Addressing Childhood Obesity through Translational Research

The Harvard Catalyst Community Health Innovation and Research Program (CHIRP) sponsored this pilot grant opportunity in collaboration with Harvard Catalyst’s Child Health Committee and Health Disparities Research Program. This pilot grant opportunity seeks to engage a broad range of policy, public health, clinical, and other investigators from across the Harvard community, and will provide seed money for interdisciplinary translational research to prevent and treat childhood obesity.

This 2013 request for applications (RFA) sought proposals that addressed one or more of eight specific research priority areas:

  • Research and evaluation on socio-cultural aspects of the food and physical activity environment
  • Research on childhood obesity development, transitions, and life-course
  • Research and evaluation on reducing the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Technology, research, or tool/resource development that can contribute to a reduction in childhood obesity
  • Research in pediatric clinical interventions
  • Research and evaluation of policies and other interventions in families, early childhood settings, and schools
  • Strengthening capacity of state and city systems to implement and evaluate evidence based policy and its integration within community-based public health

This funding opportunity was open to investigators who held Harvard University appointments at the assistant professor, associate professor, or professor level; or had the approval of their department chair. At least one co-investigator was required on each application and proposals were required to be collaborative and interdisciplinary.

Three pilot grants were awarded in amounts of up to $50,000 for each one-year project. Funding decisions for the Addressing Childhood Obesity through Translational Research pilot grants were announced in May of 2013.



Kirsten Davison, PhD | What about Dads? First Steps to Engaging Fathers in Childhood Obesity Prevention
Michele Lamont, PhD | Cultural Influences on Parents’ Food Decisions
Anne Thorndike, MD, MPH | Randomized Trial of Financial Incentives to Reduce Sugar-sweetened Beverage Purchases with SNAP