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BuddyPress community & contribution

Published on June 23rd, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Last but not least! This is the final episode of our post series about the new direction we plan to take regarding the BuddyPress project. If you’re just discovering this series, we advise you to read about the 4 first episodes of it.

How should back-end & front-end BuddyPress Interfaces evolve?

Published on June 9th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

This is the number 4 of our post series about the new direction we plan to take regarding plugin maintenance and evolutions. Our first post was about shared our new purpose, the second one explained how we think we can better organize the BuddyPress plugin, and the third one dealt with BuddyPress’ next features. It’s […]

What new features will be coming to BuddyPress?

Published on May 17th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Hello, here‘s the third post of our series about the new direction we plan to take regarding plugin maintenance and evolutions. In our first post we shared with you our new purpose « Get together safely, in your own way, in WordPress »; in our second post we talked about how we think we can better organize the BuddyPress plugin. Let’s see how […]

Let’s better organize the BuddyPress plugin

Published on May 4th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Hi, here‘s the second post of our series about the new direction we plan to take regarding plugin maintenance and evolutions. In our first post we shared with you our new purpose « Get together safely, in your own way, in WordPress », let’s see how the feedback you shared with us here & there […]

BuddyPress has a new purpose

Published on April 27th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Hello! This post is the first in a series of five posts in which we’ll outline the new direction we plan to take regarding plugin maintenance and evolutions. After some introductory words, we‘ll focus on the new BuddyPress purpose that I believe we should adopt for years to come. We haven‘t forgotten that, at the […]

Let’s talk about us, BuddyPress!

Published on September 27th, 2022 by Mathieu Viet

First, the facts. After reaching a result of ~245k WordPress sites using actively BuddyPress at the end of 2019, the “active installations” statistic (the one which is displayed in the sidebar of our plugin’s page on the official WordPress Plugin Directory), has been decreasing progressively and recently fell just below 200k. As the Plugin directory […]

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