Training and events

Data protection training for all staff is available through People & Money, events will be listed on the SharePoint site

Under the University's Data Protection Policy, all staff have responsibility for data protection compliance in their day-to-day work. To keep up to date with these responsibilities, staff must complete the University's mandatory data protection training module.

Academics conducting research and the research support staff members must also complete the additional module “Data Protection for Research”. 

Both courses are available through People & Money. 

How to enroll in Data Protection Essentials:

Staff Members:

Data Protection Essentials - self paced

How to enroll in Data Protection for Research: 

Staff Members: 

Data Protection for Research - self-paced 


Research Students:

All research students have been auto-enrolled in the 'Data Protection Essentials' and 'Data Protection for Research' course on Learn Ultra.

Please note: The Learn platform has now been decommissioned and all student courses are in Learn Ultra.

All Visitors and other Non People & Money Users:

Please go to the subpage 'Data Protection Essentials for non P&M users':

Data Protection Essentials for non P&M users

Accessibility needs

Every attempt has been made to ensure this course is as accessible as possible in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2. However, if for any reason related to a disability you are unable to complete this online training, please contact the Data Protection Officer on or phone 0131 651 4114 to arrange an alternative method of delivery.


Events for the Data Protection Champions and others will be listed in the Newsfeed of the Data Protection SharePoint site. 


Tailored briefings

How to arrange a tailored briefing.

Briefings can be arranged to discuss any aspect of data protection, and can be tailored to the needs of your audience.

The briefing may be a stand-alone event, or it can take place as part of a wider school meeting or existing departmental training session.

The length of time you choose to allocate for briefings is very flexible and can vary from 10 minutes to two hours. For example, it can be comprised of a short 10-minute presentation with a 20-minute question and answer session or vice versa.

You may want a briefing for your unit if:

  • Your colleagues have questions about data protection topics
  • A refresher or awareness raising session would be helpful
  • You would like a briefing for your area on any data protection issue

The DPO is happy to hold a session of any length. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.