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Volume 1, Issue 1Jan 2020
An End-to-End Recognition System for Unconstrained Vietnamese Handwriting

Inspired by recent successes in neural machine translation and image caption generation, we present an attention-based encoder–decoder model (AED) to recognize handwritten Vietnamese text. The model consists of two parts: a Convolutional Neural ...

Lower-Bound Study for Function Computation in Distributed Networks via Vertex-Eccentricity

Distributed computing network-systems are modeled as graphs with vertices representing compute elements and adjacency-edges capturing their uni- or bi-directional communication. Distributed function computation has a wide spectrum of major ...

Using Auditory Features for WiFi Channel State Information Activity Recognition

Activity recognition has gained significant attention recently, due to the availability of smartphones and smartwatches with movement sensors which facilitate the collection and processing of relevant measurements, by almost everyone. Using the ...

An Analysis of Software Bug Reports Using Machine Learning Techniques

Bug tracking systems manage bug reports for assuring the quality of software products. A bug report (alsoreferred as trouble, problem, ticket or defect) contains several features for problem management and resolution purposes. Severity and ...

Data Science for Genomic Data Management: Challenges, Resources, Experiences

We highlight several challenges which are faced by data scientists who use public datasets for solving biological and clinical problems. In spite of the large efforts in building such public datasets, they are dispersed over many sources and ...

Automatic Learning Algorithms for Local Support Vector Machines

In this paper, we propose automatic learning algorithms (called auto-kSVM-1p, autokSVM-dp) being possible to automatically tune hyper-parameters of k local support vector machines (SVM) for classifying large data sets. The autokSVM algorithms are ...

A Lightweight Indexing Approach for Efficient Batch Similarity Processing with MapReduce

Similarity search is a principle operation in different fields of study. However, the cost for that operation is expensive due to several reasons, mainly by redundancy and big data load. There are many approaches that concentrate on how to speed ...

Energy Packet Networks: an Annotated Bibliography

Since the beginning of the age of the digital-revolution, computer and communication systems have used massive electrical power. As a result, the usage of electrical energy by the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has now become a ...

A General Approach to Conflict Detection in Software-Defined Networks

Software-defined networks (SDN) replacing the network appliances of traditional networks with logically centrally deployed applications, which are able to introduce the network function they implement into any element in the network. This ...

A Signature-Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Remote Health Monitoring

Remote health monitoring can offer a lot of advantage to all the players in healthcare industry and it can contribute to reduced healthcare expenses. Wireless medical sensor networks capable of accumulating and transferring vital parameters of ...

Classification of Anti-phishing Solutions

Phishing is an online fraud through which phisher gains unauthorized access to the user system to lure the personal credentials (such as username, password, credit/debit card number, validity, CVV number, and pin) for financial gain. Phishing can ...

AutoAlias: Automatic Variable-Precision Alias Analysis for Object-Oriented Programs

The aliasing question (can two reference expressions point, during an execution, to the same object?) is both one of the most critical in practice, for applications ranging from compiler optimization to programmer verification, and one of the most ...

An Experiment with Denotational Semantics

The paper is devoted to showing how to systematically design a programming language in “reverse order”, i.e., from denotations to syntax. This construction is developed in an algebraic framework consisting of three many-sorted algebras: of ...

Diagramming Multi-Level Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture

Today’s enterprise architecture should incorporate high-level enterprise services that are considered as wrappers of business processes and ICT capabilities. This service-oriented enterprise model consists of a large number of model elements ...

Performance Assessment and Comparison of Efficient Ad Hoc Reactive and Proactive Network Routing Protocols

The research on mobile ad hoc networks is intensively attracted by the research community due to their good characteristic of multi-hop wireless connectivity and energetically altering network topology. It collects infra-structure less mobile ...

Darknet Traffic Analysis and Classification Using Numerical AGM and Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm

The cyberspace continues to evolve more complex than ever anticipated, and same is the case with security dynamics there. As our dependence on cyberspace is increasing day-by-day, regular and systematic monitoring of cyberspace security has become ...

Improvement of Malware Classification Using Hybrid Feature Engineering

Polymorphic malware has evolved as a major threat in Computer Systems. Their creation technology is constantly evolving using sophisticated tactics to create multiple instances of the existing ones. Current solutions are not yet able to ...

Evaluation of Out-of-Band Channels for IoT Security

Secure bootstrapping is the process by which a device gets the necessary configuration information and security credentials to become operational. In many pervasive computing and Internet-of-Things scenarios, it is often not possible to rely on ...

Theoretical and Computational Analysis of the Falling Ladder Problem

A comprehensive study of the falling ladder problem is presented. The ladder may fall naturally under the influence of gravity alone and at some point lose its contact with the wall or it may be kept in contact with the wall by a physical ...

Improved QUBO Formulation of the Graph Isomorphism Problem

In this paper, we provide a practically efficient QUBO formulation for the Graph Isomorphism Problem that is suitable for quantum annealers such as those produced by D-Wave. After proving the correctness of our new method, based on exploiting ...

Newton-2EGSOR Method for Unconstrained Optimization Problems with a Block Diagonal Hessian

We find that finding the unconstrained optimizer for large-scale problems with the Newton method can be very expensive. Therefore, in this paper, we developed a new efficient method for solving large-scale unconstrained optimization problems with ...

Access Controls for IoT Networks

The message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol is becoming the main protocol for the internet of things (IoT). In this paper, we define a highly expressive attribute-based access control (ABAC) security model for the MQTT protocol. Our ...

ARA: Aggregated RAPPOR and Analysis for Centralized Differential Privacy

Differential privacy (DP) has now become a standard in case of sensitive statistical data analysis. The two main approaches in DP are local and central. Both the approaches have a clear gap in terms of data storing,amount of data to be analyzed, ...

Green Information Extraction from Family Books

There is rising demand for the retrieval of genealogical information from semi-structured books. Nuggets of personal interest are currently transcribed piecemeal by volunteers. GreenBook is an effective alternative for recovering most of the ...

Public Access
Single-Shot 3D Mesh Estimation via Adversarial Domain Adaptation: Learning Directly from Synthetic Data

We present an adversarial deep domain adaptation (ADA) approach for training deep neural networks that estimate 3D pose and shape of a human from a single image. Existing datasets of in-the-wild images of humans have limited availability of 3D ...

Clustering and Association Rules for Web Service Discovery and Recommendation: A Systematic Literature Review

The purpose of this study is to identify, summarize, and systematically compare various clustering and association rule techniques for web service discovery and recommendation, identify the most common data sets used in the extant literature, and ...

Secret Key Rate Adaption for Multicarrier Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution

A multicarrier continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) protocol uses Gaussian subcarrier quantum continuous variables (CVs) for the transmission. Here, we define an iterative error-minimizing secret key adaption method for ...

Characterization of a New Potential Family of Organic-Like Pattern-Generating Dynamical Systems

In this paper, we characterize a new broad family of discrete-time dynamical systems, whose organic-like patterns resemble part of the external morphology of some families of invertebrates and the bioluminescence of some specific families of ...

Modeling Green Data-Centers and Jobs Balancing with Energy Packet Networks and Interrupted Poisson Energy Arrivals

We investigate micro data-centers systems with intermittent energy (due to solar panels or price of energy) which balance their jobs to mitigate these fluctuations. The model is based on energy packet networks recently proposed by E. Gelenbe and ...

Model-Driven Joint Optimization of Power and Latency Guarantee in Data center Applications

Cloud data centers try to achieve two primary but competing goals for latency-sensitive services: meeting latency service-level objective (SLO) and reducing energy utilization. In this paper, we perform a joint optimization of both goals, such ...

