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Stacking fault energies and slip in nanocrystalline metals


The search for deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline metals has profited from the use of molecular dynamics calculations. These simulations have revealed two possible mechanisms; grain boundary accommodation, and intragranular slip involving dislocation emission and absorption at grain boundaries. But the precise nature of the slip mechanism is the subject of considerable debate, and the limitations of the simulation technique need to be taken into consideration. Here we show, using molecular dynamics simulations, that the nature of slip in nanocrystalline metals cannot be described in terms of the absolute value of the stacking fault energy—a correct interpretation requires the generalized stacking fault energy curve, involving both stable and unstable stacking fault energies. The molecular dynamics technique does not at present allow for the determination of rate-limiting processes, so the use of our calculations in the interpretation of experiments has to be undertaken with care.

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Figure 1: Typical deformation mechanisms observed in simulations of fully 3D samples using three model potentials.
Figure 2: Diagram of generalized planar fault energy curves for the stacking and twin fault planar defects.
Figure 3: GPF energy curves for six empirical potentials.

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This work was supported by the Swiss FN (grant no. 200021-100055/1).

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Van Swygenhoven, H., Derlet, P. & Frøseth, A. Stacking fault energies and slip in nanocrystalline metals. Nature Mater 3, 399–403 (2004).

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