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Kindling stimulation induces c-fos protein(s) in granule cells of the rat dentate gyrus


Alterations in neuronal gene expression have been proposed to account for permanent changes in brain function such as learning and memory1–4. In particular, it has been suggested that proto-oncogenes such as c-fos (ref. 5) may be rapidly induced in conditions that lead to neuronal plasticity and evoke permanent changes in the expression of effector genes1. Concentrations of the c-fos proto-oncogene increase rapidly following depolarization-induced calcium influx in non-dividing neuronally differentiated PC 12 cells2,3. Recently, the presence and induction of c-fos in the adult brain and spinal cord has been observed6–8. Here we report that electrically-induced seizure activity, which leads to a permanent increase in the response of the brain to future seizures (kindling9), rapidly and transiently increases c-fos protein-like immunoreac-tivity in the nuclei of granule cells in the rat dentate gyrus. These results suggest that c-fos protein is present within the nuclei of adult mammalian neurons, and could be involved in plastic changes in the nervous system associated with seizure activity.

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Dragunow, M., Robertson, H. Kindling stimulation induces c-fos protein(s) in granule cells of the rat dentate gyrus. Nature 329, 441–442 (1987).

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