Moore EM, Mander AG, Ames D, Kotowicz MA, Carne RP, Brodaty H, Woodward M, Boundy K, Ellis KA, Bush AI, Faux NG, Martins R, Szoeke C, Rowe C, Watters DA, the AIBL Investigators. Increased risk of cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes is associated with metformin. Diabetes Care 2013;36:2981–2987

In the acknowledgments section of the article listed above, the sentence “AIBL is a shareholder in Cogstate Ltd., Prana Biotechnology Ltd., Mesoblast Pty Ltd., and Eucalyptus Pty Ltd.” should read as follows: “A.I.B. [Ashley I. Bush] is a shareholder in Cogstate Ltd., Prana Biotechnology Ltd., Mesoblast Pty Ltd., and Eucalyptus Pty Ltd.” The online version reflects these changes.

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