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CVPR '13: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
2013 Proceeding
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • 1730 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC
  • United States
June 23 - 28, 2013
23 June 2013


No abstract available.

3D-Based Reasoning with Blocks, Support, and Stability

3D volumetric reasoning is important for truly understanding a scene. Humans are able to both segment each object in an image, and perceive a rich 3D interpretation of the scene, e.g., the space an object occupies, which objects support other objects, ...

Physically Plausible 3D Scene Tracking: The Single Actor Hypothesis

In several hand-object(s) interaction scenarios, the change in the objects' state is a direct consequence of the hand's motion. This has a straightforward representation in Newtonian dynamics. We present the first approach that exploits this observation ...

Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image

In this paper we extend the "shape, illumination and reflectance from shading" (SIRFS) model, which recovers intrinsic scene properties from a single image. Though SIRFS performs well on images of segmented objects, it performs poorly on images of ...

Depth Acquisition from Density Modulated Binary Patterns

This paper proposes novel density modulated binary patterns for depth acquisition. Similar to Kinect, the illumination patterns do not need a projector for generation and can be emitted by infrared lasers and diffraction gratings. Our key idea is to use ...

Understanding Indoor Scenes Using 3D Geometric Phrases

Visual scene understanding is a difficult problem interleaving object detection, geometric reasoning and scene classification. We present a hierarchical scene model for learning and reasoning about complex indoor scenes which is computationally ...

Rolling Riemannian Manifolds to Solve the Multi-class Classification Problem

In the past few years there has been a growing interest on geometric frameworks to learn supervised classification models on Riemannian manifolds [32, 28]. A popular framework, valid over any Riemannian manifold, was proposed in [32] for binary ...

Exploring Compositional High Order Pattern Potentials for Structured Output Learning

When modeling structured outputs such as image segmentations, prediction can be improved by accurately modeling structure present in the labels. A key challenge is developing tractable models that are able to capture complex high level structure like ...

Discrete MRF Inference of Marginal Densities for Non-uniformly Discretized Variable Space

This paper is concerned with the inference of marginal densities based on MRF models. The optimization algorithms for continuous variables are only applicable to a limited number of problems, whereas those for discrete variables are versatile. Thus, it ...

GeoF: Geodesic Forests for Learning Coupled Predictors

Conventional decision forest based methods for image labelling tasks like object segmentation make predictions for each variable (pixel) independently [3, 5, 8]. This prevents them from enforcing dependencies between variables and translates into ...

Kernel Methods on the Riemannian Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices

Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices have become popular to encode image information. Accounting for the geometry of the Riemannian manifold of SPD matrices has proven key to the success of many algorithms. However, most existing methods only ...

Manhattan Scene Understanding via XSlit Imaging

A Manhattan World (MW) is composed of planar surfaces and parallel lines aligned with three mutually orthogonal principal axes. Traditional MW understanding algorithms rely on geometry priors such as the vanishing points and reference (ground) planes ...

Discovering the Structure of a Planar Mirror System from Multiple Observations of a Single Point

We investigate the problem of identifying the position of a viewer inside a room of planar mirrors with unknown geometry in conjunction with the room's shape parameters. We consider the observations to consist of angularly resolved depth measurements of ...

Joint 3D Scene Reconstruction and Class Segmentation

Both image segmentation and dense 3D modeling from images represent an intrinsically ill-posed problem. Strong regularizers are therefore required to constrain the solutions from being 'too noisy'. Unfortunately, these priors generally yield overly ...

Tensor-Based Human Body Modeling

In this paper, we present a novel approach to model 3D human body with variations on both human shape and pose, by exploring a tensor decomposition technique. 3D human body modeling is important for 3D reconstruction and animation of realistic human ...

City-Scale Change Detection in Cadastral 3D Models Using Images

In this paper, we propose a method to detect changes in the geometry of a city using panoramic images captured by a car driving around the city. We designed our approach to account for all the challenges involved in a large scale application of change ...

Improving the Visual Comprehension of Point Sets

Point sets are the standard output of many 3D scanning systems and depth cameras. Presenting the set of points as is, might "hide" the prominent features of the object from which the points are sampled. Our goal is to reduce the number of points in a ...

Mirror Surface Reconstruction from a Single Image

This paper tackles the problem of reconstructing the shape of a smooth mirror surface from a single image. In particular, we consider the case where the camera is observing the reflection of a static reference target in the unknown mirror. We first ...

Detecting Changes in 3D Structure of a Scene from Multi-view Images Captured by a Vehicle-Mounted Camera

This paper proposes a method for detecting temporal changes of the three-dimensional structure of an outdoor scene from its multi-view images captured at two separate times. For the images, we consider those captured by a camera mounted on a vehicle ...

Templateless Quasi-rigid Shape Modeling with Implicit Loop-Closure

This paper presents a method for quasi-rigid objects modeling from a sequence of depth scans captured at different time instances. As quasi-rigid objects, such as human bodies, usually have shape motions during the capture procedure, it is difficult to ...

Understanding Bayesian Rooms Using Composite 3D Object Models

We develop a comprehensive Bayesian generative model for understanding indoor scenes. While it is common in this domain to approximate objects with 3D bounding boxes, we propose using strong representations with finer granularity. For example, we model ...

Shape from Silhouette Probability Maps: Reconstruction of Thin Objects in the Presence of Silhouette Extraction and Calibration Error

This paper considers the problem of reconstructing the shape of thin, texture-less objects such as leafless trees when there is noise or deterministic error in the silhouette extraction step or there are small errors in camera calibration. Traditional ...

Joint Geodesic Upsampling of Depth Images

We propose an algorithm utilizing geodesic distances to up sample a low resolution depth image using a registered high resolution color image. Specifically, it computes depth for each pixel in the high resolution image using geodesic paths to the pixels ...

Relative Volume Constraints for Single View 3D Reconstruction

We introduce the concept of relative volume constraints in order to account for insufficient information in the reconstruction of 3D objects from a single image. The key idea is to formulate a variational reconstruction approach with shape priors in ...

Is There a Procedural Logic to Architecture?

Urban models are key to navigation, architecture and entertainment. Apart from visualizing facades, a number of tedious tasks remain largely manual (e.g. compression, generating new facade designs and structurally comparing facades for classification, ...

Category Modeling from Just a Single Labeling: Use Depth Information to Guide the Learning of 2D Models

An object model base that covers a large number of object categories is of great value for many computer vision tasks. As artifacts are usually designed to have various textures, their structure is the primary distinguishing feature between different ...

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