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Data Work: How Energy Advisors and Clients Make IoT Data Accountable

Published: 01 December 2017 Publication History
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    We present fieldwork findings from the deployment of an interactive sensing system that supports the work of energy advisors who give face-to-face advice to low-income households in the UK. We focus on how the system and the data it produced are articulated in the interactions between professional energy advisors and their clients, and how they collaboratively anticipate, rehearse, and perform data work. In addition to documenting how the system was appropriated in advisory work, we elaborate the `overhead cost' of building collaborative action into connected devices and sensing systems, and the commensurate need to support discrete workflows and accountability systems to enable the methodical incorporation of the IoT into collaborative action. We contribute an elaboration of the social, collaborative methods of data work relevant to those who seek to design and study collaborative IoT systems.


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    Published In

    cover image Computer Supported Cooperative Work
    Computer Supported Cooperative Work  Volume 26, Issue 4-6
    December 2017
    611 pages


    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 December 2017

    Author Tags

    1. CSCW
    2. Collaborative work
    3. Ethnomethodology
    4. Internet of things


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