks or harms). These address changes that impact the validity of a guideline and affect patient safety.
  • Expert Consensus Reports are developed by the Endocrine Society to address topics for which clinical guidance is needed, but a formal Clinical Practice Guideline is not appropriate. Expert Consensus Reports cover topics where evidence is limited, yet there are still opportunities to reduce uncertainty and improve quality of care through expert consensus.
  • Policy Perspectives are based on established Endocrine Society policy positions and developed by the Advocacy & Public Outreach Core Committee with input from the membership.
  • Position Statements reflect the Endocrine Society’s position or response to an issue. They are developed by an expert writing group under the direction of a Society-appointed Chair with input from  Society committees and are approved by the Society’s Board of Directors.
  • Research Guides are developed by an expert writing group under the direction of the Research Affairs Core Committee of the Endocrine Society.
  • Scientific Statements are developed by an expert writing group under the direction of an Endocrine Society appointed Chair with input from the Scientific Statement Subcommittee, the Research Affairs Core Committee, and the membership.

Use of Peer Review: All submissions are subject to external peer review as directed by the journal editors, other than (1) Endocrine Society Communications, which are reviewed by the Endocrine Society and selected outside experts, and (2) meeting abstracts, which, when published as a supplement to an Endocrine Society journal, have been reviewed by the meeting organizers.

Questions? Please direct any questions to

Guidelines for Submission of Article Plans

These items should be uploaded to Editorial Manager in the order listed above.

Once an Article Plan has been reviewed by the editors, the author will be notified of its status.

Publication Fees and Open Access

Publication Fees

Page Charges

  • No page charges

Color Charges

Color Charges will apply to all submitted color figures unless the initial Article Plan was invited and the Editor-in-Chief approves the use of color. Color figures cannot be replaced with grayscale versions after acceptance. Color figures must appear in color in both online and print versions of the accepted manuscript.

  • Endocrine Society member: $235 per color figure
  • Endocrine Society non-member: $735 per color figure

Up to five original figures (plus the Graphical Abstract) will be re-drawn by the journal's medical illustrators. Original figures must comply with the Figure Guidelines. Authors will be asked at submission to specify which five original figures should be re-drawn.

Letter to the Editor Charge

  • Endocrine Society members: $99 per PDF page
  • Non-members: $99 per PDF page

Optional Upgrade to Open Access

Endocrine Reviews offers the option of publishing under either a standard licence or an open access licence. Please note that some funders require open access publication as a condition of funding. If you are unsure whether you are required to publish open access, please do clarify any such requirements with your funder or institution.

Should you wish to publish your article open access, you should select your choice of open access licence in our online system after your article has been accepted for publication. You will need to pay an open access charge to publish under an open access licence.

Details of the open access licences and open access charges.

OUP has a number of Read and Publish agreements with institutions and consortia that provide funding for Open Access publishing. This means authors from participating institutions can publish Open Access, and the institution may pay the charge. Find out if your institution is participating.

Use of Previously Published Figures and Tables in Reviews

Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to reproduce or adapt previously published figures or tables. Because publishers frequently hold copyright, this often applies to an author’s own materials. We strongly encourage authors to submit original figures and tables when possible instead of using previously published materials. For assistance on preparing original figures and tables, authors should consider contacting American Journal Experts.

If an author chooses to reproduce or adapt a previously published figure or table in a review, the following procedure applies:

  • The author agrees to obtain the permissions prior to submission and is responsible for all expenses related to securing authorization to use the previously published figure or table.
  • The author will provide the editorial office with a copy of the permissions or copyright form with their submission files. This includes copies of articles in the public domain or that carry a CC-BY license.
  • The Copyright Clearance Center is often the easiest way for authors to clear permissions to reproduce or adapt any figures or tables that have been previously published. If you have any questions regarding the specifications required for permissions, please contact
  • The permissions must include the following:
    • non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the specified article and journal;
    • print and electronic rights, preferably for use in any form or medium;
    • the right to use the material for the life of the work; and
    • world-wide English-language rights.
  • If the author does not finalize the required permissions, the author must either replace the reproduced or adapted content with original material or delete the content and any corresponding references to it.
  • The author must include a credit line for all material being reproduced or adapted in a paper. The credit line must include the source information of the original table or figure. If the copyright holder does not provide an author with a specific credit line, the author/date text citation and the words “with permission” should be used.
    • If material has been adapted, the words “adapted from” should be included along with the author/date citation (e.g., “Adapted from Jones 2008”).
    • If material has been reproduced, the words “reproduced from” should be included along with the author/date citation (e.g., “Reproduced from Jones 2008”).
  • The author understands that all issues related to the use of previously published figures and tables as outlined above must be resolved before the revised manuscript can be considered.

Copyright usually resides with the creator of the work—the author, artist, or other originator. However, when a work is published, the creator usually licenses the copyright to the publisher and loses control over it while the licence is in force. This means that the agreement of the author to re-use material does not constitute copyright permission. To seek permission to reproduce a published work, you must approach the rights holder, which is usually the publisher. Also note that if the work was made in the course of employment, copyright is owned by the employer unless a contract specifies otherwise.

Post-Publication Access Policies and Funder Requirements

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines and Checklist

  • A cover letter stating the authors’ wish that the manuscript be evaluated for publication in the journal. This letter must list the title and all authors of the paper. Elsewhere on the submission form authors can include up to five suggested reviewers and three reviewers to exclude. A valid reason for exclusion should be included.
  • Essential points: These provide the main takeaway messages from the article. There should be between three and seven bulleted points. Each point should consist of a single sentence, although there is no character limit imposed on the sentence.

Guidelines on General Preparation of Initial Submissions

  • Read the Editorial Policies.
  • For initial submissions ONLY, authors may upload a single PDF of all submission files. However, if authors choose to upload a .doc version of their manuscript file, the system will be able to extract much of the metadata automatically, which may speed moving through the online submission form. Please note that regardless of which option authors choose, text, figures, and tables must be uploaded as separate files at revision.
  • Submit paper in English through the Editorial Manager system.
  • Inclusive and Person-First Language: Please use inclusive and person-first language in manuscripts by describing people as having a condition or disease rather than the condition or disease being their identity. For example, use “people with obesity” or “person with diabetes” rather than “obese people” or “diabetic.”  We also recommend consulting the AMA Manual of Style on Terms for Persons With Diseases, Disorders, or Disabilities.
  • Use a double-spaced, single-column format with 1-inch margins.
  • Use continuous line numbering throughout the manuscript. Manuscripts submitted without line numbers will be returned.
  • Paginate the entire document.
  • Place all tables and figures after the references and clearly label each.
  • Gather needed information prior to starting the submission process in Editorial Manager:
    • Full names, institutions, and email addresses for each author.
    • Submitting authors are required to provide an ORCiD when uploading a manuscript.
    • Appropriate funding information for each author.
    • Disclosure information for each author.
    • Original manuscript number if manuscript being submitted was previously rejected by the journal to which it is being resubmitted.
    • Appropriate figure file specifications as detailed in the Figure Guidelines have been followed.

Guidelines on General Preparation of Revised Submissions

  • At revision, two versions of your manuscript will be required: (1) A marked-up copy to be used for editor and reviewer purposes that indicates all changes made to the text, legends, and tables with either highlighting, colored text, or tracked changes and (2) A clean, un-marked copy that has all color and mark-up removed from text, legends, and tables that will be used by production, should your manuscript be accepted. Both versions of your manuscript should be prepared in and submitted as MS Word files.
  • Please note that aside from one copy showing color or markup, the two copies of your manuscript should both include all revisions and be identical. The clean copy should contain all revisions reflected in the marked-up version, but have tracked changes accepted and highlighting/colored text reverted to black and white.
  • Use continuous line numbering throughout both the marked manuscript and the clean manuscript document. Manuscripts submitted without line numbers will be returned.

Permission to Reproduce or Adapt Figures / Tables

Adapted and reproduced figures and tables are allowed only in review articles. Note that the permissions staff will assist the author with identifying the appropriate type of permission to obtain. When determining the status of a figure / table, please use these definitions:

ORIGINAL: If you created a figure or table specifically for the work being submitted, this is an original and no permissions are required.

REPRODUCED: If a figure or table appears in a new publication exactly as it appeared in the original publication, then it is reproduced. Permission must be given by the publisher and attribution to the original source must be provided.

ADAPTED: If a figure or table is adapted, it is modified from its original appearance but still closely resembles the original. Permission must be given by the publisher and attribution to the original source must be provided.

If a figure or table uses elements from another source, or multiple sources, authors are responsible for determining if the figure is “Adapted” or “Transformative”.


If you create a figure or table that (1) includes someone else’s previously published data or illustrative elements AND (2) their data/illustrative elements are incorporated into your work to illustrate similar facts or conclusions, then your reproduction of their data/illustrative elements is a derivative work (or “adaptation”). Permission must be obtained from the owner and a citation to the original work must be provided in your figure/table legend.


If your use of someone else’s previously published data or illustrative elements in your own figure or table goes beyond simply adapting their work as described above, then your use may be “transformative.” If you believe the work is transformative, you may not need to obtain permission, but you do need to provide a citation.

To be transformative, your use should add something uniquely new to the underlying data/illustrative elements or serve a different function, purpose, or character than the original work.  One factor to consider is whether the new work will be competitive with or as supplanting the demand for the original. Transformative works are not usually competitive with the original work. If you believe your use is transformative, you need to seek guidance from your appropriate institutional officers to determine the legal status of the figures and tables you include with your submitted manuscript and provide the appropriate language in the figure/table legend.

If you determine your work is “transformative” and does not require permission from the owner, you must certify it as such and include the source in the figure/table legend. For example: From Brown J Widgets Today, 2018; 100(6). It is important that specific cases be clearly assessed by the authors and if needed, the institution(s) responsible for the work submitted by the authors. Authors should be prepared to provide the editorial office with documentation showing the original figure or table and describing the transformative nature of the new work.

Units of Measure and Standard Abbreviations

Steroid Nomenclature Standards

Checklist and Guidelines

Title Page


Authors are required to submit a graphical abstract as part of the article, in addition to the text abstract. The graphical abstract should clearly summarize the focus and findings of the article, and will be published as part of the article online and in PDF. The graphical abstract should be submitted for editorial review as a separate file, selecting the appropriate file-type designation in the journal’s online submission system. The graphical abstract should be distinct from any of the submitted figures. The file should use simple labels and employ text sparingly. The file should be clearly named, e.g. graphical_abstract.tiff. See Specifications under Figure guidelines for guidance on appropriate file format and resolution. This article has a good example of a graphical abstract.  Please ensure graphical abstracts are in landscape format.


Body of Paper



  • Unpublished observations
  • Personal communications
  • Submitted manuscripts
  • Manuscripts in preparation
  • Preprints

___ “In press” manuscripts can be included in the reference list if they meet the following criteria:

  • Accepted for publication by a peer-reviewed journal but not yet in final published form
  • Can be cited with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
  • The journal name is provided

___ Abstracts: If it is necessary to cite an abstract because it contains data not published elsewhere, it must be designated as such in the text and in the reference list.

___ Examples of references:

  • JOURNAL CITATION: Binoux M, Hossenlopp P. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and IGF-binding proteins: comparison of human serum and lymph. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1988;67(3):509–514.
  • ABSTRACT CITATION: MacLaughlin DT, Cigarros F, Donahoe PK. Mechanism of action of Mullerian inhibiting substance. Program of the 70th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, New Orleans, LA, 1988, p 19 (Abstract P1-21).
  • BOOK CITATION: Bonneville F, Cattin F, Dietemann J-L. Computed tomography of the pituitary gland. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 1986; 15–16.
  • BOOK CHAPTER CITATION: Burrow GN. The Thyroid: nodules and neoplasia. In: Felig P, Baxter JD, Broadus AE, Frohman LA, eds. Endocrinology and metabolism. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1987:473–507.
  • REPOSITORY CITATION: Brown C, Jones M, Cohen M. Data from: Medical device-regulation process: review of safety notices and alerts. Dryad Digital Repository 2017. Deposited 2 January 2018.

Legends for Figures and Tables


___Tables should be created using the Insert Table feature in Microsoft Word and uploaded as separate files in .doc or .docx format or placed at the end of the manuscript document. 

___ Tables cannot include color or graphics. 

Figure Guidelines

Image Integrity Guidelines



Supplemental Data

Ethical Issues and Conduct

Authorship Criteria and Obligations

Authorship Criteria

Authorship Obligations

  • Authors must present a clear, accurate, and complete account of the research performed.
  • Each manuscript should describe a complete study or a completed phase of an extended study.
  • When some of the results are to appear in another journal, in publications of congresses, symposia, workshops, etc., details plus a copy of the other paper(s) should be supplied to the editor.
  • Any preliminary accounts or abstracts of the work that are already published must be referenced in the complete report.
  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools must be disclosed during the submission process and also described in the Acknowledgments section of the text.

The author has an obligation to:

  • Describe the work in sufficient detail to allow others to repeat the work
  • Adhere to the journals’ policy regarding preparation of digital images
  • Include all relevant data, including those which may not support the hypothesis being tested
  • Cite those publications which have a direct bearing on the novelty and interpretation of the results, including original findings and seminal works
  • Establish the integrity of third party resources, such as data repositories located on external websites and servers, used and cited in the work
  • Submit sequence data, and other data whenever possible, to publicly accessible databanks
  • Make unique resources (including but not limited to cell lines, software programs, organisms, antibodies, etc.) available to other investigators for academic research purposes
  • If there are restrictions to the availability of such resources, authors must disclose this to the editors at the time of submission, and include a comment on the restrictions in the Materials and Methods section. The Editors may deny further publication rights in the journal to authors unwilling to abide by these principles.
  • Provide antibody RRIDs (Research Resource Identifiers) for antibodies and ELISAs, including commercial ELISA kits, used in the research. Provision of RRIDs for other unique research resources is recommended.
  • Ensure that for those article types allowing the inclusion of figures and tables that are reproduced or adapted from previously published sources, the Endocrine Society receives written consent from a duly-authorized party/representative of the copyright holder as proof of permission to re-use the material.
  • Ensure no substitution, addition, or deletion of data or text during the proof correction process (after acceptance). Answers to author queries and changes to typographical or printer’s errors may be made to proofs. Any other changes will require that the proofs be returned to the editorial office for re-review of the manuscript.
  • If there are any additions to or deletions of the names that appear in the authorship line of the originally submitted manuscript, the corresponding author must send to the Editorial Office a brief letter, signed by all authors, stating that they agree to change. The manuscript will be held from that point until a decision is made by the Executive Editor whether to allow the change.
  • If the originally submitted authorship line is changed after submission by changing the order, it is the obligation of the corresponding author to notify all co-authors of the change.
  • For industry-sponsored studies, the author affirms that all co-authors have had full access to primary study data and the ability to perform all relevant analyses.

Preprints, Prior Publication, and Author Self-Archiving

  • The Endocrine Society journals allow the submission of preprints as the Author’s Original Version (AOV). Preprints are manuscripts that have not been submitted to a journal for full peer review and have been deposited to a recognized repository. Authors submitting preprints to the Endocrine Society journals must inform the editorial office at the time of submission that the manuscript is a preprint and guarantee that it does not infringe any subsequent copyright or license agreement. Upon final publication, authors must add a link from the preprint to the final published article.
  • Also at the time of submission, authors must describe all prior publications or postings of the material in any form of media that is not a preprint repository. Abstracts or posters displayed for colleagues at scientific meetings need not be reported. These non-preprint occurrences will be evaluated by the editorial office.
  • Failure to divulge previous publications is considered scientific misconduct.

Obligations of Reviewers

Scientific Misconduct

Editorial Guidelines and Policies

Peer Review Process

Initial Review

An Associate Editor will determine if a submitted manuscript should be Rejected Without Review or if it should be sent for single-anonymized peer review.

If the manuscript is Rejected Without Review, the author is notified immediately.

If the manuscript is sent for peer review, the Associate Editor will select two reviewers who are asked to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

The Associate Editor makes a decision on the disposition of the manuscript. Decisions can be Accept, Accept with Optional Revision, Minor Revision, Reconsider after Major Revision, or Reject.

If rejected

If returned for revision

If accepted

The manuscript will be sent to production following completion of any artwork assigned to the medical illustrators and the authors’ provision of any necessary permissions to the journal. Within seven working days of the article’s being submitted to production, an Advance Article version (non-copyedited) will be posted on the journal site for citation and listing by PubMed. No changes can be made to the Advance Article version.

Mendelian Randomization Studies

STROBE checklist: Mendelian randomization studies should be accompanied by the completed STROBE checklist available at the STROBE-MR website.  The checklist should be uploaded as a “supplemental file for peer review.” Studies that do not comply with all the checklist requirements will not be considered.  The  checklist will not be transmitted to Production, should the manuscript be accepted.

Reporting of Steroid Hormone Measurements


Reporting Performance

Assay descriptions should include:

  • Calibration for clinical studies:
    • Reference standard used and the rationale for its use
    • Method for extrapolating measurements from the calibration dose-response data: linear or non-linear statistical/curved fitting methods should be described
    • Definition of the assay quantitation range, where accuracy is within 15% and precision <15% (except for lower limit of quantitation, see below)
  •  Accuracy for all studies:
    • Accuracy, defined as percent recovery of known amounts of analyte added to specimens
    • Linearity of response from serially diluted specimens
    • Bias with respect to a reference method or reference material. In the absence of reference methods or materials, comparison to an established method
  •  Sensitivity for all studies:
    • Lower limit of detection: lowest concentration generating a signal distinguishable from that generated by the zero calibrator or blank matrix [signal-to-noise ratio ≥ 5]
    • Lower limit of quantitation (accuracy within 20% and precision <20%) in blank matrix
  • Precision for all studies:
    • Assays coefficient of variation should be defined on data available over the time when the study was conducted
  • Stability and pre-analytical processing effects on measurement for all studies:
    • Stability of quality controls and specimens used to determine imprecision
    • A description of specimen handling (e.g., blood tube type) and storage procedures (e.g., freeze-thaw-cycles, duration and manner of sample storage)
  • Specificity for all studies:
    • Testing for matrix effects and information on the procedures undertaken to detect interference by potentially cross-reacting substances


For more details and insight from the Society, see this editorial on these instructions for the reporting of steroid hormone measurements. This editorial was published simultaneously in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Endocrinology, Molecular Endocrinology, and Endocrine Reviews. These instructions apply to all Endocrine Society journals.

Cell Line Authentication

The Endocrine Society’s editorial policy will concur with the ATCC® Standards Development Organization and ATCC® SDO workgroup suggestion to perform STR in the following circumstances:

  • when a cell line is received from an outside source (repository, other investigator)
  • for new established cultures
  • if many different cell lines are employed within a given laboratory

The identity of cell lines used in studies to be submitted for publication in the Endocrine Society journals should be confirmed and that confirmation indicated as part of the manuscript submission process. Alternative or supplemental authentication can be performed by DNA genetic analysis and/or fingerprinting, copy number variant or molecular karyotype/chromosomal analysis.

Phenotypic markers, such as thyroglobulin in differentiated thyroid cancer cell lines, may help characterize the source of cell lines. Authors should submit the date (month, year) when the authenticity was last confirmed. Use of RRIDs to identify cell lines is recommended: see Resource Deposits, below.

Genome-wide and Candidate Gene Studies

The fields of genetics and genomics are broad and range from evaluation of single variants in a candidate gene to hypothesis-free discovery science using genotyping and/or sequencing methods. Below are factors that should be considered in manuscripts submitted for review.

  • Genome-wide Studies: To ensure rigor in association studies that are based on genome-wide genotyping and to permit readers to assess their biological and clinical significance, submitted manuscripts should conform to the following study design criteria.
  • Sample Size and Multiple Testing: Studies should include sufficient samples to detect an effect. In addition, if multiple hypotheses and multiple analytic procedures are used, the interpretation of results should account for the influence of such multiple testing on biological or clinical significance.
  • Validation Samples: The most rigorous studies should include both a discovery sample and an independent validation sample, preferably from different populations.
  • Functional Data: Functional data strengthen association data if the functional assay(s) have demonstrable relevance to the associated phenotype or clinical heterogeneity. In some instances, association studies with a single testing sample set and highly relevant functional data may be acceptable without an independent validation series.
  • Negative Association Studies: Well-designed, robustly-powered and executed studies that demonstrate significant negative findings will be considered if the gene has been implicated in published prior association studies and there is clear relevance to disease pathogenesis or a phenotype of interest.
  • Candidate Gene or Biological Pathway Studies: To ensure rigor in focused studies of a single candidate gene (or variant) and hypothetical biological pathway, submitted manuscripts should provide novel and robustly powered findings that advance our knowledge of disease or phenotype etiology and/or clinical management. When a disease or phenotype of interest is due to variants in a previously identified gene, a replication will, to be considered, need to lead to a significant increase in understanding of the phenotype or patient management. Extension of single variant results in a candidate gene to a pathway defined by multiple genes needs to be carefully defined with respect to the resolution of the gene, the analytic approach, and the demonstration of the impact of the pathway.
  • Single Genetic Marker versus Whole Gene/Genome Studies: Single genetic marker studies are acceptable when the marker has strong prior claims for involvement in the phenotype of interest. However, it is desirable to examine genetic variation at least across and flanking the gene of interest.

Data Repositories and Data Registration

Clinical Trials Registration

Resource Deposits

Antibody and ELISA Requirements

  • Authors using antibodies for immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, western blots, immunoblots, immunoneutralization, or related methodology, including commercial ELISA kits, are required to ascertain whether each antibody or kit they use has a Research Resource Identifier (RRID) by consulting the Antibody Registry via the Resource Identification Portal. Search for your antibody or kit by catalog number in the search box and include the RRID information in parentheses where the resource is first described. Please hyperlink the RRID to the SciCrunch resolver, e.g. “Cyt C release was determined using Cyt C ELISA kit (Catalog # PA5-79119, RRID: AB_2746235).”
  • If there is no existing RRID for your antibody or kit, authors are required to register with the Antibody Registry and obtain an RRID no later than the revision stage of submission. In the revision, the RRID should be added in parentheses where the resource is first described.
  • For more information, see the Resource Identification Portal.

New Amino Acid or Nucleotide Sequences and New/Novel Compounds

Genomic, Proteomic, and Bioinformatic Papers

Extended Data Sets and Supplemental Materials

Author Services and Information

Language-Editing, Original Figure Preparation, and Related Services

The Endocrine Society and Oxford University Press have partnered with select providers of language editing and other support services to authors for manuscript preparation. Please note that use of these services is optional, is fee-based, and does not guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted. As an author you are under no obligation to take up this offer. Edited manuscripts will still undergo peer review by the journal.

The Endocrine Society has partnered with American Journal Experts (AJE) to help authors communicate their research. AJE is an independent vendor and handles all aspects of this service, including author payment. To access AJE’s services, please go to:

In addition, Oxford University Press partners with Enago, a leading provider of author services. Authors submitting to OUP journals are entitled to a discount of 30% for editing services at Enago, via the Specialist English Editing Services for Oxford University Press Authors page. Enago is an independent service provider, who will handle all aspects of this service, including author payment.  

Embargo Policy

Endocrine Reviews supports authors who wish to update their name and/or pronouns in their publication record, and unlike other article changes, will not require a correction notice with the update. If you would like to learn more about the name change process in Endocrine Reviews, please visit this page for more information.

Operations Policies

Editorial Office Archiving Procedures

The editorial office will retain all manuscripts and related documentation (correspondence, reviews, etc.) for 12 months following the date of publication or rejection.

Affirmation of Originality and Authorship  

Authors must affirm that the Work submitted for publication is original and has not been published other than as an abstract or preprint in any language or format and has not been submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication consideration.

Authors must also affirm that each person listed as authors participated in the Work in a substantive manner, in accordance with ICMJE authorship guidelines, and is prepared to take public responsibility for it. All authors consent to the investigation of any improprieties that may be alleged regarding the Work. Each author further releases and holds harmless the Endocrine Society from any claim or liability that may arise therefrom.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

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  • Disclosure Statement: AZ, BY, and CX have nothing to declare. DW was previously employed by Hormone Pharma and has equity interests in Secretory Devices, Inc.. EV is a consultant for Endo Experts, LLC. FW received lecture fees from Gland Enterprises. GT is an inventor on U.S. Patent 000-111-2222.
  • Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

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