The Symptom Ontology has been developed as a standardized ontology for symptoms of human diseases. Symptom Ontology 03:05:2019 13:30 symptoms 1.2 lschriml symptoms RO:0001901 Cellulitis is a musculoskeletal system symptom characterized as a diffuse and especially subcutaneous inflammation of connective tissue. symptoms SYMP:0000000 doid/symp duplicate Cellulitis is a musculoskeletal system symptom characterized as a diffuse and especially subcutaneous inflammation of connective tissue. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000001 symptoms SYMP:0000002 symptoms SYMP:0000003 true symptoms SYMP:0000004 true Ataxia is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by an inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements that is symptomatic of some nervous disorders. uncoordination symptoms SYMP:0000005 Ataxia is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by an inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements that is symptomatic of some nervous disorders. URL: Backache is a pain occurring in the lower back. back pain symptoms SYMP:0000006 Backache is a pain occurring in the lower back. URL: A general symptom that is characterized as an act, instance, or result of being bled or the process by which something is bled: as a the escape of blood from vessels. symptoms SYMP:0000007 A general symptom that is characterized as an act, instance, or result of being bled or the process by which something is bled: as a the escape of blood from vessels. url: symptoms SYMP:0000008 doid/symp duplicate Blister is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a fluid-filled elevation of the epidermis. blister symptoms SYMP:0000009 Blister is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a fluid-filled elevation of the epidermis. url: symptoms SYMP:0000010 true symptoms SYMP:0000011 true symptoms SYMP:0000012 true symptoms SYMP:0000013 true symptoms SYMP:0000014 true symptoms SYMP:0000015 Confusion is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a disturbance of consciousness characterized by inability to engage in orderly thought or by lack of power to distinguish, choose, or act decisively. symptoms SYMP:0000016 Confusion is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a disturbance of consciousness characterized by inability to engage in orderly thought or by lack of power to distinguish, choose, or act decisively. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000017 symptoms SYMP:0000018 symptoms SYMP:0000019 Dehydration is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by an abnormal depletion of body fluids. symptoms SYMP:0000020 Dehydration is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by an abnormal depletion of body fluids. url: Delirium is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations. symptoms SYMP:0000021 Delirium is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000022 Disorientation is a confusion characterized by a usually transient state of confusion especially as to time, place, or identity often as a result of disease or drugs. symptoms SYMP:0000023 Disorientation is a confusion characterized by a usually transient state of confusion especially as to time, place, or identity often as a result of disease or drugs. URL: drowsy somnolence symptoms SYMP:0000024 symptoms SYMP:0000025 symptoms SYMP:0000026 true symptoms SYMP:0000027 true abnormal protrusion of the eyeball symptoms SYMP:0000028 true symptoms SYMP:0000029 true Paralysis is a nervous system symptom characterized by a complete or partial loss of function especially when involving the power of motion or of sensation in any part of the body. symptoms SYMP:0000030 Paralysis is a nervous system symptom characterized by a complete or partial loss of function especially when involving the power of motion or of sensation in any part of the body. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000031 true symptoms SYMP:0000032 symptoms SYMP:0000033 symptoms SYMP:0000034 true symptoms SYMP:0000035 true haemorrhagic gastroenteritis symptoms SYMP:0000036 symptoms SYMP:0000037 true symptoms SYMP:0000038 Enteritis is a digestive system symptom involving the inflammation of the small intestines and especially of the human ileum. symptoms SYMP:0000039 Enteritis is a digestive system symptom involving the inflammation of the small intestines and especially of the human ileum. URL: URL: A urinary system symptom characterized by the presence of blood or blood cells in the urine. symptoms SYMP:0000040 A urinary system symptom characterized by the presence of blood or blood cells in the urine. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000041 symptoms SYMP:0000042 true symptoms SYMP:0000043 true symptoms SYMP:0000044 true symptoms SYMP:0000045 symptoms SYMP:0000046 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000047 symptoms SYMP:0000048 true hindlimb paralysis symptoms SYMP:0000049 true symptoms SYMP:0000050 true symptoms SYMP:0000051 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000052 true symptoms SYMP:0000053 true symptoms SYMP:0000054 symptoms SYMP:0000055 true Hyperpigmentation is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an excess pigmentation in a bodily part or tissue, as the skin. symptoms SYMP:0000056 Hyperpigmentation is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an excess pigmentation in a bodily part or tissue, as the skin. URL: han symptoms SYMP:0000057 true symptoms SYMP:0000058 symptoms SYMP:0000059 symptoms SYMP:0000060 true Inflammation is a general symptom where there is a local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, pain, swelling, and often loss of function and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue. symptoms SYMP:0000061 Inflammation is a general symptom where there is a local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, pain, swelling, and often loss of function and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000062 true symptoms SYMP:0000063 arthralgia arthromyalgia symptoms SYMP:0000064 symptoms SYMP:0000065 true symptoms SYMP:0000066 symptoms SYMP:0000067 true symptoms SYMP:0000068 doid/symp duplicate larynx and trachea inflammation symptoms SYMP:0000069 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000070 symptoms SYMP:0000071 true symptoms SYMP:0000072 true symptoms SYMP:0000073 true symptoms SYMP:0000074 Lethargy is a fatigue characterized as abnormal drowsiness. symptoms SYMP:0000075 Lethargy is a fatigue characterized as abnormal drowsiness. URL: languid symptoms SYMP:0000076 symptoms SYMP:0000077 true symptoms SYMP:0000078 true symptoms SYMP:0000079 symptoms SYMP:0000080 true symptoms SYMP:0000081 true symptoms SYMP:0000082 symptoms SYMP:0000083 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000084 symptoms SYMP:0000085 true symptoms SYMP:0000086 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000087 symptoms SYMP:0000088 true Meningoencephalitis is a nervous system symptom characterized as an inflammation of the brain and meninges. symptoms SYMP:0000089 doid/symp duplicate Meningoencephalitis is a nervous system symptom characterized as an inflammation of the brain and meninges. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000090 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000091 Skin lesion is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an abnormal change in structure of the skin that is especially circumscribed and well defined due to injury or disease. symptoms SYMP:0000092 Skin lesion is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an abnormal change in structure of the skin that is especially circumscribed and well defined due to injury or disease. url: symptoms SYMP:0000093 symptoms SYMP:0000094 symptoms SYMP:0000095 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000096 true symptoms SYMP:0000097 true Nephritis is a urinary system symptom characterized by the acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney affecting the structure (as of the glomerulus or parenchyma) and caused by infection, a degenerative process, or vascular disease. symptoms SYMP:0000098 doid/symp duplicate Nephritis is a urinary system symptom characterized by the acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney affecting the structure (as of the glomerulus or parenchyma) and caused by infection, a degenerative process, or vascular disease. URL: A sensation perception where there is an unpleasant sensation that usually indicates the body is threatened or damaged. The sensation may be sharp or dull, short-lived or chronic, intermittent or continual, confined to one area or spread over the entire body. symptoms SYMP:0000099 A sensation perception where there is an unpleasant sensation that usually indicates the body is threatened or damaged. The sensation may be sharp or dull, short-lived or chronic, intermittent or continual, confined to one area or spread over the entire body. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000100 paresis symptoms SYMP:0000101 true Peritonitis is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an inflammation of the peritoneum. symptoms SYMP:0000102 doid/symp duplicate Peritonitis is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an inflammation of the peritoneum. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000103 true symptoms SYMP:0000104 true symptoms SYMP:0000105 true symptoms SYMP:0000106 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an exudation of fluid from the blood or lymph into a pleural cavity. symptoms SYMP:0000107 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an exudation of fluid from the blood or lymph into a pleural cavity. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000108 true symptoms SYMP:0000109 symptoms SYMP:0000110 true symptoms SYMP:0000111 true symptoms SYMP:0000112 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000113 true symptoms SYMP:0000114 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000115 true Prostration is a general symptom characterized by complete physical or mental exhaustion. symptoms SYMP:0000116 Prostration is a general symptom characterized by complete physical or mental exhaustion. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000117 true Rales is a abnormal chest sound characterized by the clicking, rattling, or crackling noises heard on auscultation of (listening to) the lung with a stethoscope during inhalation. The sounds are caused by the "popping open" of small airways and alveoli collapsed by fluid, exudate, or lack of aeration during expiration. The word "rales" derives from the French word rale meaning "rattle". Rales can be heard in patients with pneumonia, atelectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, acute bronchitis, or bronchiectasis. Pulmonary edema secondary to left-sided congestive heart failure can also cause rales. crackles crepitations symptoms SYMP:0000118 Rales is a abnormal chest sound characterized by the clicking, rattling, or crackling noises heard on auscultation of (listening to) the lung with a stethoscope during inhalation. The sounds are caused by the "popping open" of small airways and alveoli collapsed by fluid, exudate, or lack of aeration during expiration. The word "rales" derives from the French word rale meaning "rattle". Rales can be heard in patients with pneumonia, atelectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, acute bronchitis, or bronchiectasis. Pulmonary edema secondary to left-sided congestive heart failure can also cause rales. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000119 true symptoms SYMP:0000120 true symptoms SYMP:0000121 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000122 true symptoms SYMP:0000123 true seizure symptoms SYMP:0000124 symptoms SYMP:0000125 symptoms SYMP:0000126 true intense back pain symptoms SYMP:0000127 symptoms SYMP:0000128 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000129 symptoms SYMP:0000130 intense join pain symptoms SYMP:0000131 Necrosis is a general symptom where death of a portion of tissue differentially affected by local injury (as loss of blood supply, corrosion, burning, or the local lesion of a disease). symptoms SYMP:0000132 Necrosis is a general symptom where death of a portion of tissue differentially affected by local injury (as loss of blood supply, corrosion, burning, or the local lesion of a disease). URL: symptoms SYMP:0000133 symptoms SYMP:0000134 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000135 true Skin ulcer is a skin lesion characterized as a break in skin with loss of surface tissue, disintegration and necrosis of epithelial tissue, and often pus. symptoms SYMP:0000136 Skin ulcer is a skin lesion characterized as a break in skin with loss of surface tissue, disintegration and necrosis of epithelial tissue, and often pus. url: symptoms SYMP:0000137 true symptoms SYMP:0000138 true Sneezing is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a sudden violent spasmodic audible expiration of breath through the nose and mouth especially as a reflex act following irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. symptoms SYMP:0000139 Sneezing is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a sudden violent spasmodic audible expiration of breath through the nose and mouth especially as a reflex act following irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000140 true symptoms SYMP:0000141 symptoms SYMP:0000142 true symptoms SYMP:0000143 true bronchial pneumonia lobular pneumonia symptoms SYMP:0000144 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000145 true fecal symptoms SYMP:0000146 symptoms SYMP:0000147 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000148 true symptoms SYMP:0000149 true symptoms SYMP:0000150 true symptoms SYMP:0000151 true symptoms SYMP:0000152 true symptoms SYMP:0000153 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000154 true symptoms SYMP:0000155 true Thirst is a general symptom characterized by a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids. symptoms SYMP:0000156 Thirst is a general symptom characterized by a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000157 symptoms SYMP:0000158 symptoms SYMP:0000159 true symptoms SYMP:0000160 symptoms SYMP:0000161 true Tremor is a generial symptom characterized by a trembling or shaking usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease. symptoms SYMP:0000162 Tremor is a generial symptom characterized by a trembling or shaking usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000163 true symptoms SYMP:0000164 symptoms SYMP:0000165 true symptoms SYMP:0000166 true symptoms SYMP:0000167 true symptoms SYMP:0000168 true symptoms SYMP:0000169 true symptoms SYMP:0000170 true symptoms SYMP:0000171 true symptoms SYMP:0000172 true cold sore symptoms SYMP:0000173 true Wasting is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by the unintended loss of weight and lean body tissue characteristic of many diseases (as cancer, tuberculosis, and AIDS). symptoms SYMP:0000174 Wasting is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by the unintended loss of weight and lean body tissue characteristic of many diseases (as cancer, tuberculosis, and AIDS). URL: symptoms SYMP:0000175 true symptoms SYMP:0000176 true symptoms SYMP:0000177 symptoms SYMP:0000178 symptoms SYMP:0000179 true symptoms SYMP:0000180 symptoms SYMP:0000181 true buboes symptoms SYMP:0000182 symptoms SYMP:0000183 symptoms SYMP:0000184 symptoms SYMP:0000185 symptoms SYMP:0000186 Synonym of fatigue perhaps ? symptoms SYMP:0000187 symptoms SYMP:0000188 symptoms SYMP:0000189 symptoms SYMP:0000190 symptoms SYMP:0000191 true symptoms SYMP:0000192 true symptoms SYMP:0000193 symptoms SYMP:0000194 symptoms SYMP:0000195 symptoms SYMP:0000196 Abortion is a reproductive system symptom resulting in the expulsion of a fetus of a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy. infectious abortion symptoms SYMP:0000197 Abortion is a reproductive system symptom resulting in the expulsion of a fetus of a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy. URL: Miscarriage is a reproductive system symptom characterized by the spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation. symptoms SYMP:0000198 Miscarriage is a reproductive system symptom characterized by the spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation. URL: Spontaneous abortion is a abortion characterized by the naturally occurring expulsion of a nonviable fetus. symptoms SYMP:0000199 Spontaneous abortion is a abortion characterized by the naturally occurring expulsion of a nonviable fetus. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000200 symptoms SYMP:0000201 symptoms SYMP:0000202 symptoms SYMP:0000203 true symptoms SYMP:0000204 true symptoms SYMP:0000205 symptoms SYMP:0000206 Afebrile is a fever that is characterized as the state of being free from fever. symptoms SYMP:0000207 Afebrile is a fever that is characterized as the state of being free from fever. URL: anaemia symptoms SYMP:0000208 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000209 light intolerance symptoms SYMP:0000210 eye weakness rapid eye fatigue symptoms SYMP:0000211 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000212 Agraphia is a aphasia where there is a pathological loss of the ability to write. inability to write symptoms SYMP:0000213 Agraphia is a aphasia where there is a pathological loss of the ability to write. URL: Anomia is a aphasia characterized by a severe problem with recalling words or names. amnesic aphasia amnestic aphasia anomic aphasia inability to name objects nominal aphasia symptoms SYMP:0000214 Anomia is a aphasia characterized by a severe problem with recalling words or names. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000215 symptoms SYMP:0000216 symptoms SYMP:0000217 symptoms SYMP:0000218 Receptive aphasia is a inability to comprehend speech characterized by an inability to understand spoken, written, or tactile speech symbols that results from damage (as by a brain lesion) to an area of the brain (as Wernicke's area) concerned with language. Wernicke's aphasia fluent aphasia inability to perceive pitch, rhythm, and emotional tone of speech sensory aphasia symptoms SYMP:0000219 Receptive aphasia is a inability to comprehend speech characterized by an inability to understand spoken, written, or tactile speech symbols that results from damage (as by a brain lesion) to an area of the brain (as Wernicke's area) concerned with language. URL: absence of neurological reflexes symptoms SYMP:0000220 symptoms SYMP:0000221 extremities weakness symptoms SYMP:0000222 symptoms SYMP:0000223 symptoms SYMP:0000224 loss of strength symptoms SYMP:0000225 doid/symp duplicate A cardiac fibrillation consisting of a very rapid uncoordinated contractions of the atria of the heart resulting in a lack of synchronism between heartbeat and pulse beat. AF a-fib auricular fibrillation symptoms SYMP:0000226 doid/symp duplicate A cardiac fibrillation consisting of a very rapid uncoordinated contractions of the atria of the heart resulting in a lack of synchronism between heartbeat and pulse beat. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000227 symptoms SYMP:0000228 blood in stool symptoms SYMP:0000229 symptoms SYMP:0000230 Bradycardia is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of a relatively slow heart action whether physiological or pathological. symptoms SYMP:0000231 Bradycardia is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of a relatively slow heart action whether physiological or pathological. URL: Bronchiolitis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an inflammation of the bronchioles. bronchioles inflammation symptoms SYMP:0000232 doid/symp duplicate Bronchiolitis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an inflammation of the bronchioles. URL: clouded sensorium decreased sensorium symptoms SYMP:0000233 symptoms SYMP:0000234 Coilc is a pain characterized by the condition marked by recurrent episodes of prolonged and uncontrollable crying and irritability in an otherwise healthy infant that is of unknown cause and usually subsides after three to four months of age. symptoms SYMP:0000235 Coilc is a pain characterized by the condition marked by recurrent episodes of prolonged and uncontrollable crying and irritability in an otherwise healthy infant that is of unknown cause and usually subsides after three to four months of age. URL: Colicky pain is a pain characterized by an attack of acute abdominal pain localized in a hollow organ or part (as the small intestine, ureter, or bile duct) and often caused by spasm, obstruction, or twisting. symptoms SYMP:0000236 Colicky pain is a pain characterized by an attack of acute abdominal pain localized in a hollow organ or part (as the small intestine, ureter, or bile duct) and often caused by spasm, obstruction, or twisting. URL: Congestion is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an excessive accumulation especially of blood or mucus. blocked nose nasal blockage nasal obstruction stuffed up nose stuffy nose symptoms SYMP:0000237 Congestion is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an excessive accumulation especially of blood or mucus. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000238 symptoms SYMP:0000239 symptoms SYMP:0000240 symptoms SYMP:0000241 symptoms SYMP:0000242 Cyclic fever is a fever that occurs during periodic episodes. SYMP:0000884 recurrent fever symptoms intermittent fever SYMP:0000243 Cyclic fever is a fever that occurs during periodic episodes. url: url: symptoms SYMP:0000244 symptoms SYMP:0000245 symptoms SYMP:0000246 symptoms SYMP:0000247 Decreased conscious proprioception is a proprioception symptom characterized as a decreased ability of an organism to consciously process the reception of stimuli produced within the organism. symptoms SYMP:0000248 Decreased conscious proprioception is a proprioception symptom characterized as a decreased ability of an organism to consciously process the reception of stimuli produced within the organism. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000249 symptoms SYMP:0000250 cutaneous abscess dermal abscesses skin abscess subcutaneous abscess symptoms SYMP:0000251 diffuse erythema symptoms SYMP:0000252 enlargement of one pupil pupils of different size symptoms SYMP:0000253 symptoms SYMP:0000254 symptoms SYMP:0000255 symptoms SYMP:0000256 symptoms SYMP:0000257 diplopia symptoms SYMP:0000258 symptoms SYMP:0000259 symptoms SYMP:0000260 dry mucous membranes symptoms SYMP:0000261 symptoms SYMP:0000262 doid/symp duplicate Epididymitis is a reproductive system symptom characterized by an inflammation of the epididymis. inflammation of the epididymis symptoms SYMP:0000263 doid/symp duplicate Epididymitis is a reproductive system symptom characterized by an inflammation of the epididymis. URL: epididymo-orchitis symptoms SYMP:0000264 petit mal seizure symptoms SYMP:0000265 partial seizure symptoms SYMP:0000266 symptoms SYMP:0000267 grand mal seizure symptoms SYMP:0000268 symptoms SYMP:0000269 symptoms SYMP:0000270 symptoms SYMP:0000271 symptoms SYMP:0000272 symptoms SYMP:0000273 symptoms SYMP:0000274 symptoms SYMP:0000275 symptoms SYMP:0000276 true profuse salivation symptoms SYMP:0000277 symptoms SYMP:0000278 symptoms SYMP:0000279 symptoms SYMP:0000280 ocular discharge symptoms SYMP:0000281 symptoms SYMP:0000282 symptoms SYMP:0000283 doid/symp duplicate fixed pupils symptoms SYMP:0000284 Flaccid paralysis is a paralysis where muscle tone is lacking in the affected muscles and in which tendon reflexes are decreased or absent. symptoms SYMP:0000285 Flaccid paralysis is a paralysis where muscle tone is lacking in the affected muscles and in which tendon reflexes are decreased or absent. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000286 Arrhythmia is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of an alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat either in time or force. SYMP:0000288 SYMP:0000667 SYMP:0000668 abnormal heart beat abnormal heart rhythm dysrhythmia heart rhythm symptom symptoms fluctuation of heart rate SYMP:0000287 Arrhythmia is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of an alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat either in time or force. URL: Eczema is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and oozing vesicular lesions which become scaly, crusted, or hardened. symptoms SYMP:0000289 Eczema is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and oozing vesicular lesions which become scaly, crusted, or hardened. URL: Belching is a digestive system symptom involving the sudden expulsion of gas from the stomach through the mouth. eructation symptoms SYMP:0000290 Belching is a digestive system symptom involving the sudden expulsion of gas from the stomach through the mouth. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000291 symptoms SYMP:0000292 symptoms SYMP:0000293 haemolysis symptoms SYMP:0000294 hepatic abscesses symptoms SYMP:0000295 symptoms SYMP:0000296 symptoms SYMP:0000297 symptoms SYMP:0000298 Hyperemia is a hemic system symptom consisting of an excess of blood in a body part as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. hyperaemia hyperemic symptoms SYMP:0000299 Hyperemia is a hemic system symptom consisting of an excess of blood in a body part as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. URL: Hyperesthesia is a general symptom where there is an increased sensitivity to stimulation. hyperaesthesia symptoms SYMP:0000300 Hyperesthesia is a general symptom where there is an increased sensitivity to stimulation. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000301 doid/symp duplicate Hypothermia is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a subnormal temperature of the body as defined by a temperature under 36.6 degrees Celcius. symptoms SYMP:0000302 Hypothermia is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a subnormal temperature of the body as defined by a temperature under 36.6 degrees Celcius. URL: hypoxaemia symptoms SYMP:0000303 symptoms SYMP:0000304 symptoms SYMP:0000305 symptoms SYMP:0000306 symptoms SYMP:0000307 symptoms SYMP:0000308 inappetence lack of appetite symptoms SYMP:0000309 symptoms SYMP:0000310 symptoms SYMP:0000311 symptoms SYMP:0000312 symptoms SYMP:0000313 corneitis inflammation of the cornea of the eye symptoms SYMP:0000314 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000315 symptoms SYMP:0000316 low white blood cell count symptoms SYMP:0000317 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000318 symptoms SYMP:0000319 symptoms SYMP:0000320 symptoms SYMP:0000321 symptoms SYMP:0000322 A feces and droppings symptom that is characterized by the passage of dark tarry stools containing decomposing blood that is usually an indication of bleeding in the upper part of the alimentary canal and especially the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. melaena symptoms SYMP:0000323 A feces and droppings symptom that is characterized by the passage of dark tarry stools containing decomposing blood that is usually an indication of bleeding in the upper part of the alimentary canal and especially the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. url: Bronchitis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes. symptoms SYMP:0000324 doid/symp duplicate Bronchitis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000325 symptoms SYMP:0000326 tetanic convulsions symptoms SYMP:0000327 symptoms SYMP:0000328 symptoms SYMP:0000329 symptoms SYMP:0000330 symptoms SYMP:0000331 symptoms SYMP:0000332 symptoms SYMP:0000333 myonecrosis symptoms SYMP:0000334 symptoms SYMP:0000335 symptoms SYMP:0000336 sleep hyperhidrosis symptoms SYMP:0000337 rapid involuntary rhythmic eye movement symptoms SYMP:0000338 symptoms SYMP:0000339 limb oedema oedema of the limbs symptoms SYMP:0000340 extraocular muscle paralysis eye movement paralysis symptoms SYMP:0000341 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000342 painful lymph nodes symptoms SYMP:0000343 edema of the eyelid symptoms SYMP:0000344 symptoms SYMP:0000345 Papule is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a small solid usually conical elevation of the skin caused by inflammation, accumulated secretion, or hypertrophy of tissue elements. symptoms SYMP:0000346 Papule is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a small solid usually conical elevation of the skin caused by inflammation, accumulated secretion, or hypertrophy of tissue elements. URL: paralysed lips symptoms SYMP:0000347 symptoms SYMP:0000348 symptoms SYMP:0000349 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000350 symptoms SYMP:0000351 true symptoms SYMP:0000352 Phlegm is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a viscid mucus secreted in abnormal quantity in the respiratory passages. symptoms SYMP:0000353 Phlegm is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a viscid mucus secreted in abnormal quantity in the respiratory passages. wiki: Pneumonitis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an inflammation of lung tissue. Pneumonia is one type of pneumonitis caused by an infection. Many other factors can cause pneumonitis, including breathing in animal dander, inhaling small food particles "down the wrong pipe" and receiving radiation therapy to your chest. inflammation of lung tissue symptoms SYMP:0000354 Condition or symptom or both ? Pneumonitis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an inflammation of lung tissue. Pneumonia is one type of pneumonitis caused by an infection. Many other factors can cause pneumonitis, including breathing in animal dander, inhaling small food particles "down the wrong pipe" and receiving radiation therapy to your chest. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000355 inflammation of a vein symptoms SYMP:0000356 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000357 Premature labor is a reproductive system symptom characterized by labor occurring before 37 full weeks of pregnancy. symptoms SYMP:0000358 Premature labor is a reproductive system symptom characterized by labor occurring before 37 full weeks of pregnancy. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000359 symptoms SYMP:0000360 symptoms SYMP:0000361 symptoms SYMP:0000362 symptoms SYMP:0000363 symptoms SYMP:0000364 symptoms SYMP:0000365 symptoms SYMP:0000366 Proteinuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the presence of excess protein in the urine. symptoms SYMP:0000367 doid/symp duplicate Proteinuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the presence of excess protein in the urine. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000368 Ptosis is a general symptom characterized by a sagging or prolapse of an organ or part. droopiness symptoms SYMP:0000369 doid/symp duplicate Ptosis is a general symptom characterized by a sagging or prolapse of an organ or part. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000370 symptoms SYMP:0000371 Runny nose is a nose symptom characterized by an excessive mucous secretion from the nose. symptoms SYMP:0000372 Runny nose is a nose symptom characterized by an excessive mucous secretion from the nose. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000373 symptoms SYMP:0000374 symptoms SYMP:0000375 symptoms SYMP:0000376 Mastitis is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an inflammation of the mammary gland or udder usually caused by infection. inflammation of mammary breast mammitis symptoms SYMP:0000377 doid/symp duplicate Mastitis is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an inflammation of the mammary gland or udder usually caused by infection. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000378 symptoms SYMP:0000379 symptoms SYMP:0000380 symptoms SYMP:0000381 symptoms SYMP:0000382 symptoms SYMP:0000383 cervicalgia symptoms SYMP:0000384 symptoms SYMP:0000385 symptoms SYMP:0000386 symptoms SYMP:0000387 symptoms SYMP:0000388 symptoms SYMP:0000389 symptoms SYMP:0000390 symptoms SYMP:0000391 symptoms SYMP:0000392 sensation of noise symptoms SYMP:0000393 symptoms SYMP:0000394 symptoms SYMP:0000395 excessive pupil dilation prolonged pupil dilation symptoms SYMP:0000396 symptoms SYMP:0000397 symptoms SYMP:0000398 doid/symp duplicate Vertigo is a dizziness characterized by a specific type of dizziness, a major symptom of a balance disorder. It is the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is stationary with respect to the surroundings. symptoms SYMP:0000399 Vertigo is a dizziness characterized by a specific type of dizziness, a major symptom of a balance disorder. It is the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is stationary with respect to the surroundings. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000400 symptoms SYMP:0000401 Cachexia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by a general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with chronic disease. general physical wasting and malnutrition symptoms SYMP:0000402 Cachexia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by a general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with chronic disease. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000403 difficult sexual intercourse painful sexual intercourse symptoms SYMP:0000404 Vaginismus is a reproductive system symptom characterized by a painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina. painful spasmodic vagina contractions symptoms SYMP:0000405 Vaginismus is a reproductive system symptom characterized by a painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina. URL: Bruise is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an injury transmitted through unbroken skin to underlying tissue causing rupture of small blood vessels and escape of blood into the tissue with resulting discoloration. bruises bruising contusion ecchymosis symptoms SYMP:0000406 Bruise is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an injury transmitted through unbroken skin to underlying tissue causing rupture of small blood vessels and escape of blood into the tissue with resulting discoloration. URL: loss of consciousness due to insuffiecient blood flow to the brain symptoms SYMP:0000407 Cataplexy is a muscle symptom characterized by a sudden loss of muscle control with retention of clear consciousness that follows a strong emotional stimulus (as elation, surprise, or anger) and is a characteristic symptom of narcolepsy. symptoms SYMP:0000408 Cataplexy is a muscle symptom characterized by a sudden loss of muscle control with retention of clear consciousness that follows a strong emotional stimulus (as elation, surprise, or anger) and is a characteristic symptom of narcolepsy. URL: Hyperthermia is a fever that involves an exceptionally high fever especially when induced artificially for therapeutic purposes. symptoms SYMP:0000409 Hyperthermia is a fever that involves an exceptionally high fever especially when induced artificially for therapeutic purposes. url: symptoms SYMP:0000410 symptoms SYMP:0000411 Anxiety is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill. symptoms SYMP:0000412 Anxiety is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill. URL: Catatonia is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a marked psychomotor disturbance that may involve stupor or mutism, negativism, rigidity, purposeless excitement, echolalia, echopraxia, and inappropriate or bizarre posturing and is associated with various medical conditions (as schizophrenia and mood disorders). symptoms SYMP:0000413 Catatonia is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a marked psychomotor disturbance that may involve stupor or mutism, negativism, rigidity, purposeless excitement, echolalia, echopraxia, and inappropriate or bizarre posturing and is associated with various medical conditions (as schizophrenia and mood disorders). URL: Dysarthria is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a difficulty in articulating words due to disease of the central nervous system. symptoms SYMP:0000414 Dysarthria is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a difficulty in articulating words due to disease of the central nervous system. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000415 symptoms SYMP:0000416 symptoms SYMP:0000417 symptoms SYMP:0000418 symptoms SYMP:0000419 Bloating is a digestive system symptom involving the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract and resulting in abdominal distension. symptoms SYMP:0000420 Bloating is a digestive system symptom involving the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract and resulting in abdominal distension. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000421 Dyspepsia is a digestive system symptom referred to as indigestion resulting from an impairment to digestion caused by ulcer, gall bladder disease or inflamed colon. Related symptoms include weakness, loss of appetite, and depression. indigestion symptoms SYMP:0000422 doid/symp duplicate Dyspepsia is a digestive system symptom referred to as indigestion resulting from an impairment to digestion caused by ulcer, gall bladder disease or inflamed colon. Related symptoms include weakness, loss of appetite, and depression. URL: heartburn symptoms SYMP:0000423 A pain that is a leg pain in the calf or thigh which is caused by inadequate blood flow to the leg muscles brought on by leg exercise such as walking. blockage of leg arteries symptoms SYMP:0000424 A pain that is a leg pain in the calf or thigh which is caused by inadequate blood flow to the leg muscles brought on by leg exercise such as walking. url: url: symptoms SYMP:0000425 symptoms SYMP:0000426 Impotence is a reproductive system symptom characterized by an abnormal physical or psychological state of a male characterized by inability to copulate because of failure to have or maintain an erection. erectile dysfunction symptoms SYMP:0000427 doid/symp duplicate Impotence is a reproductive system symptom characterized by an abnormal physical or psychological state of a male characterized by inability to copulate because of failure to have or maintain an erection. URL: Hypoventilation is a respiratory abnormality characterized by a deficient ventilation of the lungs that results in reduction in the oxygen content or increase in the carbon dioxide content of the blood or both. symptoms SYMP:0000428 Hypoventilation is a respiratory abnormality characterized by a deficient ventilation of the lungs that results in reduction in the oxygen content or increase in the carbon dioxide content of the blood or both. URL: Bradypnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by abnormally slow breathing. abnormally slow breathing symptoms SYMP:0000429 Bradypnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by abnormally slow breathing. URL: Pleuritic chest pain is a chest pain caused by an inflammation of the pleural cavity with a sharp pain resulting from the exansion of the lungs as the inflammed pleural layers rub against each other. symptoms SYMP:0000430 Pleuritic chest pain is a chest pain caused by an inflammation of the pleural cavity with a sharp pain resulting from the exansion of the lungs as the inflammed pleural layers rub against each other. url: url: A respiratory system symptom consisting of the matter discharged from the air passages in diseases of the lungs, bronchi, or upper respiratory tract that contains mucus and often pus, blood, fibrin, or bacterial products. sputum production symptoms SYMP:0000431 A respiratory system symptom consisting of the matter discharged from the air passages in diseases of the lungs, bronchi, or upper respiratory tract that contains mucus and often pus, blood, fibrin, or bacterial products. URL: Itching is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an uneasy irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin usually held to result from mild stimulation of pain receptors. pruritus symptoms SYMP:0000432 Itching is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an uneasy irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin usually held to result from mild stimulation of pain receptors. URL: Anasarca is a edema characterized as generalized edema with accumulation of serum in the connective tissue. generalized edema symptoms SYMP:0000433 Anasarca is a edema characterized as generalized edema with accumulation of serum in the connective tissue. URL: Urticaria is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized by raised red skin wheals (welts) commonly caused by an allergic reaction with wheals that may vary in size from about 5 mm (0.2 inches) in diameter to the size of a dinner plate that are described as severely itchy a stingnig or burning sensation, and having a pale border. hives nettle rash uredo symptoms SYMP:0000434 doid/symp duplicate Urticaria is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized by raised red skin wheals (welts) commonly caused by an allergic reaction with wheals that may vary in size from about 5 mm (0.2 inches) in diameter to the size of a dinner plate that are described as severely itchy a stingnig or burning sensation, and having a pale border. URL: Paresthesia is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin having no objective cause and usually associated with injury or irritation of a sensory nerve or nerve root. symptoms SYMP:0000435 Paresthesia is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin having no objective cause and usually associated with injury or irritation of a sensory nerve or nerve root. URL: abnormal menstruation symptoms SYMP:0000436 symptoms SYMP:0000437 symptoms SYMP:0000438 Heartburn is a pain characterized by a painful burning feeling in your chest or throat that happens when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. acid indigestion symptoms SYMP:0000439 Heartburn is a pain characterized by a painful burning feeling in your chest or throat that happens when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000440 symptoms SYMP:0000441 symptoms SYMP:0000442 symptoms SYMP:0000443 symptoms SYMP:0000444 Faint is a alteration of consciousness characterized by a loss of consciousness because of a temporary decrease in the blood supply to the brain. fainting syncope symptoms SYMP:0000445 Faint is a alteration of consciousness characterized by a loss of consciousness because of a temporary decrease in the blood supply to the brain. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000446 Bloody sputum is a sputum that consists of blood or bloody mucus discharged from the air passages caused by common forms of infection in the lungs and airways, such as acute bronchitis or pneumonia. Bloody sputum can also come from cancer of the lung. symptoms SYMP:0000447 Bloody sputum (spitting up blood or bloody mucus) can come from common forms of infection in the lungs and airways, such as acute bronchitis or pneumonia. Bloody sputum can also come from cancer of the lung. Bloody sputum is a sputum that consists of blood or bloody mucus discharged from the air passages caused by common forms of infection in the lungs and airways, such as acute bronchitis or pneumonia. Bloody sputum can also come from cancer of the lung. URL: URL: A nose symptom that involves a is loss of blood from the tissue lining the nose. ICD9CM_2005:784.7 SyOID:10057 UMLS_CUI:C0014591 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0055387 nosebleed symptoms SYMP:0000448 A nose symptom that involves a is loss of blood from the tissue lining the nose. url: ICD9CM_2005:785.51 SyOID:10218 UMLS_CUI:C0036980 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243814 symptoms SYMP:0000449 A cardiovascular system symptom that is characterized as a state of profound depression of the vital processes of the body that is characterized by pallor, rapid but weak pulse, rapid and shallow respiration, reduced total blood volume, and low blood pressure and that is caused usually by severe especially crushing injuries, hemorrhage, burns, or major surgery. ICD9CM_2005:785.5 UMLS_CUI:C0159051 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284197 symptoms SYMP:0000450 A cardiovascular system symptom that is characterized as a state of profound depression of the vital processes of the body that is characterized by pallor, rapid but weak pulse, rapid and shallow respiration, reduced total blood volume, and low blood pressure and that is caused usually by severe especially crushing injuries, hemorrhage, burns, or major surgery. url: ICD9CM_2005:785.52 SyOID:10220 UMLS_CUI:C0036983 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2797434 symptoms SYMP:0000451 ICD9CM_2005:786.4 SyOID:10681 UMLS_CUI:C0159054 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284206 symptoms SYMP:0000452 ICD9CM_2005:789.41 SyOID:10982 UMLS_CUI:C0375565 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637148 symptoms SYMP:0000453 ICD9CM_2005:789.4 ICD9CM_2005:789.40 SyOID:1963 UMLS_CUI:C0159066 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284272 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637149 symptoms SYMP:0000454 ICD9CM_2005:783.1 SyOID:11397 UMLS_CUI:C0332544 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243789 symptoms SYMP:0000455 ICD9CM_2005:789.02 SyOID:11528 UMLS_CUI:C0238552 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637133 symptoms SYMP:0000456 ICD9CM_2005:789.0 ICD9CM_2005:789.00 SyOID:2880 UMLS_CUI:C0000737 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0387333 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637138 symptoms SYMP:0000457 Nausea is a digestive system symptom characterized by an uneasy or unsettled feeling in the stomach together with an urge to vomit. ICD9CM_2005:787.02 SyOID:1173 UMLS_CUI:C0375548 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0750850 symptoms SYMP:0000458 Nausea is a digestive system symptom characterized by an uneasy or unsettled feeling in the stomach together with an urge to vomit. URL: ICD9CM_2005:787 SyOID:5330 UMLS_CUI:C0159058 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284224 symptoms SYMP:0000459 ICD9CM_2005:789.1 SyOID:12096 UMLS_CUI:C0019209 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0067592 enlargement of the liver symptoms SYMP:0000460 ICD9CM_2005:789 ICD9CM_2005:789.9 SyOID:12097 UMLS_CUI:C0159065 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284267 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284268 symptoms SYMP:0000461 A symptom is a perceived change in function, sensation, loss, disturbance or appearance reported by a patient indicative of a disease. SyOID:14974 symptoms SYMP:0000462 A symptom is a perceived change in function, sensation, loss, disturbance or appearance reported by a patient indicative of a disease. SO:ls ICD9CM_2005:783.40 SyOID:12250 UMLS_CUI:C0878706 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1892807 symptoms SYMP:0000463 ICD9CM_2005:783.4 SyOID:3279 UMLS_CUI:C0878753 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1892806 symptoms SYMP:0000464 ICD9CM_2005:783.41 SyOID:12251 UMLS_CUI:C0015544 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0700791 symptoms SYMP:0000465 ICD9CM_2005:783.42 SyOID:12252 UMLS_CUI:C0476241 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1594577 symptoms SYMP:0000466 ICD9CM_2005:789.43 SyOID:12281 UMLS_CUI:C0375567 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637147 symptoms SYMP:0000467 ICD9CM_2005:789.47 SyOID:12282 UMLS_CUI:C0375571 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637142 symptoms SYMP:0000468 ICD9CM_2005:789.46 SyOID:12283 UMLS_CUI:C0375570 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637141 symptoms SYMP:0000469 ICD9CM_2005:789.42 SyOID:12284 UMLS_CUI:C0375566 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637144 symptoms SYMP:0000470 ICD9CM_2005:789.49 SyOID:12285 UMLS_CUI:C0375572 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637145 symptoms SYMP:0000471 ICD9CM_2005:780.94 SyOID:12427 UMLS_CUI:C0239233 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2797496 symptoms SYMP:0000472 ICD9CM_2005:783 SyOID:2644 UMLS_CUI:C0159041 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284163 symptoms SYMP:0000473 ICD9CM_2005:783.2 SyOID:12482 UMLS_CUI:C0878752 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1892727 symptoms SYMP:0000474 ICD9CM_2005:783.22 SyOID:12483 UMLS_CUI:C0041667 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0468826 symptoms SYMP:0000475 ICD9CM_2005:783.21 SyOID:12484 UMLS_CUI:C0043096 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1605347 weight loss symptoms SYMP:0000476 ICD9CM_2005:789.36 SyOID:12527 UMLS_CUI:C0375562 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637121 symptoms SYMP:0000477 ICD9CM_2005:789.3 SyOID:2047 UMLS_CUI:C0476310 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243858 symptoms SYMP:0000478 Abnormality of gait is a nervous system and musculoskeletal system symptom characterized by a difficulty in the manner of walking or moving on foot. ICD9CM_2005:781.2 SyOID:12619 UMLS_CUI:C0575081 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243767 symptoms SYMP:0000479 Abnormality of gait is a nervous system and musculoskeletal system symptom characterized by a difficulty in the manner of walking or moving on foot. url: ICD9CM_2005:781 SyOID:90 UMLS_CUI:C0159033 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284131 symptoms SYMP:0000480 ICD9CM_2005:780.03 SyOID:12823 UMLS_CUI:C0242670 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0446160 symptoms SYMP:0000481 ICD9CM_2005:780.0 SyOID:7293 UMLS_CUI:C0234428 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0389211 symptoms SYMP:0000482 ICD9CM_2005:789.64 SyOID:12887 UMLS_CUI:C0238565 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637155 symptoms SYMP:0000483 ICD9CM_2005:789.6 ICD9CM_2005:789.60 SyOID:6559 UMLS_CUI:C0232498 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0387353 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637161 symptoms SYMP:0000484 Dysuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the difficult or painful discharge of urine. ICD9CM_2005:788.1 SyOID:12981 UMLS_CUI:C0013428 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0004041 difficult urine discharge painful urine discharge symptoms SYMP:0000485 Dysuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the difficult or painful discharge of urine. URL: ICD9CM_2005:788 SyOID:2134 UMLS_CUI:C0476293 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284245 symptoms SYMP:0000486 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an eruption on the body typically with little or no elevation above the surface. ICD9CM_2005:782.1 SyOID:13022 UMLS_CUI:C0015230 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243780 erythema rubor skin eruption skin rash skin redness symptoms SYMP:0000487 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an eruption on the body typically with little or no elevation above the surface. URL: ICD9CM_2005:782 ICD9CM_2005:782.9 SyOID:2103 UMLS_CUI:C0159037 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284146 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284161 symptoms SYMP:0000488 ICD9CM_2005:787.5 SyOID:13326 UMLS_CUI:C0159060 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284234 symptoms SYMP:0000489 ICD9CM_2005:789.69 SyOID:13369 UMLS_CUI:C0375574 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637157 symptoms SYMP:0000490 ICD9CM_2005:788.37 SyOID:13535 UMLS_CUI:C0375553 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0679310 symptoms SYMP:0000491 Urinary incontinence is a urinary system symptom characterized by the an inability of the body to control the evacuative functions. ICD9CM_2005:788.3 ICD9CM_2005:788.30 SyOID:5372 UMLS_CUI:C0042024 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0814766 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A6994675 incontinence symptoms SYMP:0000492 Urinary incontinence is a urinary system symptom characterized by the an inability of the body to control the evacuative functions. URL: ICD9CM_2005:787.2 SyOID:13574 UMLS_CUI:C0011168 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0052114 difficulty in swallowing difficulty swallowing impaired swallowing symptoms SYMP:0000493 Renal colic is a colic characterized by the severe pain produced by the passage of a calculus from the kidney through the ureter. ICD9CM_2005:788.0 SyOID:13670 UMLS_CUI:C0152169 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0265344 symptoms SYMP:0000494 Renal colic is a colic characterized by the severe pain produced by the passage of a calculus from the kidney through the ureter. URL: ICD9CM_2005:788.7 SyOID:13756 UMLS_CUI:C0152447 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0266251 symptoms SYMP:0000495 ICD9CM_2005:789.66 SyOID:13991 UMLS_CUI:C0239280 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637153 symptoms SYMP:0000496 ICD9CM_2005:789.65 SyOID:13992 UMLS_CUI:C0375573 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637158 symptoms SYMP:0000497 ICD9CM_2005:789.67 SyOID:13993 UMLS_CUI:C0302540 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637154 symptoms SYMP:0000498 ICD9CM_2005:789.61 SyOID:13994 UMLS_CUI:C0238571 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637160 symptoms SYMP:0000499 ICD9CM_2005:789.63 SyOID:13995 UMLS_CUI:C0238570 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637159 symptoms SYMP:0000500 ICD9CM_2005:789.34 SyOID:14158 UMLS_CUI:C0375560 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637123 symptoms SYMP:0000501 ICD9CM_2005:788.33 SyOID:14552 UMLS_CUI:C0375550 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0745756 symptoms SYMP:0000502 ICD9CM_2005:783.7 SyOID:14553 UMLS_CUI:C1268580 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1892736 symptoms SYMP:0000503 Headache is a pain characterized by a pain in the head. ICD9CM_2005:784.0 SyOID:14723 UMLS_CUI:C0018681 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0065994 cephalalgia symptoms SYMP:0000504 Headache is a pain characterized by a pain in the head. URL: Throat pain is a pain that is characterized by a painful throat due to inflammation of the fauces and pharynx. ICD9CM_2005:784.1 SyOID:14724 UMLS_CUI:C0242429 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284175 sore throat symptoms SYMP:0000505 Throat pain is a pain that is characterized by a painful throat due to inflammation of the fauces and pharynx. URL: ICD9CM_2005:784.8 SyOID:14725 UMLS_CUI:C0576995 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284188 symptoms SYMP:0000506 ICD9CM_2005:784.2 SyOID:14726 UMLS_CUI:C0159045 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284180 symptoms SYMP:0000507 Aphasia is a nervous system symptom characterized by a loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage. ICD9CM_2005:784.3 SyOID:14727 UMLS_CUI:C0003537 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0025556 inability to comprehend language symptoms SYMP:0000508 doid/symp duplicate Aphasia is a nervous system symptom characterized by a loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage. URL: SYMP:0000708 ICD9CM_2005:787.3 SyOID:14811 UMLS_CUI:C0016205 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243846 gas gas production symptoms SYMP:0000509 Pallor is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a deficiency of color especially of the face. ICD9CM_2005:782.61 SyOID:14889 UMLS_CUI:C0030232 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0096956 paleness symptoms SYMP:0000510 Pallor is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a deficiency of color especially of the face. URL: Flushing is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a markedly red flush in a persons face and often other areas of the skin, from various physiological conditions. Flushing is generally distinguished, despite a close physiological relation between them, from blushing, which is milder, generally restricted to the face or cheeks, and generally assumed to reflect embarrassment. Flushing is also a cardinal symptom of carcinoid syndrome the syndrome that results from hormones (often serotonin or histamine) being secreted into systemic circulation. ICD9CM_2005:782.62 SyOID:14890 UMLS_CUI:C0016382 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0060138 symptoms SYMP:0000511 Flushing is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a markedly red flush in a persons face and often other areas of the skin, from various physiological conditions. Flushing is generally distinguished, despite a close physiological relation between them, from blushing, which is milder, generally restricted to the face or cheeks, and generally assumed to reflect embarrassment. Flushing is also a cardinal symptom of carcinoid syndrome the syndrome that results from hormones (often serotonin or histamine) being secreted into systemic circulation. wiki: ICD9CM_2005:788.32 SyOID:14997 UMLS_CUI:C0302505 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0800441 symptoms SYMP:0000512 Stridor is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a harsh vibrating sound heard during respiration in cases of obstruction of the air passages. ICD9CM_2005:786.1 SyOID:15070 UMLS_CUI:C0038450 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0120146 symptoms SYMP:0000513 Stridor is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a harsh vibrating sound heard during respiration in cases of obstruction of the air passages. URL: ICD9CM_2005:786 SyOID:5868 UMLS_CUI:C0476271 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284200 symptoms SYMP:0000514 Hiccough is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a spasmodic inhalation with closure of the glottis accompanied by a peculiar sound. ICD9CM_2005:786.8 SyOID:15071 UMLS_CUI:C0019521 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0421293 symptoms SYMP:0000515 Hiccough is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by a spasmodic inhalation with closure of the glottis accompanied by a peculiar sound. URL: ICD9CM_2005:786.6 SyOID:15072 UMLS_CUI:C0159055 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284217 symptoms SYMP:0000516 Hemoptysis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an expectoration of blood from some part of the respiratory tract. ICD9CM_2005:786.3 SyOID:15073 UMLS_CUI:C0019079 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0067232 coughing up of blood expectoration of blood expectoration of blood-stained sputum haemoptysis symptoms SYMP:0000517 Hemoptysis is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an expectoration of blood from some part of the respiratory tract. URL: ICD9CM_2005:789.07 SyOID:15383 UMLS_CUI:C0344304 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637131 symptoms SYMP:0000518 ICD9CM_2005:787.7 SyOID:15483 UMLS_CUI:C0162287 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284238 symptoms SYMP:0000519 ICD9CM_2005:787.4 SyOID:15484 UMLS_CUI:C0159059 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284228 symptoms SYMP:0000520 ICD9CM_2005:785.6 SyOID:15517 UMLS_CUI:C0497156 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243823 swelling of lymph nodes swollen lymph glands symptoms SYMP:0000521 ICD9CM_2005:783.3 SyOID:15564 UMLS_CUI:C0699815 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284167 symptoms SYMP:0000522 Anorexia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by a loss of appetite especially when prolonged. ICD9CM_2005:783.0 SyOID:15566 UMLS_CUI:C0003123 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0024378 symptoms SYMP:0000523 Anorexia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by a loss of appetite especially when prolonged. URL: Polyphagia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by an excessive appetite or eating. ICD9CM_2005:783.6 SyOID:15567 UMLS_CUI:C0020505 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0011381 symptoms SYMP:0000524 Polyphagia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by an excessive appetite or eating. URL: ICD9CM_2005:780.02 SyOID:16094 UMLS_CUI:C0221539 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0466980 symptoms SYMP:0000525 An abdominal symptom consisting of an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. ICD9CM_2005:789.5 SyOID:16432 UMLS_CUI:C0003962 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0026882 hydroperitoneum symptoms SYMP:0000526 An abdominal symptom consisting of an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. URL: ICD9CM_2005:785.2 SyOID:16495 UMLS_CUI:C0375546 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0813487 symptoms SYMP:0000527 ICD9CM_2005:785 SyOID:2147 UMLS_CUI:C0159049 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284192 symptoms SYMP:0000528 Tachycardia is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of a relatively rapid heart action whether physiological (as after exercise) or pathological. ICD9CM_2005:785.0 SyOID:16496 UMLS_CUI:C0039231 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0804597 symptoms SYMP:0000529 Tachycardia is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of a relatively rapid heart action whether physiological (as after exercise) or pathological. URL: Palpitation is a cardiovascykar system symptom characterized by an abnormal awareness of the beating of the heart,whether it is too slow, too fast, irregular, or at its normal frequency when excited by violent exertion, strong emotion, or disease. ICD9CM_2005:785.1 SyOID:16497 UMLS_CUI:C0030252 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0004066 abnormal heart beats symptoms SYMP:0000530 Palpitation is a cardiovascykar system symptom characterized by an abnormal awareness of the beating of the heart,whether it is too slow, too fast, irregular, or at its normal frequency when excited by violent exertion, strong emotion, or disease. url: url: ICD9CM_2005:789.2 SyOID:16646 UMLS_CUI:C0038002 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0118748 esplenomegaly symptoms SYMP:0000531 Urge incontinence is a urinary incontinence characterized by an involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder when a sudden strong need to urinate is felt. ICD9CM_2005:788.31 SyOID:17040 UMLS_CUI:C0150045 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0469078 symptoms SYMP:0000532 Urge incontinence is a urinary incontinence characterized by an involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder when a sudden strong need to urinate is felt. URL: ICD9CM_2005:788.35 SyOID:17041 UMLS_CUI:C0375552 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0775329 symptoms SYMP:0000533 Spontaneous ecchymoses is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as the spontaneous escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels marked by a livid black-and-blue or purple spot or area. ICD9CM_2005:782.7 SyOID:17343 UMLS_CUI:C0159039 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284153 symptoms SYMP:0000534 Spontaneous ecchymoses is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as the spontaneous escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels marked by a livid black-and-blue or purple spot or area. url: ICD9CM_2005:782.8 SyOID:17344 UMLS_CUI:C0159040 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284158 symptoms SYMP:0000535 ICD9CM_2005:782.0 SyOID:17345 UMLS_CUI:C0012766 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243776 symptoms SYMP:0000536 Cyanosis is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of skin) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood. ICD9CM_2005:782.5 SyOID:17346 UMLS_CUI:C0010520 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0044296 symptoms SYMP:0000537 Cyanosis is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of skin) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood. URL: A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an abnormal excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or in a serous cavity. ICD9CM_2005:782.3 SyOID:17347 UMLS_CUI:C0013604 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0052720 dropsy symptoms SYMP:0000538 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an abnormal excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or in a serous cavity. URL: Jaundice is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a skin and integumentary symptom where a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and certain body fluids is caused by the deposition of bile pigments that follows interference with normal production and discharge of bile (as in certain liver diseases) or excessive breakdown of red blood cells (as after internal hemorrhage or in various hemolytic states). ICD9CM_2005:782.4 SyOID:17348 UMLS_CUI:C0476232 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243785 icteric icterus symptoms SYMP:0000539 Jaundice is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a skin and integumentary symptom where a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and certain body fluids is caused by the deposition of bile pigments that follows interference with normal production and discharge of bile (as in certain liver diseases) or excessive breakdown of red blood cells (as after internal hemorrhage or in various hemolytic states). URL: ICD9CM_2005:786.52 SyOID:18046 UMLS_CUI:C0423729 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243833 symptoms SYMP:0000540 ICD9CM_2005:789.35 SyOID:18240 UMLS_CUI:C0375561 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637126 symptoms SYMP:0000541 ICD9CM_2005:789.06 SyOID:18486 UMLS_CUI:C0232493 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637130 symptoms SYMP:0000542 ICD9CM_2005:780.93 SyOID:18487 UMLS_CUI:C0751295 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2797424 symptoms SYMP:0000543 ICD9CM_2005:781.4 SyOID:18493 UMLS_CUI:C0159034 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284133 symptoms SYMP:0000544 ICD9CM_2005:789.39 SyOID:18579 UMLS_CUI:C0375564 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637125 symptoms SYMP:0000545 ICD9CM_2005:789.03 SyOID:18658 UMLS_CUI:C0740603 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637136 symptoms SYMP:0000546 ICD9CM_2005:789.01 SyOID:18659 UMLS_CUI:C0235299 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637137 symptoms SYMP:0000547 ICD9CM_2005:789.33 SyOID:18695 UMLS_CUI:C0375559 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637127 symptoms SYMP:0000548 ICD9CM_2005:789.37 SyOID:18696 UMLS_CUI:C0375563 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637122 symptoms SYMP:0000549 ICD9CM_2005:781.5 SyOID:18866 UMLS_CUI:C0009080 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284139 symptoms SYMP:0000550 ICD9CM_2005:781.1 SyOID:18942 UMLS_CUI:C0495689 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243765 taste alteration symptoms SYMP:0000551 Meningismus is a nervous system symptom characterized as a state of meningeal irritation with symptoms suggesting meningitis that often occurs at the onset of acute febrile diseases especially in children. ICD9CM_2005:781.6 SyOID:18943 UMLS_CUI:C0025287 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0434815 symptoms SYMP:0000552 Meningismus is a nervous system symptom characterized as a state of meningeal irritation with symptoms suggesting meningitis that often occurs at the onset of acute febrile diseases especially in children. URL: ICD9CM_2005:781.8 SyOID:18944 UMLS_CUI:C0840927 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0752424 symptoms SYMP:0000553 ICD9CM_2005:789.44 SyOID:1962 UMLS_CUI:C0375568 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637143 symptoms SYMP:0000554 ICD9CM_2005:789.32 SyOID:2046 UMLS_CUI:C0375558 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637124 symptoms SYMP:0000555 ICD9CM_2005:782.2 SyOID:2102 UMLS_CUI:C0476228 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243783 symptoms SYMP:0000556 ICD9CM_2005:788.2 ICD9CM_2005:788.20 SyOID:2133 UMLS_CUI:C0080274 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284250 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0784422 inability to urinate ischuria retention of urine symptoms SYMP:0000557 ICD9CM_2005:788.21 SyOID:2135 UMLS_CUI:C0344365 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0722424 symptoms SYMP:0000558 ICD9CM_2005:784.4 ICD9CM_2005:784.40 SyOID:2313 UMLS_CUI:C0042940 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284182 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0818015 symptoms SYMP:0000559 Polydipsia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by an excessive or abnormal thirst. ICD9CM_2005:783.5 SyOID:2643 UMLS_CUI:C0085602 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0003974 symptoms SYMP:0000560 Polydipsia is a nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom characterized by an excessive or abnormal thirst. URL: ICD9CM_2005:789.09 SyOID:2879 UMLS_CUI:C0375555 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637134 symptoms SYMP:0000561 ICD9CM_2005:789.31 SyOID:2925 UMLS_CUI:C0375557 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637128 symptoms SYMP:0000562 ICD9CM_2005:788.41 SyOID:3048 UMLS_CUI:C0042023 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0004030 frequent urination symptoms SYMP:0000563 Nocturia is a urinary system symptom characterized by urination at night especially when excessive. ICD9CM_2005:788.43 SyOID:3049 UMLS_CUI:C0028734 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0011475 nycturia symptoms SYMP:0000564 Nocturia is a urinary system symptom characterized by urination at night especially when excessive. URL: Polyuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the excessive secretion of urine. ICD9CM_2005:788.42 SyOID:3050 UMLS_CUI:C0032617 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0103470 excessive secretion of urine symptoms SYMP:0000565 Polyuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the excessive secretion of urine. URL: ICD9CM_2005:780.5 SyOID:3247 UMLS_CUI:C0037317 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0246756 symptoms SYMP:0000566 ICD9CM_2005:780 SyOID:777 UMLS_CUI:C0159028 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284119 symptoms SYMP:0000567 ICD9CM_2005:783.43 SyOID:3278 UMLS_CUI:C0349588 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1084101 symptoms SYMP:0000568 Oliguria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the reduced excretion of urine. ICD9CM_2005:788.5 SyOID:3324 UMLS_CUI:C0028962 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243854 symptoms SYMP:0000569 Oliguria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the reduced excretion of urine. URL: Diarrhea is a feces and droppng symptom involving the abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools. ICD9CM_2005:787.91 SyOID:3517 UMLS_CUI:C0011991 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0048148 bacterial gastroenteritis diarrhoea fecal incontinence incontinence of feces loose bowel loose bowels the runs symptoms SYMP:0000570 doid/symp duplicate Diarrhea is a feces and droppng symptom involving the abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools. URL: Insomnia is a sleep disturbance characterized by prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep. ICD9CM_2005:780.52 SyOID:3766 UMLS_CUI:C0029645 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243733 agrypnia symptoms SYMP:0000571 Insomnia is a sleep disturbance characterized by prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep. URL: ICD9CM_2005:788.61 SyOID:4341 UMLS_CUI:C0232855 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0460440 symptoms SYMP:0000572 ICD9CM_2005:788.6 ICD9CM_2005:788.69 SyOID:4342 UMLS_CUI:C0159063 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284254 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284255 symptoms SYMP:0000573 ICD9CM_2005:784.41 SyOID:4615 UMLS_CUI:C0003564 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0025595 symptoms SYMP:0000574 ICD9CM_2005:786.51 SyOID:4704 UMLS_CUI:C0232286 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284212 symptoms SYMP:0000575 ICD9CM_2005:786.5 ICD9CM_2005:786.50 SyOID:4705 UMLS_CUI:C0008031 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243830 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0400627 symptoms SYMP:0000576 ICD9CM_2005:780.91 SyOID:4820 UMLS_CUI:C1135254 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2358677 symptoms SYMP:0000577 ICD9CM_2005:788.34 SyOID:5371 UMLS_CUI:C0375551 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0722462 symptoms SYMP:0000578 ICD9CM_2005:780.51 SyOID:5377 UMLS_CUI:C0159030 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284123 symptoms SYMP:0000579 ICD9CM_2005:780.56 SyOID:5378 UMLS_CUI:C0013373 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243741 symptoms SYMP:0000580 Sleep apnea is a apnea characterized by brief periods of recurrent cessation of breathing during sleep that is caused especially by obstruction of the airway or a disturbance in the brain's respiratory center and is associated especially with excessive daytime sleepiness. ICD9CM_2005:780.57 SyOID:5379 UMLS_CUI:C0375544 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0760143 symptoms SYMP:0000581 doid/symp duplicate Sleep apnea is a apnea characterized by brief periods of recurrent cessation of breathing during sleep that is caused especially by obstruction of the airway or a disturbance in the brain's respiratory center and is associated especially with excessive daytime sleepiness. URL: Hypersomnia is a sleep disturbance characterized by sleeping for excessive periods at intervals with intervening periods of normal duration of sleeping and waking. ICD9CM_2005:780.54 SyOID:5380 UMLS_CUI:C0029637 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243739 symptoms SYMP:0000582 Hypersomnia is a sleep disturbance characterized by sleeping for excessive periods at intervals with intervening periods of normal duration of sleeping and waking. URL: ICD9CM_2005:780.53 SyOID:5381 UMLS_CUI:C0020530 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243735 symptoms SYMP:0000583 ICD9CM_2005:780.55 SyOID:5382 UMLS_CUI:C0159031 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284127 symptoms SYMP:0000584 ICD9CM_2005:780.58 SyOID:5383 UMLS_CUI:C1455873 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A6995224 symptoms SYMP:0000585 ICD9CM_2005:788.38 SyOID:5831 UMLS_CUI:C0312413 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A6994689 symptoms SYMP:0000586 ICD9CM_2005:786.7 SyOID:5867 UMLS_CUI:C0159056 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284219 symptoms SYMP:0000587 ICD9CM_2005:788.8 SyOID:5972 UMLS_CUI:C0152245 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284259 symptoms SYMP:0000588 ICD9CM_2005:788.62 SyOID:6196 UMLS_CUI:C0232854 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0459374 symptoms SYMP:0000589 ICD9CM_2005:788.63 SyOID:6197 UMLS_CUI:C0085606 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2797703 symptoms SYMP:0000590 ICD9CM_2005:789.62 SyOID:6558 UMLS_CUI:C0238566 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637156 symptoms SYMP:0000591 ICD9CM_2005:780.92 SyOID:6660 UMLS_CUI:C0497134 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2358671 symptoms SYMP:0000592 ICD9CM_2005:785.4 SyOID:6712 UMLS_CUI:C0017086 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0061978 symptoms SYMP:0000593 ICD9CM_2005:781.0 SyOID:6762 UMLS_CUI:C0392702 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243762 symptoms SYMP:0000594 ICD9CM_2005:780.31 SyOID:6960 UMLS_CUI:C0009952 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0701466 symptoms SYMP:0000595 ICD9CM_2005:780.3 SyOID:6961 UMLS_CUI:C0009951 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0042665 symptoms SYMP:0000596 ICD9CM_2005:784 SyOID:7123 UMLS_CUI:C0476247 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284173 symptoms SYMP:0000597 ICD9CM_2005:786.0 SyOID:7239 UMLS_CUI:C0159053 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0284202 symptoms SYMP:0000598 ICD9CM_2005:786.04 SyOID:7240 UMLS_CUI:C0008039 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0400651 symptoms SYMP:0000599 Apnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by transient cessation of respiration whether normal (as in hibernating animals) or abnormal (as that caused by certain drugs). ICD9CM_2005:786.03 SyOID:7243 UMLS_CUI:C0003578 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0025648 symptoms SYMP:0000600 Apnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by transient cessation of respiration whether normal (as in hibernating animals) or abnormal (as that caused by certain drugs). URL: Hyperventilation is a respiratory abnormality characterized by excessive ventilation characterized by excessive rate and depth of respiration leading to abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood. ICD9CM_2005:786.01 SyOID:7244 UMLS_CUI:C0020578 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0071094 symptoms SYMP:0000601 Hyperventilation is a respiratory abnormality characterized by excessive ventilation characterized by excessive rate and depth of respiration leading to abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood. URL: Orthopnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by a difficulty in breathing that occurs when lying down and is relieved upon changing to an upright position (as in congestive heart failure). ICD9CM_2005:786.02 SyOID:7245 UMLS_CUI:C0085619 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0004140 symptoms SYMP:0000602 Orthopnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by a difficulty in breathing that occurs when lying down and is relieved upon changing to an upright position (as in congestive heart failure). URL: Tachypnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by an increased rate of respiration. ICD9CM_2005:786.06 SyOID:7246 UMLS_CUI:C0231835 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0465027 symptoms SYMP:0000603 Tachypnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by an increased rate of respiration. URL: Wheezing is a respiratory abnormality characterized by breathing with difficulty usually with a whistling sound. ICD9CM_2005:786.07 SyOID:7248 UMLS_CUI:C0043144 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0133941 symptoms SYMP:0000604 Wheezing is a respiratory abnormality characterized by breathing with difficulty usually with a whistling sound. URL: ICD9CM_2005:780.01 SyOID:7292 UMLS_CUI:C0009421 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0041160 symptoms SYMP:0000605 ICD9CM_2005:788.36 SyOID:7484 UMLS_CUI:C0270327 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0753297 symptoms SYMP:0000606 Hallucination is a general symptom where there is a perception of something (as a visual image or a sound) with no external cause usually arising from a disorder of the nervous system (as in delirium tremens or in functional psychosis without known neurological disease) or in response to drugs (as LSD). ICD9CM_2005:780.1 SyOID:7634 UMLS_CUI:C0018524 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0065642 symptoms SYMP:0000607 Hallucination is a general symptom where there is a perception of something (as a visual image or a sound) with no external cause usually arising from a disorder of the nervous system (as in delirium tremens or in functional psychosis without known neurological disease) or in response to drugs (as LSD). URL: ICD9CM_2005:780.2 SyOID:7635 UMLS_CUI:C0039070 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243721 symptoms SYMP:0000608 ICD9CM_2005:780.8 SyOID:7636 UMLS_CUI:C0476476 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A6994739 symptoms SYMP:0000609 Dizziness is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a sensation of unsteadiness accompanied by a feeling of movement within the head. ICD9CM_2005:780.4 SyOID:7637 UMLS_CUI:C0476206 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243727 dizzy symptoms SYMP:0000610 Dizziness is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a sensation of unsteadiness accompanied by a feeling of movement within the head. URL: ICD9CM_2005:789.05 SyOID:7654 UMLS_CUI:C0740594 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637135 symptoms SYMP:0000611 ICD9CM_2005:789.45 SyOID:7684 UMLS_CUI:C0375569 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637146 symptoms SYMP:0000612 Fever is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a rise of body temperature above the normal whether a natural response (as to infection) or artificially induced for therapeutic reasons. ICD9CM_2005:780.6 SyOID:776 UMLS_CUI:C0015967 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0058972 pyrexia symptoms SYMP:0000613 Fever is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a rise of body temperature above the normal whether a natural response (as to infection) or artificially induced for therapeutic reasons. URL: Cough is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs acting as a protective mechanism to clear the air passages or as a symptom of pulmonary disturbance. ICD9CM_2005:786.2 SyOID:8253 UMLS_CUI:C0010200 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0043303 symptoms SYMP:0000614 Cough is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs acting as a protective mechanism to clear the air passages or as a symptom of pulmonary disturbance. URL: ICD9CM_2005:781.3 SyOID:8758 UMLS_CUI:C0520966 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243769 symptoms SYMP:0000615 ICD9CM_2005:781.91 SyOID:91 UMLS_CUI:C0424641 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A1892812 symptoms SYMP:0000616 ICD9CM_2005:781.93 SyOID:93 UMLS_CUI:C0028856 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A2358774 twisted neck wry neck symptoms SYMP:0000617 ICD9CM_2005:781.92 SyOID:94 UMLS_CUI:C0231471 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0387502 symptoms SYMP:0000618 ICD9CM_2005:781.7 SyOID:9668 UMLS_CUI:C0039621 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0124526 symptoms SYMP:0000619 ICD9CM_2005:789.04 SyOID:9696 UMLS_CUI:C0238551 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0637132 symptoms SYMP:0000620 Alexia is a aphasia characterized by loss of ability to read. ICD9CM_2005:784.6 ICD9CM_2005:784.69 SyOID:9854 UMLS_CUI:C0478145 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243803 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243804 symptoms SYMP:0000621 doid/symp duplicate Alexia is a aphasia characterized by loss of ability to read. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000622 symptoms SYMP:0000623 symptoms SYMP:0000624 doid/symp duplicate true symptoms SYMP:0000625 disturbance of vision symptoms SYMP:0000627 symptoms SYMP:0000628 Exanthema is a rash characterized by a widespread skin eruption usually occurring in children that is a symptom of a more general disease. symptoms SYMP:0000629 Exanthema is a rash characterized by a widespread skin eruption usually occurring in children that is a symptom of a more general disease. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000630 symptoms SYMP:0000631 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000632 symptoms SYMP:0000633 symptoms SYMP:0000634 low back pain symptoms SYMP:0000635 symptoms SYMP:0000636 symptoms SYMP:0000637 symptoms SYMP:0000638 hematochezia rectal bleeding symptoms SYMP:0000639 redness of ankle symptoms SYMP:0000640 symptoms SYMP:0000641 symptoms SYMP:0000642 true respiratory dysfunction symptoms SYMP:0000643 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0000644 symptoms SYMP:0000645 true Synovitis is a joint inflammation characterized by an inflammation of a synovial membrane usually with pain and swelling of the joint. symptoms SYMP:0000646 doid/symp duplicate Synovitis is a joint inflammation characterized by an inflammation of a synovial membrane usually with pain and swelling of the joint. URL: Tache noire is a skin ulcer characterized by a small dark-centered ulcer that appears at the site of a tick bite and is the primary lesion of boutonneuse fever. symptoms SYMP:0000647 Tache noire is a skin ulcer characterized by a small dark-centered ulcer that appears at the site of a tick bite and is the primary lesion of boutonneuse fever. url: symptoms SYMP:0000648 symptoms SYMP:0000649 symptoms SYMP:0000650 symptoms SYMP:0000651 symptoms SYMP:0000652 symptoms SYMP:0000653 A behavioral symptom characterized by a quick excitability to annoyance, impatience, or anger. Inconsolability symptoms SYMP:0000654 A behavioral symptom characterized by a quick excitability to annoyance, impatience, or anger. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000655 symptoms SYMP:0000656 symptoms SYMP:0000657 symptoms SYMP:0000658 Pareses is a paralysis charachterized by slight or partial paralysis. partial paralysis symptoms SYMP:0000659 Pareses is a paralysis charachterized by slight or partial paralysis. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000660 symptoms SYMP:0000661 Shakes is a general symptom characterized by a condition of trembling. trembling symptoms SYMP:0000662 Shakes is a general symptom characterized by a condition of trembling. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000663 symptoms SYMP:0000664 symptoms SYMP:0000665 symptoms SYMP:0000666 symptoms SYMP:0000669 symptoms SYMP:0000670 symptoms SYMP:0000671 symptoms SYMP:0000672 Bradykinesia is a hypokinesia characterized by an extreme slowness in the execution of movements and reflexes. symptoms SYMP:0000673 Bradykinesia is a hypokinesia characterized by an extreme slowness in the execution of movements and reflexes. URL: wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000674 Acute diarrhea is a diarrhea with either or both a rapid onset or a short course. symptoms SYMP:0000675 doid/symp duplicate Acute diarrhea is a diarrhea with either or both a rapid onset or a short course. URL: wiki: Acute enteritis is a enteritis with either or both a rapid onset and a short course which is usually due to bacteria or virus. symptoms SYMP:0000676 Acute enteritis is a enteritis with either or both a rapid onset and a short course which is usually due to bacteria or virus. wiki: wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000677 symptoms SYMP:0000678 symptoms SYMP:0000679 symptoms SYMP:0000680 symptoms SYMP:0000681 symptoms SYMP:0000682 Tachypnoea is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an increased rate of respiration. rapid breathing symptoms SYMP:0000683 Tachypnoea is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an increased rate of respiration. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000684 symptoms SYMP:0000685 Chronic cough is a cough characterized by an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs acting as a protective mechanism to clear the air passages or as a symptom of pulmonary disturbance marked by long duration, by frequent recurrence over a long time, and often by slowly progressing seriousness. symptoms SYMP:0000686 Chronic cough is a cough characterized by an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs acting as a protective mechanism to clear the air passages or as a symptom of pulmonary disturbance marked by long duration, by frequent recurrence over a long time, and often by slowly progressing seriousness. url: Chronic fatigue syndrome is a fatigue characterized by a disorder of uncertain cause that is characterized by persistent profound fatigue usually accompanied by impairment in short-term memory or concentration, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle or joint pain, and headache unrelated to any preexisting medical condition and that typically has an onset at about 30 years of age. symptoms SYMP:0000687 doid/symp duplicate Chronic fatigue syndrome is a fatigue characterized by a disorder of uncertain cause that is characterized by persistent profound fatigue usually accompanied by impairment in short-term memory or concentration, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle or joint pain, and headache unrelated to any preexisting medical condition and that typically has an onset at about 30 years of age. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000688 symptoms SYMP:0000689 symptoms SYMP:0000690 symptoms SYMP:0000691 symptoms SYMP:0000692 symptoms SYMP:0000693 symptoms SYMP:0000694 symptoms SYMP:0000695 symptoms SYMP:0000696 symptoms SYMP:0000697 symptoms SYMP:0000698 symptoms SYMP:0000699 symptoms SYMP:0000700 symptoms SYMP:0000701 symptoms SYMP:0000702 symptoms SYMP:0000703 symptoms SYMP:0000704 Expressive aphasia is a aphasia caused by damage to or developmental issues in anterior regions of the brain, including (but not limited to) the left inferior frontal region known as Broca's area. Sufferers of this form of aphasia exhibit the common problem of agrammatism. For them, speech is difficult to initiate, non-fluent, labored, and halting. Broca's aphasia agrammatic aphasia symptoms SYMP:0000705 Expressive aphasia is a aphasia caused by damage to or developmental issues in anterior regions of the brain, including (but not limited to) the left inferior frontal region known as Broca's area. Sufferers of this form of aphasia exhibit the common problem of agrammatism. For them, speech is difficult to initiate, non-fluent, labored, and halting. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000706 symptoms SYMP:0000707 symptoms SYMP:0000709 symptoms SYMP:0000710 symptoms SYMP:0000711 Infertility is a reproductive system symptom characterized as the biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception or the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. symptoms SYMP:0000712 doid/symp duplicate Infertility is a reproductive system symptom characterized as the biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception or the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0000713 symptoms SYMP:0000714 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized by the peeling off of skin in the form of scales. symptoms SYMP:0000715 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized by the peeling off of skin in the form of scales. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000716 symptoms SYMP:0000717 symptoms SYMP:0000718 symptoms SYMP:0000719 symptoms SYMP:0000720 symptoms SYMP:0000721 symptoms SYMP:0000722 symptoms SYMP:0000723 symptoms SYMP:0000724 symptoms SYMP:0000725 symptoms SYMP:0000726 symptoms SYMP:0000727 symptoms SYMP:0000728 symptoms SYMP:0000729 symptoms SYMP:0000730 symptoms SYMP:0000731 symptoms SYMP:0000732 symptoms SYMP:0000733 Stroke is a nervous system symptom characterized by a sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion caused by rupture or obstruction (as by a clot) of a blood vessel of the brain. apoplexy brain attack cerebral accident cerebrovascular accident symptoms SYMP:0000734 Stroke is a nervous system symptom characterized by a sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion caused by rupture or obstruction (as by a clot) of a blood vessel of the brain. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000735 symptoms SYMP:0000736 symptoms SYMP:0000737 symptoms SYMP:0000738 symptoms SYMP:0000739 symptoms SYMP:0000740 symptoms SYMP:0000741 Gum bleeding is a mouth symptom characterized by a copious discharge of blood from the blood vessels of the mucosal tissue that lies over the alveolar bone. gingival hemorrhage symptoms SYMP:0000742 Gum bleeding is a mouth symptom characterized by a copious discharge of blood from the blood vessels of the mucosal tissue that lies over the alveolar bone. url: url: symptoms SYMP:0000743 symptoms SYMP:0000744 symptoms SYMP:0000745 Enanthem is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an eruption on a mucous surface. symptoms SYMP:0000746 Enanthem is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as an eruption on a mucous surface. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000747 symptoms SYMP:0000748 symptoms SYMP:0000749 symptoms SYMP:0000750 symptoms SYMP:0000751 symptoms SYMP:0000752 symptoms SYMP:0000753 intense chest pain symptoms SYMP:0000754 symptoms SYMP:0000755 A reproductive system symptom characterized by an abnormally profuse menstrual flow. symptoms SYMP:0000756 A reproductive system symptom characterized by an abnormally profuse menstrual flow. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000757 symptoms SYMP:0000758 salivary gland pain symptoms SYMP:0000759 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a minute reddish or purplish spot containing blood that appears in skin or mucous membrane as a result of localized hemorrhage. petechial rash symptoms SYMP:0000760 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a minute reddish or purplish spot containing blood that appears in skin or mucous membrane as a result of localized hemorrhage. URL: symptoms SYMP:0000761 symptoms SYMP:0000762 symptoms SYMP:0000763 symptoms SYMP:0000764 symptoms SYMP:0000765 symptoms SYMP:0000766 symptoms SYMP:0000767 symptoms SYMP:0000768 symptoms SYMP:0000769 symptoms SYMP:0000770 ICD9CM_2005:789.3 symptoms SYMP:0000771 ICD9CM_2005:789.3 symptoms SYMP:0000772 ICD9CM_2005:789.3 symptoms SYMP:0000773 symptoms SYMP:0000774 symptoms SYMP:0000775 symptoms SYMP:0000776 symptoms SYMP:0000777 symptoms SYMP:0000778 symptoms SYMP:0000779 symptoms SYMP:0000780 symptoms SYMP:0000781 symptoms SYMP:0000782 symptoms SYMP:0000783 symptoms SYMP:0000784 symptoms SYMP:0000785 symptoms SYMP:0000786 symptoms SYMP:0000787 symptoms SYMP:0000788 symptoms SYMP:0000789 symptoms SYMP:0000790 symptoms SYMP:0000791 symptoms SYMP:0000792 symptoms SYMP:0000793 symptoms SYMP:0000794 symptoms SYMP:0000795 symptoms SYMP:0000796 symptoms SYMP:0000797 ICDCM_2005:789.3 UMLS_CUI:C0476310 symptoms SYMP:0000798 symptoms SYMP:0000799 symptoms SYMP:0000800 symptoms SYMP:0000801 symptoms SYMP:0000802 symptoms SYMP:0000803 symptoms SYMP:0000804 symptoms SYMP:0000805 symptoms SYMP:0000806 symptoms SYMP:0000807 symptoms SYMP:0000808 symptoms SYMP:0000809 symptoms SYMP:0000810 symptoms SYMP:0000811 symptoms SYMP:0000812 symptoms SYMP:0000813 symptoms SYMP:0000814 symptoms SYMP:0000815 ICD9CM_2005:307.47 symptoms SYMP:0000816 symptoms SYMP:0000817 ICD9CM_2005:782.2 symptoms SYMP:0000818 ICD9CM_2005:782.2 symptoms SYMP:0000819 ICD9CM_2005:786.6 symptoms SYMP:0000820 ICD9CM_2005:<new dbxref> symptoms SYMP:0000821 Chronic enteritis is a enteritis with slow progress, long duration, or frequent recurrence which can be due to Crohn's disease, giardiasis, tuberculosis, coeliac disease, or rarely due to Whipple's disease. symptoms SYMP:0000822 Chronic enteritis is a enteritis with slow progress, long duration, or frequent recurrence which can be due to Crohn's disease, giardiasis, tuberculosis, coeliac disease, or rarely due to Whipple's disease. URL: URL: Sinus bradycardia is a bradycardia where the sinus rhythm is abnormally slow bradycardia consisting of a sinus rhythm at a rate lower than 60 beats per minute. symptoms SYMP:0000823 Sinus bradycardia is a bradycardia where the sinus rhythm is abnormally slow bradycardia consisting of a sinus rhythm at a rate lower than 60 beats per minute. URL: Junctional tachycardia is a tachycardia associated with the generation of impulses in a locus in the region of the atrioventricular node. symptoms SYMP:0000824 Junctional tachycardia is a tachycardia associated with the generation of impulses in a locus in the region of the atrioventricular node. URL: Paroxysmal tachycardia is a tachycardia that begins and ends abruptly and that is initiated by a premature supraventricular beat originating in the atrium or in the atrioventricular node or bundle of His or by a premature ventricular beat. symptoms SYMP:0000825 Paroxysmal tachycardia is a tachycardia that begins and ends abruptly and that is initiated by a premature supraventricular beat originating in the atrium or in the atrioventricular node or bundle of His or by a premature ventricular beat. URL: Sinus tachycardia is a tachychardia characterized by an abnormally rapid sinus rhythm specifically a sinus rhythm at a rate greater than 100 beats per minute. symptoms SYMP:0000826 Sinus tachycardia is a tachychardia characterized by an abnormally rapid sinus rhythm specifically a sinus rhythm at a rate greater than 100 beats per minute. URL: A tachycardia that is associated with the generation of improper electrical impulses within the ventricles, characterized by an electrocardiogram showing a rate of greater than 120 BPM and three or more wide QRS complexes in a row. V-tach VT symptoms SYMP:0000827 A tachycardia that is associated with the generation of improper electrical impulses within the ventricles, characterized by an electrocardiogram showing a rate of greater than 120 BPM and three or more wide QRS complexes in a row. URL: Sore eyes is a eye symptom characterized by an inflammation of the thin covering of the eyeball and the inner eyelid brought about by a viral infection which may be highly contagious. symptoms SYMP:0000828 Sore eyes is a eye symptom characterized by an inflammation of the thin covering of the eyeball and the inner eyelid brought about by a viral infection which may be highly contagious. URL: Neck pain is a pain characterized by an unpleasant sensation localized in the neck that usually indicates the body is threatened or damaged. The sensation may be sharp or dull, short-lived or chronic, intermittent or continual. symptoms SYMP:0000829 Neck pain is a pain characterized by an unpleasant sensation localized in the neck that usually indicates the body is threatened or damaged. The sensation may be sharp or dull, short-lived or chronic, intermittent or continual. URL: Phantom pain is a pain where painful sensation that are perceived to originate in the amputated portion of the extremety. Patients may have localized pain that originates in the stump. symptoms SYMP:0000830 Phantom pain is a pain where painful sensation that are perceived to originate in the amputated portion of the extremety. Patients may have localized pain that originates in the stump. URL: Nociceptive pain is a pain originated other than peripheral and central nervous system, caused by activation of nociceptive fibers. symptoms SYMP:0000831 Nociceptive pain is a pain originated other than peripheral and central nervous system, caused by activation of nociceptive fibers. URL: Neuropathic pain is a pain experienced by cancer patients caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy damage to nerves, when cancer invades or compresses nerves, or when, during cancer treatment. This type of pain is typically described as burning, electrical, or strange feeling. symptoms SYMP:0000832 Neuropathic pain is a pain experienced by cancer patients caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy damage to nerves, when cancer invades or compresses nerves, or when, during cancer treatment. This type of pain is typically described as burning, electrical, or strange feeling. URL: Visceral pain is a pain originated from organ tissues of the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis, It characterizes as deep, vague, difficult to locate pain that radiates away from the affected organ. symptoms SYMP:0000833 Visceral pain is a pain originated from organ tissues of the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis, It characterizes as deep, vague, difficult to locate pain that radiates away from the affected organ. URL: Hypoesthesia is a general symptom where there is a diminished sensitivity to stimulation. symptoms SYMP:0000834 Hypoesthesia is a general symptom where there is a diminished sensitivity to stimulation. URL: Hypoalgesia is a general symptom where there is a diminished sensitivity to painful stimulation. symptoms SYMP:0000835 Hypoalgesia is a general symptom where there is a diminished sensitivity to painful stimulation. URL: Hyperalgesia is a general symptom where there is an increased response to a painful stimulus. symptoms SYMP:0000836 Hyperalgesia is a general symptom where there is an increased response to a painful stimulus. URL: Chronic pain is a pain that can range from mild to severe, and continues beyond the expected healing phase. symptoms SYMP:0000837 Chronic pain is a pain that can range from mild to severe, and continues beyond the expected healing phase. URL: Breakthrough pain is a pain that occurs with movement and is not controlled by a scheduled pain medication regimen, such that the pain breaks through the current regimen. This is usually referred to in the context of a short and long acting opioid, the short acting opioid being used to treat the breakthrough pain. symptoms SYMP:0000838 Breakthrough pain is a pain that occurs with movement and is not controlled by a scheduled pain medication regimen, such that the pain breaks through the current regimen. This is usually referred to in the context of a short and long acting opioid, the short acting opioid being used to treat the breakthrough pain. URL: Acute pain is a pain that is severe but lasts a relatively short time. symptoms SYMP:0000839 Acute pain is a pain that is severe but lasts a relatively short time. URL: Allodynia is a pain where there is a painful sensation with a normal, non painful stimulation. symptoms SYMP:0000840 Allodynia is a pain where there is a painful sensation with a normal, non painful stimulation. URL: Reactive hyperemia is a hyperemia occuring due to the dilation of arteriolar smooth muscle to increase blood flow in response to a profound increase in blood flow to an organ after being occluded. There will be a shortage of oxygen and a build-up of metabolic waste. symptoms SYMP:0000841 Reactive hyperemia is a hyperemia occuring due to the dilation of arteriolar smooth muscle to increase blood flow in response to a profound increase in blood flow to an organ after being occluded. There will be a shortage of oxygen and a build-up of metabolic waste. wiki: Active hyperemia is a hyperemia occuring due to the dilation of arteriolar smooth muscle to increase blood flow in response to an increase in metabolism. symptoms SYMP:0000842 Active hyperemia is a hyperemia occuring due to the dilation of arteriolar smooth muscle to increase blood flow in response to an increase in metabolism. wiki: Functional hyperemia is a hyperemia occuring due to an increase in blood flow to a tissue due to the presence of metabolites and a change in general conditions. symptoms SYMP:0000843 Functional hyperemia is a hyperemia occuring due to an increase in blood flow to a tissue due to the presence of metabolites and a change in general conditions. wiki: Hyperemia of the face is a head symptom consisting of an excess of blood in the tissues of the face as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. symptoms SYMP:0000844 Hyperemia of the face is a head symptom consisting of an excess of blood in the tissues of the face as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. wiki: Hyperemia of the neck is a neck symptom consisting of an excess of blood in the tissues of the neck as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. symptoms SYMP:0000845 Hyperemia of the neck is a neck symptom consisting of an excess of blood in the tissues of the neck as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. wiki: Hyperemia of the chest is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of an excess of blood in the tissues of the chest as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. symptoms SYMP:0000846 Hyperemia of the chest is a cardiovascular system symptom consisting of an excess of blood in the tissues of the chest as from an increased flow of blood due to vasodilation. wiki: Spastic paralysis is a paralysis characterized by tonic spasm of the affected muscles and with increased tendon reflexes. symptoms SYMP:0000847 Spastic paralysis is a paralysis characterized by tonic spasm of the affected muscles and with increased tendon reflexes. URL: Motor paralysis is a paralysis where there is a complete or partial loss of function the voluntary muscles. symptoms SYMP:0000848 Motor paralysis is a paralysis where there is a complete or partial loss of function the voluntary muscles. URL: Stillbirth is a reproductive system symptom characterized by the birth of a dead fetus, occurs when a fetus which has died in the uterus or during labor or delivery exits a woman's body. symptoms SYMP:0000849 Stillbirth is a reproductive system symptom characterized by the birth of a dead fetus, occurs when a fetus which has died in the uterus or during labor or delivery exits a woman's body. URL: wiki: Congested sclera is a hyperemia characterized as the congestion of the vessels of the outer layer of the eye containing collagen and elastic fibers. symptoms SYMP:0000850 Congested sclera is a hyperemia characterized as the congestion of the vessels of the outer layer of the eye containing collagen and elastic fibers. wiki: Gross hematuria is a hematuria characterized by the production of a visible redness in the urine. symptoms SYMP:0000851 Gross hematuria is a hematuria characterized by the production of a visible redness in the urine. URL: Anuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the absence of or defective urine excretion. ICD9CM_2005:788.5 UMLS_CUI:C0028962 UMLS_ICD9CM_2005_AUI:A0243854 symptoms SYMP:0000852 doid/symp duplicate Anuria is a urinary system symptom characterized by the absence of or defective urine excretion. URL: Stress incontinence is a urinary incontinence characterized by an involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder accompanying physical activity (as in laughing, coughing, sneezing, or physical exercise) which places increased pressure on the abdomen. symptoms SYMP:0000853 Stress incontinence is a urinary incontinence characterized by an involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder accompanying physical activity (as in laughing, coughing, sneezing, or physical exercise) which places increased pressure on the abdomen. URL: Hypermenorrhea is a menorrhagia characterized by an abnormally profuse or prolonged menstrual flow. symptoms SYMP:0000854 Hypermenorrhea is a menorrhagia characterized by an abnormally profuse or prolonged menstrual flow. URL: Metrorrhagia is a menorrhagia characterized by an irregular uterine bleeding especially between menstrual periods. symptoms SYMP:0000855 Metrorrhagia is a menorrhagia characterized by an irregular uterine bleeding especially between menstrual periods. URL: Subjective vertigo is a vertigo characterized by a sensation that one's body is revolving in space. symptoms SYMP:0000856 Subjective vertigo is a vertigo characterized by a sensation that one's body is revolving in space. URL: Objective vertigo is a vertigo characterized by a sensation that the external world is revolving. symptoms SYMP:0000857 Objective vertigo is a vertigo characterized by a sensation that the external world is revolving. URL: Hypokinesia is a musculoskeletal system symptom characterized by the slow or diminished movement of body musculature. It may be associated with basal ganglia diseases; mental disorders; prolonged inactivity due to illness; experimental protocols used to evaluate the physiologic effects of immobility; and other conditions. symptoms SYMP:0000858 Hypokinesia is a musculoskeletal system symptom characterized by the slow or diminished movement of body musculature. It may be associated with basal ganglia diseases; mental disorders; prolonged inactivity due to illness; experimental protocols used to evaluate the physiologic effects of immobility; and other conditions. wiki: Rigidity hypokinesia a type of hypokinesia described as the increase in muscle tension when moved by an outside force. symptoms SYMP:0000859 Rigidity hypokinesia a type of hypokinesia described as the increase in muscle tension when moved by an outside force. wiki: Postural instability hypokinesia is a hypokinesia described as a loss of ability to maintain an upright posture. symptoms SYMP:0000860 Postural instability hypokinesia is a hypokinesia described as a loss of ability to maintain an upright posture. wiki: Freezing hypokinesia is a hypkinesia where a person can not move their muscles how they want them to. symptoms SYMP:0000861 Freezing hypokinesia is a hypkinesia where a person can not move their muscles how they want them to. wiki: Referred pain is a pain where pain is subjectively localized in one region though due to irritation in another region. symptoms SYMP:0000862 Referred pain is a pain where pain is subjectively localized in one region though due to irritation in another region. URL: Facial tremor is a head symptom characterized by a trembling or shaking of the muscles of the face usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease, may be emphasized by the firm closure of the eyes, elevation of the eyebrows, or drawing down and outward of the corners of the mouth. symptoms SYMP:0000863 Facial tremor is a head symptom characterized by a trembling or shaking of the muscles of the face usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease, may be emphasized by the firm closure of the eyes, elevation of the eyebrows, or drawing down and outward of the corners of the mouth. URL: URL: symptoms SYMP:0000864 symptoms SYMP:0000865 Cervical edema is a neck symptom characterized by an abnormal excess accumulation of serous fluid in the soft tissue of the cervical area. symptoms SYMP:0000866 Cervical edema is a neck symptom characterized by an abnormal excess accumulation of serous fluid in the soft tissue of the cervical area. URL: A digestive system symptom characterized by bleeding from one or more of the areas of the digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract that includes the espophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon, rectum and anus. symptoms SYMP:0000867 A digestive system symptom characterized by bleeding from one or more of the areas of the digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract that includes the espophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon, rectum and anus. URL: Breathing problems is a respiratory abnormality characterized by a shortness of breath, a hard or uncomfortable intake of air, or the feeling that you're not getting enough air. symptoms SYMP:0000868 Breathing problems is a respiratory abnormality characterized by a shortness of breath, a hard or uncomfortable intake of air, or the feeling that you're not getting enough air. URL: Nasal congestion is a congestion characterized by a blockage of the nasal passages usually due to membranes lining the nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels. symptoms SYMP:0000869 Nasal congestion is a congestion characterized by a blockage of the nasal passages usually due to membranes lining the nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels. wiki: Icteric eyes is a eye symptom characterized by yellowed eyes due to bile or bilirubin accumulation. symptoms SYMP:0000870 Icteric eyes is a eye symptom characterized by yellowed eyes due to bile or bilirubin accumulation. URL: wiki: Icteric mucous membrane is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a yellowed mucous membranes due to bile or bilirubin accumulation. symptoms SYMP:0000871 Icteric mucous membrane is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a yellowed mucous membranes due to bile or bilirubin accumulation. wiki: Yellowed skin due to bile or bilirubin accumulation. symptoms SYMP:0000872 Yellowed skin due to bile or bilirubin accumulation. wiki: Otitis is a ear symptom characterized as a general term for inflammation or infection of the ear, in both humans and other animals. symptoms SYMP:0000873 Otitis is a ear symptom characterized as a general term for inflammation or infection of the ear, in both humans and other animals. wiki: Hematoma is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized by a mass of usually clotted blood that forms in a tissue, organ, or body space as a result of a broken blood vessel generally the result of hemorrhage, or more specifically, internal bleeding. symptoms SYMP:0000874 Hematoma is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized by a mass of usually clotted blood that forms in a tissue, organ, or body space as a result of a broken blood vessel generally the result of hemorrhage, or more specifically, internal bleeding. URL: < wiki: Lameness is a musculoskeletal system symptom where a person is physically disabled as the result of having a body part and especially a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement. symptoms SYMP:0000875 Lameness is a musculoskeletal system symptom where a person is physically disabled as the result of having a body part and especially a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement. url: Pericardial effusion is a cardiovascular system symptom where there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity. symptoms SYMP:0000876 doid/symp duplicate Pericardial effusion is a cardiovascular system symptom where there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity. url: symptoms SYMP:0000877 Transient fever is a fever that is characterized as a rise of body temperature above the normal that is sustained for only a short period of time. symptoms SYMP:0000878 Transient fever is a fever that is characterized as a rise of body temperature above the normal that is sustained for only a short period of time. url: url: Low-grade fever is a fever that does not exceed 38.5 degree centrigrade. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:28:26Z symptoms SYMP:0000879 Low-grade fever is a fever that does not exceed 38.5 degree centrigrade. url: Prolonged fever is a fever that persists over a prolonged period of time. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:28:26Z symptoms SYMP:0000880 Prolonged fever is a fever that persists over a prolonged period of time. url: Mild fever is a fever that occurs in a mild form. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:28:26Z symptoms SYMP:0000881 Mild fever is a fever that occurs in a mild form. url: High fever is a fever that involved an elevated temperature. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:28:26Z symptoms SYMP:0000882 High fever is a fever that involved an elevated temperature. url: Very high fever is a fever that involves extremely high temperatures. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:28:26Z symptoms SYMP:0000883 Very high fever is a fever that involves extremely high temperatures. url: lschriml 2010-10-15T11:28:26Z symptoms SYMP:0000885 true Hyperpyrexia is a fever with an extreme elevation of body temperature greater than or equal to 41.5 degree Celsius (106.7 degree Fahrenheit). lschriml 2010-10-15T11:38:55Z symptoms SYMP:0000886 Hyperpyrexia is a fever with an extreme elevation of body temperature greater than or equal to 41.5 degree Celsius (106.7 degree Fahrenheit). url: Pel-Epstein fever is a fever that is associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma where the fever alternates weekly from high to low. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:40:07Z symptoms SYMP:0000887 Pel-Epstein fever is a fever that is associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma where the fever alternates weekly from high to low. url: Continuous fever is a fever where temperature remains above normal throughout the day and does not fluctuate more than 1 degree Celsius in 24 hours. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:42:19Z symptoms continued fever SYMP:0000888 Continuous fever is a fever where temperature remains above normal throughout the day and does not fluctuate more than 1 degree Celsius in 24 hours. url: Remittent fever is a fever where the temperature remains above normal throughout the day and fluctuates more than 1degree Celsius in 24 hours. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:42:19Z symptoms SYMP:0000889 Remittent fever is a fever where the temperature remains above normal throughout the day and fluctuates more than 1degree Celsius in 24 hours. url: Relapsing fever is a fever where the body temperature periodically rises and falls. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:46:03Z symptoms SYMP:0000890 doid/symp duplicate Relapsing fever is a fever where the body temperature periodically rises and falls. url: lschriml 2010-10-15T11:48:05Z symptoms SYMP:0000891 Sensation perception is a nervous system symptom where the information perceived by sensory receptors are interpreted. lschriml 2010-10-15T11:54:30Z symptoms SYMP:0000892 Sensation perception is a nervous system symptom where the information perceived by sensory receptors are interpreted. url: A low blood pressure characterized by or due to abnormally low blood pressure, especially in the arteries of the systemic circulation. lschriml 2011-11-17T12:20:22Z symptoms SYMP:0000893 A low blood pressure characterized by or due to abnormally low blood pressure, especially in the arteries of the systemic circulation. url: url: A skin andintegumentary tissue symptom that is characterized by cold, moist and sticky skin. lschriml 2011-11-17T12:27:44Z symptoms SYMP:0000894 A skin andintegumentary tissue symptom that is characterized by cold, moist and sticky skin. url: An acute allergic reaction to an antigen to which the body has become hypersensitive. anaphylaxis symptoms SYMP:0000895 An acute allergic reaction to an antigen to which the body has become hypersensitive. URL: An abnormal protrusion or displacement of an eye or other body part. exophthalmia exophthalmus proptosis symptoms SYMP:0000896 doid/symp duplicate An abnormal protrusion or displacement of an eye or other body part. URL: URL: URL: A bradycardia associated with the generation of impules in the ventricles when impules from the atria fail to reach them, characterized by an electrocardiogram showing a heart rate below 50 BPM and a broad QRS complex. idioventricular rhythm ventricular escape rhythm symptoms SYMP:0000897 A bradycardia associated with the generation of impules in the ventricles when impules from the atria fail to reach them, characterized by an electrocardiogram showing a heart rate below 50 BPM and a broad QRS complex. URL: An arrhythmia characterized by rapid, irregular, and unsynchronized contraction of muscle fibers within the heart. symptoms SYMP:0000898 An arrhythmia characterized by rapid, irregular, and unsynchronized contraction of muscle fibers within the heart. URL: A cardiac fibrillation associated with quivering of the lower chambers of the heart, preventing blood from being pumped and causing cardiac arrest. v-fib symptoms SYMP:0000899 A cardiac fibrillation associated with quivering of the lower chambers of the heart, preventing blood from being pumped and causing cardiac arrest. URL: symptoms SYMP:0017795 symptoms SYMP:0019138 symptoms SYMP:0019139 symptoms SYMP:0019140 symptoms SYMP:0019141 lymphadenopathy symptoms SYMP:0019142 symptoms SYMP:0019143 symptoms SYMP:0019144 Vomiting is a digestive system symptom characterized by throwing up the stomach contents. emesis symptoms SYMP:0019145 Vomiting is a digestive system symptom characterized by throwing up the stomach contents. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019146 A vomiting where there is vomiting of blood. bloody vomit haematemesis vomiting blood symptoms SYMP:0019147 A vomiting where there is vomiting of blood. wiki: symptoms SYMP:0019148 symptoms SYMP:0019149 pharynx inflammation symptoms SYMP:0019150 doid/symp duplicate Pulmonary edema is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs. oedematous lungs symptoms SYMP:0019151 doid/symp duplicate Pulmonary edema is a respiratory system and chest symptom characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs. URL: Diaphoresis is a sweat characterized as excessive sweating commonly associated with shock and other medical emergency conditions. profuse perspiration symptoms SYMP:0019152 Diaphoresis is a sweat characterized as excessive sweating commonly associated with shock and other medical emergency conditions. wiki: Dyspnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by difficult or labored respiration. breathing difficulty breathlessness difficulty breathing labored respiration shortness of breath symptoms SYMP:0019153 Dyspnea is a respiratory abnormality characterized by difficult or labored respiration. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019154 symptoms SYMP:0019155 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0019156 Eschar is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a scab formed especially after a burn. symptoms SYMP:0019158 Eschar is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a scab formed especially after a burn. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019159 doid/symp duplicate Boil is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from usually bacterial infection of a hair follicle and adjacent tissue, having a hard central core, and forming pus. furuncle symptoms SYMP:0019160 Boil is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from usually bacterial infection of a hair follicle and adjacent tissue, having a hard central core, and forming pus. URL: Muscle pain is a pain characterized by pain in one or more muscles. SYMP:0000626 myalgia symptoms SYMP:0019161 Muscle pain is a pain characterized by pain in one or more muscles. url: symptoms SYMP:0019162 symptoms SYMP:0019163 symptoms SYMP:0019164 doid/symp duplicate symptoms SYMP:0019165 ulcer ulcers symptoms SYMP:0019166 true Pustule is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing pus and having an inflamed base. symptoms SYMP:0019167 Pustule is a skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as a small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing pus and having an inflamed base. URL: Pneumonia is a pneumonitis characterized as an inflammatory illness of the lung resulting from a variety of causes including infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, and chemical or physical injury to the lungs. Its cause may also be officially described as idiopathic, that is, unknown, when infectious causes have been excluded. symptoms SYMP:0019168 doid/symp duplicate Pneumonia is a pneumonitis characterized as an inflammatory illness of the lung resulting from a variety of causes including infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, and chemical or physical injury to the lungs. Its cause may also be officially described as idiopathic, that is, unknown, when infectious causes have been excluded. wiki: Arthritis is a musculoskeletal system symptom characterized as an inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes. symptoms SYMP:0019169 doid/symp duplicate Arthritis is a musculoskeletal system symptom characterized as an inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019170 true Spondylitis is a nervous system symptom characterized by an inflammation of the vertebrae. symptoms SYMP:0019171 doid/symp duplicate Spondylitis is a nervous system symptom characterized by an inflammation of the vertebrae. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019172 Meningitis is a nervous system symptom characterized as an inflammation of the meninges and especially of the pia mater and the arachnoid. symptoms SYMP:0019173 Meningitis is a nervous system symptom characterized as an inflammation of the meninges and especially of the pia mater and the arachnoid. URL: rigors symptoms SYMP:0019174 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as the excretion of moisture in visible quantities through the opening of the sweat glands. perspire symptoms SYMP:0019175 A skin and integumentary tissue symptom characterized as the excretion of moisture in visible quantities through the opening of the sweat glands. URL: Malaise is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized as an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness. symptoms SYMP:0019176 Malaise is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized as an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness. URL: Fatigue is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress. symptoms SYMP:0019177 Fatigue is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized by a weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019178 Lightheadedness is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized as the condition of being dizzy or on the verge of fainting, particularly when one arises to a standing position, is a predictable consequence of any medication tending to lower blood pressure. light-headedness symptoms SYMP:0019179 Lightheadedness is a neurological and physiological symptom characterized as the condition of being dizzy or on the verge of fainting, particularly when one arises to a standing position, is a predictable consequence of any medication tending to lower blood pressure. URL: Constipation is a feces and droppings symptom involving the abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry hardened feces. symptoms SYMP:0019180 doid/symp duplicate Constipation is a feces and droppings symptom involving the abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry hardened feces. URL: symptoms SYMP:0019181 A nervous system symptom that involves, is related to, or emphasizes behavior. A nervous system symptom that involves, is related to, or emphasizes behavior. url: A behavioral symptom that is characterized by increased movement, impulsive actions, and a shorter attention span, and being easily distracted. A behavioral symptom that is characterized by increased movement, impulsive actions, and a shorter attention span, and being easily distracted. url: A behavioral symptom that is characterized by a restricted rate of information processing by the brain. A behavioral symptom that is characterized by a restricted rate of information processing by the brain. url: A behavioral symptom that is characterized by speech, language and communication needs or communication disabilities. A behavioral symptom that is characterized by speech, language and communication needs or communication disabilities. url: A behavioral symptom that is characterized by obsessive and highly-focused interests. A behavioral symptom that is characterized by obsessive and highly-focused interests. url: url: A behavioral symptom characterized by unusual repetitive motor movements or manipulation of objects. stimming A behavioral symptom characterized by unusual repetitive motor movements or manipulation of objects. url: -