• Corpus ID: 44113821

Blip: JIT and Footloose On The Edge

  title={Blip: JIT and Footloose On The Edge},
  author={Andrew Edmonds and Chris Woods and Ana Maria Juan Ferrer and Juan Ribera and Thomas Michael Bohnert},
The Blip concept is validated by demonstrating how it will deliver on the advantages of the Edge for a familiar scenario by removing the technical barriers which will inhibit the wider adoption Edge application development.

Service Mesh: Challenges, State of the Art, and Future Research Opportunities

A comprehensive review on the state of the art of Service Mesh is presented and the related challenges and its adoption are discussed and the opportunities for future research in this subject are highlighted.

PiCasso: A lightweight edge computing platform

PiCasso is introduced, a platform for lightweight service orchestration at the edges, and benchmarking results aimed at identifying the critical parameters that PiCasso needs to take into consideration are discussed, including load that a service can tolerate and the number of service instances that a device can host.

INDICES: Exploiting Edge Resources for Performance-Aware Cloud-Hosted Services

INDICES framework is proposed, providing a novel solution that determines when and to which MDC a service should be migrated to and thus provides the desired performance and empirical results validating the claims are presented.

State Management in Apache Flink®: Consistent Stateful Distributed Stream Processing

Flink's core pipelined, in-flight mechanism is presented which guarantees the creation of lightweight, consistent, distributed snapshots of application state, progressively, without impacting continuous execution, and the low performance trade-offs of the approach are demonstrated.

A Review of Auto-scaling Techniques for Elastic Applications in Cloud Environments

This work proposes a classification of techniques for automating application scaling in the cloud into five main categories: static threshold-based rules, control theory, reinforcement learning, queuing theory and time series analysis, and uses this classification to carry out a literature review of proposals.

Hierarchical distributed orchestration framework for multi-domain SDTNs

The experimental and mathematical results demonstrate that the proposed architecture has advantages that enable fast dissemination of the abstract inter-domain topological information and evenly distribute the path computation and provisioning burden among all COs, thereby resulting in high scalability and efficiency for the orchestration of heterogeneous SDTN controllers and transport network infrastructure.

A Performance Study on the VM Startup Time in the Cloud

This paper studies the startup time of cloud VMs across three real-world cloud providers -- Amazon EC2, Windows Azure and Rackspace and analyzes the relationship between the VM startup time and different factors, such as time of the day, OS image size, instance type, data center location and the number of instances acquired at the same time.

This Paper Is Included in the Proceedings of the 11th Usenix Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (nsdi '14). Clickos and the Art of Network Function Virtualization Clickos and the Art of Network Function Virtualization

This work introduces ClickOS, a high-performance, virtualized software mid-dlebox platform, and implements a wide range of middleboxes including a firewall, a carrier-grade NAT and a load balancer and shows that ClickOS can handle packets in the millions per second.

A virtual machine re-packing approach to the horizontal vs. vertical elasticity trade-off for cloud autoscaling

This work analyzes the price/performance effects achieved by different strategies for selecting VM-sizes for handling increasing load and proposes a cost-benefit based approach to determine when to (partly) replace a current set of VMs with a different set.

Stochastic Service Placement

This paper studies the approach to allocate just the right amount of resources and use additional more expensive mechanisms in case of overflow situations where demand exceeds the capacity and shows that it is significantly better than currently deployed methods.

Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels

Jitsu is presented, a new Xen toolstack that satisfies the demands of secure multitenant isolation on resource-constrained embedded ARM devices by using unikernels: lightweight, compact, single address space, memory-safe virtual machines (VMs) written in a high-level language.