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Editorial Board


D Jones, Queen's University of Belfast, UK


Reviews Editor

J Dressman, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität, Germany

Editorial Assistant

Sylvia Hales 

Editorial Board

A L Aarons, University of Manchester, UK
Z Ahmad, De Montford University, UK
C I Alvarez Lorenzo, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
G Andrews, Queen's University of Belfast, UK
J Barnes, University of Auckland, New Zealand
M Bebawy, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
M Biagi, University of Siena, Italy
S Boateng, University of Reading, UK
D Brocks, University of Alberta, Canada
G Brooks, Buckinghamshire New University, UK
S-Y Chan, University of Malaysia, Malaysia
R Cristofoletti, University of Florida, USA
C Dass, Curtin University, Australia
D Douroumis, University of Greenwich, UK
N Fotaki, University of Bath, UK
D J Greenblatt, Tufts University, USA
B Griffin, University College Cork, Ireland
M Heinrich, University of London, UK
G Hochhaus, University of Florida, USA
P Jansook, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
P G Jenner, Kings College London, UK
L Kang, The University of Sydney, Australia
A D Kinghorn, Ohio State University, USA
S Klein, Ernst Moritz Arndt University, Germany
S K Kulkarni, Panjab University, India
R Lai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
C B.S. Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
C Liew, Monash University, Malaysia
P J Little, RMIT University, Australia
D Markl, University of Strathclyde, UK
C McCoy, Queen's University of Belfast, UK
S McGinty, University of Glasgow, UK
A McLachlan, University of Sydney, Australia
N Medlicott, University of Otago, New Zealand
G Moss, Keele University, UK
A Müllertz, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
S Munusamy, Drake University, USA
L Nahar, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
J A, Nicolazzo, Monash University, Australia
K Ogungbenro, The University of Manchester, UK
H X Ong, The University of Sydney, Australia
L Padrela, University of Limerick, Ireland
K Park, Purdue University, USA
Y Perrie, Aston University, UK
T Rades, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
K D Rainsford, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
M Repka, University of Mississippi, USA
C. Reppas, University of Athens, Greece
V Sanjairaj, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi
S Sarker, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
J M Sforcin, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil
J Standing, University College London, UK
C Strachan, University of Helsinki, Finland
N Trevaskis, Monash University, Australia
M Vertzoni, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Z Vinarov, KU Leuven University, Belgium
M G Wacker, University of Singapore, Singapore
M Ward, University of South Australia, Australia
B Wu, Jinan University, China
K H Yuen, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
A Zeitler, University of Cambridge, UK
F F Zhou, The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy, Australia
Q Zhou, Purdue University, USA

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