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Many residential building models on a hill

Smart Spaces & IoT

Real-time IoT data

IoT data analysis can digitally transform our personal, public, and work spaces for the better, from maximizing an apartment building's energy efficiency to reducing a factory's downtime. Use the Cesium platform to visualize and understand your IoT sensor data in its precise 3D geospatial context. Perform analysis in real-time as data flows in, and rewind the clock to analyze past events. The Cesium platform can help you make sense of your data in any space, whether in orbit above Earth, in a city, underground, or at sea.

Success stories

Cesium gives your data 3D geospatial context

Build better with the Cesium platform

View of construction site from above showing how site has changed over time

Provide deeper insight and more accurate analytics by visualizing in 3D geospatial. Build with CesiumJS to create web-based apps that work on any device, or create your world in UE with Cesium for Unreal.

Use sensor data and 3D models to animate 3D analytics and to better understand how the present compares to the past and possible futures.

Red Bull X-Alps 2019

Combine your models with global 3D content like Cesium World Terrain, and stream from Cesium ion to create a virtual replica of your connected spaces.

Cesium is the platform for 3D geospatial
