ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a not-for-profit organisation that provides researchers with a unique and persistent digital identifier enabling researchers, research organisations, funders, and publishers to disambiguate researchers from one another. By embedding ORCiD iDs into key workflows researchers can link their professional activities and publications to their unique record; ensuring their scholarly contributions are properly attributed and permanently showcased.

Registration is free at orcid.org/register. It takes less than a minute and you only need to register once and can use your ORCID iD permanently.

BMJ has long supported the use of ORCID by integrating ORCID into our submission systems giving authors credit and recognising the importance of the reviewer community.

Associate your iD

To include your ORCID iD, simply add it to your account after you log in:

    1. In ScholarOne: go to your name at the top of the login screen and select from the drop down menu ‘Email / Name’.
    2. From the options on screen: select either ‘Create an ORCID iD’ or ‘Associate your existing ORCID iD’
    3. By registering or signing in: with your email and password, your iD will now be linked
ORCID for authors

Many BMJ journals mandate ORCID iDs for all submitting authors and strongly encourage co-authors and reviewers to associate their accounts. We display all iDs on the final article to promote discoverability and credit.

BMJ can also deposit iDs to Crossref where the ORCID record will be automatically updated upon article publication, provided the author has given permission for ORCID to do so. Find out more about ORCIDs automatic update functionality.

ORCID for reviewers

Many BMJ journals enable reviewers to share their activity by connecting their review to their ORCID account and gain recognition for their contributions, providing the reviewer has given ORCID permission to do so. For every review you submit you will be given the opportunity to opt in or out of this service.

Depending on the peer review model of the Journal, information about the review will be entered into the ORCID record:

    • Anonymised peer review: only the journal title will be entered into the ORCID record; there is no identification of the paper
    • Open peer review: information about the Journal, review and article will be uploaded (title, DOI, URL, etc)
