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As part of our efforts to make science more reproducible, we're working with Bio-protocol to link the protocols they host with research published at eLife. To request a protocol for an eLife paper that's not yet available on Bio-protocol, fill in the form below and they will send a request to the author.

If the author chooses to make it available, the Bio-protocol team will let you know via email and a link will be added to the eLife article. Learn more about requesting a protocol.

Please do not ask authors to share any details that are already available in the paper.
Protocol to request
Fear extinction
Research Article
A fear conditioned cue orchestrates a suite of behaviors in rats
Amanda Chu et al.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.82497
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This will add your question to a Q&A on the Bio-protocol journal's sister site, Bio-protocol Exchange, so that others can benefit from the discussion of this protocol.
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