
Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0

class BrowserActionsIntent

Class holding the Intent and start bundle for a Browser Actions Activity.

Note: The constants below are public for the browser implementation's benefit. You are strongly encouraged to use BrowserActionsIntent.Builder.


Nested types

Builder class for opening a Browser Actions context menu.


const String!
ACTION_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OPEN = "androidx.browser.browseractions.browser_action_open"

Indicates that the user explicitly opted out of Browser Actions in the calling application.

const String!
EXTRA_APP_ID = "androidx.browser.browseractions.APP_ID"

Extra that specifies PendingIntent indicating which Application sends the .

const String!
EXTRA_MENU_ITEMS = "androidx.browser.browseractions.extra.MENU_ITEMS"

Extra that specifies Listused for adding custom items to the Browser Actions menu.

const String!

Extra that specifies the PendingIntent to be launched when a browser specified menu item is selected.

const String!
EXTRA_TYPE = "androidx.browser.browseractions.extra.TYPE"

Extra that specifies the type of url for the Browser Actions menu.

const Int
const Int
const Int
const Int
const Int
const Int
const String!
KEY_ACTION = "androidx.browser.browseractions.ACTION"

Extra PendingIntent to be launched when a custom item is selected in the Browser Actions menu.

const String!
KEY_ICON_ID = "androidx.browser.browseractions.ICON_ID"

Extra resource id that specifies the icon of a custom item shown in the Browser Actions menu.

const String!
KEY_TITLE = "androidx.browser.browseractions.TITLE"

Extra string that specifies the title of a custom item shown in the Browser Actions menu.

const Int

The maximum allowed number of custom items.

const Int
const Int
const Int
const Int
const Int
const Int

Public functions

java-static String?

This function is deprecated.

This return value of this method cannot be trusted, it is kept around for compatibility.


Gets the Intent of BrowserActionsIntent.

java-static String?

Get the package name of the creator application.

java-static Unit
launchIntent(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Launch an Intent to open a Browser Actions menu.

java-static Unit
openBrowserAction(context: Context, uri: Uri)

Construct a BrowserActionsIntent with default settings and launch it to open a Browser Actions menu.

java-static Unit
    context: Context,
    uri: Uri,
    type: Int,
    items: ArrayList<BrowserActionItem!>,
    pendingIntent: PendingIntent

Construct a BrowserActionsIntent with custom settings and launch it to open a Browser Actions menu.

java-static (Mutable)List<BrowserActionItem!>

Gets custom item list for browser action menu.



Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ACTION_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OPEN = "androidx.browser.browseractions.browser_action_open": String!

Indicates that the user explicitly opted out of Browser Actions in the calling application.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val EXTRA_APP_ID = "androidx.browser.browseractions.APP_ID": String!

Extra that specifies PendingIntent indicating which Application sends the .

Note: The PendingIntent is self-reported and untrusted, sending application can modify it to use PendingIntent from other apps. This would return the package name from the app who creates the PendintIntent.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val EXTRA_MENU_ITEMS = "androidx.browser.browseractions.extra.MENU_ITEMS": String!

Extra that specifies Listused for adding custom items to the Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val EXTRA_SELECTED_ACTION_PENDING_INTENT = "androidx.browser.browseractions.extra.SELECTED_ACTION_PENDING_INTENT": String!

Extra that specifies the PendingIntent to be launched when a browser specified menu item is selected. The id of the chosen item will be notified through the data of its Intent.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val EXTRA_TYPE = "androidx.browser.browseractions.extra.TYPE": String!

Extra that specifies the type of url for the Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ITEM_COPY = 3: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ITEM_DOWNLOAD = 2: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ITEM_INVALID_ITEM = -1: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ITEM_OPEN_IN_INCOGNITO = 1: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ITEM_OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB = 0: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val ITEM_SHARE = 4: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val KEY_ACTION = "androidx.browser.browseractions.ACTION": String!

Extra PendingIntent to be launched when a custom item is selected in the Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val KEY_ICON_ID = "androidx.browser.browseractions.ICON_ID": String!

Extra resource id that specifies the icon of a custom item shown in the Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val KEY_TITLE = "androidx.browser.browseractions.TITLE": String!

Extra string that specifies the title of a custom item shown in the Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val MAX_CUSTOM_ITEMS = 5: Int

The maximum allowed number of custom items.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val URL_TYPE_AUDIO = 3: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val URL_TYPE_FILE = 4: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val URL_TYPE_IMAGE = 1: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val URL_TYPE_NONE = 0: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val URL_TYPE_PLUGIN = 5: Int


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
const val URL_TYPE_VIDEO = 2: Int

Public functions


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun getCreatorPackageName(intent: Intent): String?


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
fun getIntent(): Intent

Gets the Intent of BrowserActionsIntent.


the Intent of BrowserActionsIntent.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun getUntrustedCreatorPackageName(intent: Intent): String?

Get the package name of the creator application.

Note: This is self-reported and could be untrusted. Intent sender can modify it to return the package name from a different application.

intent: Intent

The BrowserActionsIntent.


The creator package name.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun launchIntent(context: Context, intent: Intent): Unit

Launch an Intent to open a Browser Actions menu. It first checks if any Browser Actions provider is available to create the menu. If the default Browser supports Browser Actions, menu will be opened by the default Browser, otherwise show a intent picker. If not provider, a Browser Actions menu is opened locally from support library.

context: Context

The context requesting for a Browser Actions menu.

intent: Intent

The Intent holds the setting for Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun openBrowserAction(context: Context, uri: Uri): Unit

Construct a BrowserActionsIntent with default settings and launch it to open a Browser Actions menu.

context: Context

The context requesting for a Browser Actions menu.

uri: Uri

The url for Browser Actions menu.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun openBrowserAction(
    context: Context,
    uri: Uri,
    type: Int,
    items: ArrayList<BrowserActionItem!>,
    pendingIntent: PendingIntent
): Unit

Construct a BrowserActionsIntent with custom settings and launch it to open a Browser Actions menu.

context: Context

The context requesting for a Browser Actions menu.

uri: Uri

The url for Browser Actions menu.

type: Int

The type of the url for context menu to be opened.

items: ArrayList<BrowserActionItem!>

List of custom items to be added to Browser Actions menu.

pendingIntent: PendingIntent

The PendingIntent to be launched when a browser specified menu item is selected.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun parseBrowserActionItems(bundles: ArrayList<Bundle!>): (Mutable)List<BrowserActionItem!>

Gets custom item list for browser action menu.

bundles: ArrayList<Bundle!>

Data for custom items from BrowserActionsIntent.