2023-24 Edition

Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S.

UCI’s undergraduate degree in pharmaceutical sciences is among the top-10 pharmaceutical sciences departments in the nation. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program trains students in a multidisciplinary approach so that they can contribute to the advancement of new pharmaceutical technologies such as accelerated chemical synthesis, molecular-based assays using cloned enzymes, biopharmaceutical techniques, novel diagnostics, computational chemistry, and gene therapies. Pharmaceutical scientists are rapidly changing the field of drug discovery and development. The graduates of this program may seek employment in public and private sectors or choose to pursue graduate degrees such as a Ph.D., M.D., or Pharm.D., as well as many others.

Undergraduate Honors. Honors at graduation, e.g., cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude, are awarded to approximately the top 16 percent of the graduating seniors. To be eligible for honors, a general criterion is that students must have completed at least 72 units in residence at a University of California campus. For more information, please visit the Latin Honors page.

Students may be admitted to the Pharmaceutical Sciences major upon entering the University as freshmen, via change of major petition, or as transfer students from other colleges and universities.

Information about change-of-major policies is available in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences office and at the UCI Change of Major Criteria website.

Transfer Students: All applicants must have completed the following required courses with a grade of B- or better in all courses: one year of general chemistry with laboratory equivalent to UCI's CHEM 1A-CHEM 1B-CHEM 1C and CHEM 1LC-CHEM 1LD AND one year of organic chemistry with laboratory equivalent to UCI’s CHEM 51A-CHEM 51B-CHEM 51C and CHEM 51LB-CHEM 51LC-CHEM 51LD. Transfer students must also complete two years of biology courses equivalent to UCI’s BIO SCI 93, BIO SCI 94, BIO SCI 97, BIO SCI 98, and BIO SCI 99.  Moreover, all transfer applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. Additional courses that are recommended, but not required: one year of calculus and one year of calculus-based physics.

All students must meet the University Requirements.
Major Requirements
A. Lower-Division Requirements:
1. Select one of the following sequences:
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
Honors General Chemistry
and Honors General Chemistry
and Honors General Chemistry
and select one of the following lab sequences:
General Chemistry Laboratory
and General Chemistry Laboratory
Honors General Chemistry Laboratory
and Honors General Chemistry Laboratory
and Honors General Chemistry Laboratory
Majors General Chemistry Laboratory
and Majors General Chemistry Laboratory
and Majors Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Complete the following organic chemistry sequence and accompanying labs:
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry 3
Organic Chemistry Laboratory
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
2. Complete:
MATH 2A- 2B Single-Variable Calculus I
and Single-Variable Calculus II
and select one of the following:
Multivariable Calculus I
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Basic Statistics
Introduction to Biological Statistics
3. Select one of the following physics sequences:
Basic Physics I
and Basic Physics II
and Basic Physics III
Classical Physics
and Classical Physics
and Classical Physics
4. Complete:
BIO SCI 93 From DNA to Organisms
BIO SCI 94 From Organisms to Ecosystems
BIO SCI 97 Genetics
BIO SCI 98 Biochemistry
BIO SCI 99 Molecular Biology
5. Complete: 2
PHRMSCI 1 New Student Seminar
PHRMSCI 42 Life 101
PHRMSCI 76 Ethical Conduct of Research
B. Upper-Division Requirements:
BIO SCI 100 Scientific Writing
BIO SCI E109 Human Physiology
PHRMSCI 170A- 170B Molecular Pharmacology I
and Molecular Pharmacology II 2
PHRMSCI 171 Physical Biochemistry 2
PHRMSCI 172 Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2
PHRMSCI 173 Pharmacotherapy 2
PHRMSCI 174- 174L Biopharmaceutics and Nanomedicine
and Biopharmaceutics and Nanomedicine Lab 2
PHRMSCI 177- 177L Medicinal Chemistry
and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory 2
C. Upper-Division Electives (8 units):
The upper-division electives may be selected from the following: 1,2
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Developmental and Cell Biology Laboratory
Human Anatomy
Eukaryotic and Human Genetics
Genomics, Development, and Medicine
Applied Human Anatomy
The Physiology of Human Nutrition
Writing/Philosophy of Biology
Environmental Ethics
Advanced Biochemistry
Biochemistry Laboratory
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Experimental Microbiology Laboratory
Immunology with Hematology
General Microbiology
Introduction to Computational Biology
Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity
Molecular Biology of Cancer
Microbial Genetics
Human Parasitology
Cell Organelles and Membranes
Neurobiology and Behavior
Neurobiology Laboratory
Molecular Neurobiology
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Chemical Biology
Introduction to Chemical Biology Laboratory Techniques
Introduction to Computational Organic Chemistry
Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry and Synthesis of Materials
Organic Synthesis Laboratory

Course may not be used to satisfy more than one requirement.


Courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.


Courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better by winter quarter of the second year.

Upper-Division Writing Requirement: Pharmaceutical Sciences majors satisfy the upper-division writing requirement by completing BIO SCI 100 with a grade of C- or better, followed by the completion of PHRMSCI 174L and PHRMSCI 177L.

NOTE: Double majors with Pharmaceutical Sciences, Public Health Sciences, Nursing Science, Biomedical Engineering: Premedical, or with any of the School of Biological Sciences majors are not permitted.

Fall Winter Spring
PHRMSCI 1General EducationGeneral Education
General Education  
Fall Winter Spring
PHRMSCI 42General EducationPHRMSCI 3
  General Education
Fall Winter Spring
BIO SCI 100General EducationElective
CHEM 51LDUpper-Division ElectivePHRMSCI 173
Fall Winter Spring
PHRMSCI 171PHRMSCI 177- 177LGeneral Education
PHRMSCI 174- 174LGeneral EducationUpper-Division Elective
General EducationSTATS 7, 8, MATH 2D, or MATH 3APHRMSCI 76