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BLPSeg: Balance the Label Preference in Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Published: 01 January 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Scribble-supervised semantic segmentation is an appealing weakly supervised technique with low labeling cost. Existing approaches mainly consider diffusing the labeled region of scribble by low-level feature similarity to narrow the supervision gap between scribble labels and mask labels. In this study, we observe an annotation bias between scribble and object mask, i.e., label workers tend to scribble on the spacious region instead of corners. This label preference makes the model learn well on those frequently labeled regions but poor on rarely labeled pixels. Therefore, we propose BLPSeg to balance the label preference for complete segmentation. Specifically, the BLPSeg first predicts an annotation probability map to evaluate the rarity of labels on each image, then utilizes a novel BLP loss to balance the model training by up-weighting those rare annotations. Additionally, to further alleviate the impact of label preference, we design a local aggregation module (LAM) to propagate supervision from labeled to unlabeled regions in gradient backpropagation. We conduct extensive experiments to illustrate the effectiveness of our BLPSeg. Our single-stage method even outperforms other advanced multi-stage methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


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