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Free Speech Education Team Request

This form should be completed by individuals or groups interested in meeting with members of the Free Speech Education Team to discuss the logistics of planning and implementing a demonstration or protest on campus in compliance with University policies and procedures, local, state, and federal laws.

 To report emergencies taking place during a demonstration or protest please call 911. To report behavior that you would like reviewed, please complete this form.

The Demonstration and Protest Procedures can be found here.

Background Information

Email address must be of a valid format.
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This field is required.

Involved Parties

Please list individuals or groups planning the demonstration or protest.

Involved party 1


Please answer the following questions to help the Free Speech Education Team provide you with the most relevant infomation.

This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

If there are matierals you would like the Free Speech Education Team to review, please attached them here. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.

