SQL Development & Management

Snowflake provides the following native SQL development and data querying interfaces:




Snowflake clients and interfaces

Snowsight Worksheets

Browser-based SQL development and editing.

  • No installation or configuration required.

  • Supports multiple, independent working environments that can be opened/closed, named, and reused across multiple sessions (all work is automatically saved).

Snowflake clients and interfaces


Python-based client for performing all tasks in Snowflake, including querying, executing DDL/DML commands, and bulk loading/unloading of data.

Snowflake clients and interfaces

Snowflake Extension for Visual Studio Code

Snowflake provides an extension for Visual Studio Code to enable Snowflake users to write and execute Snowflake SQL statements directly in VSC, using either SQL files or Python files containing Snowpark Python code.

  • Install the extension directly from within Visual Studio Code, or indirectly by downloading a specific version.

In addition, Snowflake works with a variety of 3rd-party SQL tools for managing the modeling, development, and deployment of SQL code in your Snowflake applications, including, but not limited to:


Version / Installation Requirements


Agile Data Engine

Agile Data Engine: No requirements

Snowflake: No requirements

Aginity Pro / Aginity Team

Aginity: Pro or Team

Snowflake: No requirements


Available in Partner Connect

DataOps.live: No requirements

Snowflake: No requirements

DBeaver SQL client

DBeaver: 4.3.4 (or higher)

Snowflake: JDBC Driver — automatically downloaded and installed by DBeaver


erwin: Data Modeler 2020 (or higher)

Snowflake: No requirements

Hackolade: Studio 5.2.0 (or higher)

Snowflake: No requirements


SeekWell: No requirements

Snowflake: No requirements

Solita Agine Data Engine

Solita Agile Data Engine: No requirements

Snowflake: No requirements


Available in Partner Connect

SqlDBM: No requirements

Snowflake: No requirements

SQL Workbench/J client

SQL Workbench: No requirements

Snowflake: JDBC Driver — download from the JDBC Driver page in the Maven Central Repository


Statsig: No requirements

Snowflake: No requirements


This is not a complete list of SQL management tools that work with Snowflake; these are known tools that have been validated for use with Snowflake. Other tools can be used with Snowflake; however, we do not guarantee that all features/functionality in these 3rd-party tools will interoperate with Snowflake.
