Legal History


The Legal History certificate considers how law works around the world by studying legal histories outside of the US. This historical exploration introduces the ways in which law influences society and the ways in which society influences law.

About this Program

Certificates must comply with the Certificate Policy.

Department Information

Undergraduate students in the Department of History have a number of ways of enhancing their experience: from completing a senior thesis in conjunction with the Honors Program, or by participating in a study abroad program. The graduate program is home to a number of fields: African History, European History, Latin American History, and United States History.


Email | 352.392.0271 (tel) | 352.392.6927 (fax)

P.O. Box 117320


The certificate is open to non-majors while majors may obtain a specialization in legal history.  Students minoring in history are eligible for the certificate so long as none of their certificate courses are counted towards their minor.

Required Courses

Group A course3
Constitutional History of the United States to 1877
Constitutional History of the United States Since 1877
United States Legal History
Crime and Punishment in American History
Origins of the US Constitution
Group B course3
Special Topics in European History (Inquisitions)
Special Topics in European History (The Holocaust in the Courtroom )
Special Topics in Latin American History (Crime and Criminality in the Americas )
History of Human Rights
Group A or Group B course 13
Total Credits9

In addition to these courses, the undergraduate coordinator may authorize substitute courses.


Course not previously taken.

