Table of Contents

January 2013; 5 (1)


Developmental Biology

  • Endochondral ossification produces bone via a cartilage intermediate. Key extracellular signals (e.g., bone morphogenetic proteins), their receptors, and transcription factors (e.g., SOX9) are essential for this process.


Molecular Biology

  • A single polyploid nucleus is produced when a cell undergoes multiple S phases without entering mitosis. This process of endoreplication is similar in mammals, insects, and plants, although there are species-specific differences.

  • Simple direct repair mechanisms can fix DNA damage without breaking the DNA backbone. These essentially error-free processes include photolyase-, alkyltransferase-, and dioxygenase-mediated mechanisms.

  • High-throughput technologies and bioinformatics tools have revealed how translational control mechanisms substantially affect gene expression and protein levels on a global scale.

Cell Biology

  • The Golgi and ER are temporally and spatially linked. Mass spectrometry and hierarchical clustering algorithms offer new insights into the localization and function of their proteins.

  • If lysosomal membranes are disturbed, the hydrolases released into the cytosol can initiate apoptosis. Harnessing or interfering with the lysosomal apoptotic pathway may have therapeutic potential (e.g., in cancer).

  • During apoptosis, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) causes the activation of proapoptotic effectors (Bax and Bak). It is controlled by Bcl-2 family members and possibly mitochondrial factors.

Cell Signaling

  • β-Catenin is degraded in the absence of a Wnt stimulus. Although the functions of the core components of the multiprotein β-catenin destruction complex are generally known, the role of APC is unclear.

  • Phagocytes recognize dead cells through “find me” (e.g., fractalkine) and “eat me” (e.g., phosphatidylserine) signals. Signaling events within phagocytes then control the internalization and digestion of the dead cells.

Developmental Biology

  • Wnt signaling plays a dual role in vertebrate axis specification. It helps specify the dorsoventral axis soon after egg fertilization and the anteroposterior axis later in embryogenesis.

Molecular Pathology

  • In ethylmalonic encephalopathy, sulfide intermediates are not degraded properly. Sulfides build up and inhibit cytochrome c oxidase, the last enzyme in the mitochondrial electron-transport chain.


  • Epstein–Barr virus has infected more than 6.5 billion people in the world. It has distinct modes of replication.

  • Viruses commandeer and control translation in the host cell. Mechanisms range from manipulating key translation factors to using cis-acting elements that recruit ribosomes or modify genome-coding capacity.

  • An ideal conduit for certain viruses to enter the cytosol is the ER-to-cytosol retro-translocation machinery in the ER. Furthermore, budding at the ER membrane plays a role during viral replication and assembly.


Cell Signaling

  • Toll-like receptors sense pathogen-associated molecular patterns (e.g., lipopolysaccharides) and trigger gene-expression changes that ultimately eradicate the invading microbes.


From Perspectives in Medicine

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