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Questions tagged [formal-languages]

Questions related to formal languages, grammars, and automata theory

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Is the language of an equal number of as bs and cs context free?

The following question appears in my textbook. Is the language, $L$, of all words over $Σ=\{a,b,c\}$ that have the same number of $a$'s $b$'s and $c$'s context free? $L = \{abc,\ cba,\ cbacab,\ ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Is the language of an equal number of as and bs followed by any number of cs context free?

Consider the language $L=\{a^n b^n c^m \mid n, m \in\{1,2,3\ldots\}\}$. Note that $n$ is not necessarily equal to $m$. Prove whether or not this language is context free. I believe that it is context ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Effect of slight modification to LL(1) parse table generation

I am experimenting with LL(1) parsers that do not use a separate lexer. I have the following grammar: S = (('<' S '>' | 'a'+) ' '?)+ The notation uses ' ...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Is garbage state necessary in DFA that enforces a particular input combination?

If I have the regex 1(0+1)* for example, then should my DFA have an arrow leading away from the starting state for when the first input is 0? I see that this regex enforces a 1 as the first input. I ...
mike's user avatar
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Is it possible to have intersection of L1 and L2 DFA contain states with no input edge?

I am doing a HW problem where I have L1 and L2. I did the product construction method to produce all the new states of the DFA representing L1 and L2 (the number of states in L1 times the number of ...
mike's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are Context-Free languages closed under XOR?

First, let's generalize the notion of XOR on strings over the ${0,1}$ alphabet. For strings of the same length, the XOR is the bitwise XOR. For strings of different lengths, we define $ \text{xor}(w, \...
Toobatf's user avatar
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Does a Moore Machine always require an output for start state?

My lecture notes show all moore machines as having an output even for q0, the starting state. This video shows a Moore machine without an output for its starting state. I understand that all Moore ...
mike's user avatar
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Prove L = { $c^m$ $a^{2k}$ $b^{n+3}$ | m >= 8, n >= k >= 1} is not regular using pumping lemma

I have to prove that L = { $c^m$ $a^{2k}$ $b^{n+3}$ | m >= 8, n >= k >= 1} is not regular using the pumping lemma. I was thinking that I should take L1 = { $c^m$ $a^{2n}$ $b^{n+3}$ | m >= ...
sharp_pencil's user avatar
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How to formally prove that any regular expression can be written as a finite combination of base cases and operations?

In Michael Sipser's book, "Introduction to the Theory of Computation," regular expressions are defined as follows: Based on this definition, how can I formally prove that any regular ...
Vegetal605's user avatar
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Kleene star of any unary language is regular

I want to prove: Let $L \subseteq \Sigma^*$. If $\Sigma=\{a\}$, then $L^*$ is regular. I found this answer: Kleene star of an infinite unary language always yields a regular language. But I do not ...
shinichi's user avatar
2 votes
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Counting words in an unambiguous context-free grammar

Given an unambigious context-free grammar $G = (\Sigma, V, \mathcal R, S)$, is there a polynomial-time algorithm that calculates $|L(G)|$ (including the case where $|L(G)|$ is infinite)? The rough ...
Olly Britton's user avatar
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Is the following language decidable?

Please confirm if my understanding of the below question, and my answer is correct. Is the following language decidable? Justify your answer. $L = \{\langle M_1,M_2\rangle \mid L(M_1) \cup L(M_2) = \...
Mike Q's user avatar
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Derivation for BNF

Given a grammar for something like: h(x) or function(x) ...
User's user avatar
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Help regarding a proof in which i am able to prove a regular language $(a(a+b)*)$ as irregular using pumping lemma

I have a regular language $a(a+b)^*$ to which i applied pumping lemma. Let the pumping length be $'p'$ and the example string be $$w=a(a+b)^{p-1}$$. The string satisfies the condition that it is at ...
Dhruv's user avatar
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transforming a grammar from EBNF to LL(2)

I have a grammar in EBNF and want to transform it into an LL(2) grammar. Should I omit A -> empty string ? And is there a scheme I can follow? So far I would ...
peterparker's user avatar

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