Article: Consensus Statement

Dose-response issues concerning physical activity and health: an evidence-based symposium


Author Information
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33(6):p S351-S358, June 2001.
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Regular physical activity is widely accepted as a behavior to reduce all-cause mortality rates and to improve a number of health outcomes. On October 11–15, 2000, Health Canada and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sponsored a scientific symposium to determine whether there is a dose-response relationship between physical activity and several health-related outcomes and to identify areas for future research. The invited experts reviewed and evaluated the existing literature according to an evidence-based methodology used previously by the National Institutes of Health (5) (Table 1). The Consensus Committee (Panel), consisting of individuals with experience and knowledge in health areas of concern from outside the field of exercise science, reviewed and evaluated the evidence presented, assigned it to an evidence category, and identified topics for future research. The manuscripts upon which the consensus was based and the report of the Consensus Committee are published concurrently in this issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

Table 1:
Categories of evidence.a

Most of the evidence currently available seems to be related to the effects (benefits or risks) of regular physical activity rather than to the relationship between dose and response. Therefore, the Panel decided to summarize the evidence for the effects of participation in regular physical activity, because the Panel found this useful and necessary to properly understand the dose-response data.

The key terms used during the Symposium and in this report are described in detail by Howley (4). Briefly, health is defined as a human condition with physical, social, and psychological dimensions. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by contraction of skeletal muscle that substantially increases energy expenditure. The dose of physical activity, or exercise, needed to bring about a particular health benefit response is described by the characteristics of frequency, duration, intensity, and type of activity. Frequency is described as the number of activity sessions per time period (e.g., day or week). Duration refers to the number of minutes of activity in each session. Intensity describes, in relative or absolute terms, the measured or estimated effort (energy cost) associated with the physical activity. Physical activity may be of a leisure time or occupational type activity. Physical fitness is defined as a set of attributes (i.e., cardiorespiratory endurance, skeletal muscle endurance, skeletal muscle strength, etc.) that relate to the ability to perform physical activity. The product of frequency, duration, and intensity yields the total energy expenditure associated with the physical activity and is a measure of the volume of exercise. The gross cost of an activity is the total energy expenditure, which includes resting metabolic rate and the cost of the activity itself. The net cost is that associated with the activity alone.


Concepts and Methods

Appropriate measurements of physical activity are needed to judge whether there is a dose-response relationship between physical activity and health. Ideally, the important components of physical activity include measurements of frequency and duration (time) and intensity (absolute and relative). With these measurements, it is possible to calculate the dose (or volume) of exercise. Unfortunately, many studies have not collected detailed measures on intensity, duration, and frequency but have used subjective assessments such as “little, moderate, and heavy.” The dose equals the energy expended in physical activity and is one of the potential mediators of the health benefits of physical activity. Therefore, relatively accurate measurements of both the time spent in physical activity and intensity of physical activity are needed. This is a problem because the methods used in field studies (questionnaires, physical activity records, and recall diaries) are imprecise, particularly for estimating low levels of physical activity. These methods rely on self-reports of the individual’s perceived intensity of physical activity. They may not reflect the absolute intensity across all age and sex groups required for converting the perceived levels of exercise intensity into METs, a commonly used unit used to estimate the metabolic cost (oxygen consumption) of physical activity. One MET equals the resting metabolic rate (∼kcal·min-1 or 3–5 mL O2·kg-1·min-1).

The lack of a gold standard for the precise quantification of the energy expenditure of physical activity has hampered the development of universally acceptable and accurate field assessment techniques. A variety of direct and indirect methods are presently used to assess physical activity. Portable oxygen uptake devices and improved sensors of bodily movements and temperature continue to be investigated, but more work and better consensus regarding their uniform application are needed.

Older and/or obese individuals are likely to perceive a given absolute level of physical activity as more intense than younger, fit, less obese individuals. To convert perceived levels of physical activity intensity into meaningful absolute intensity levels (and therefore into energy expenditure of physical activity), it is helpful to have conversion factors. The Panel recommends that the conversion factors provided in Table 2 be widely used by investigators to calculate indices of volume, as well as the absolute and relative levels of physical activity. This table allows the data reported in relative intensity to be converted into absolute intensity.

Table 2:
Classification of physical activity intensity.

It is important to consider the intensity of physical activity as part of the dose-response relationship because of its known effect on fitness. Fitness, commonly assessed in terms of peak workload or maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), is improved more by high- than low-intensity physical activity. If fitness is an intermediate factor between physical activity and health benefits, then measurement of the intensity of physical activity may be important in assessing dose response. V̇O2max has been used as a measure of the “dose” of physical activity. Given the significant constitutional, interindividual variability in V̇O2max, this may not be ideal. The measurement of fitness itself, however, is more accurate than current field measurements of physical activity. There is some evidence that fitness could be more strongly related to some health outcomes than physical activity. These observations, however, may be due in part to the greater accuracy in the measurements of fitness. Other measurements of fitness include the assessments of submaximal exercise endurance and the heart rate response to a given workload.

Two further issues need to be considered when testing for a dose-response relationship between physical activity and health outcomes. The first relates to the increased risk to adverse health outcomes as the volume and intensity of exercise are increased. In this case, the net benefit of higher levels of physical activity may not be as great as predicted (Fig. 1). The second issue relates to the likelihood that the overall physical activity level (both activities of daily living and occupational physical activity) of populations is decreasing. Consequently, estimating the volume of physical activity needed to reduce health risks from data generated by older studies could be problematic.

The relationship of exercise intensity to biological change (for two dose-response profiles) and risk injury. Net health benefit for moderate- and high-intensity exercise displayed; from ref. 3.

Although the resistance training and flexibility issues are important to global health outcomes, the Symposium focused mainly on physical activity with an emphasis on aerobic activities.

Fractionalization of Physical Activity

Fractionalization of physical activity can be understood as: 1) comparing one continuous session of exercise with several short sessions of the same total duration; or 2) comparing a session of moderate-to-hard exercise with a session of longer duration, lower intensity, but equivalent energy expenditure, i.e., “trading intensity for duration.” In randomized short-term studies, which compare the training effects of one long exercise session per day to several short (≥10 min) exercise sessions per day at the same intensity, two short sessions appear generally as effective as a single session of the same total duration. Moreover, improvements in V̇O2max are found equal for both programs in randomized long-term training studies (Category B).

When considering the issue of “trading intensity for duration,” short-term studies suggest that heavy exercise is more likely to induce negative energy balance than light exercise (Category C). In long-term studies, there is evidence that high-intensity training elicits a greater increase in V̇O2max than low-intensity training for the same total energy expenditure (Category B).

Acute and Chronic Effects of Physical Activity

Acute effects of physical activity refer to health-related changes that occur during and in the hours after physical activity, which are not further improved with additional physical activity. Chronic effects associated with physical activity occur over time due to changes in the structure or function of various body systems, independent of acute effects. However, the acute exercise response and the chronic adaptations to exercise training cannot be viewed in isolation because frequent repetition of isolated sessions with transient responses produces more permanent adaptations (i.e., chronic effect). Therefore, there may be an interaction between the acute and chronic effects of physical activity. In some instances, exercise may have an acute effect that disappears rapidly with no influence on the response to subsequent exercise. This acute exercise, if repeated, could also have a cumulative effect or one that diminishes gradually. The effects of repeated, acute, low-intensity, physical activities may also result in small changes that may not be detectable in clinical studies but still have a discernible effect if adopted by large populations. When evaluating the acute effects of exercise, the timing of health assessments must be taken into account because of circadian variation in outcomes and changes in plasma volume due to the exercise.

There is an extensive literature on the acute effects of physical activity on atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk factors. There are 12 controlled studies in small numbers of subjects that show a single session of exercise, at an intensity of 50–80% V̇O2max, results in the lowering of serum triglycerides (3–15%) and an increase in serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (4–43%). These effects can be observed 18–24 h after an exercise bout and can persist for up to 72 h. A single session of prolonged heavy exercise (e.g., a marathon run) is also followed by a decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol (4–38%), which in part is due to an acute expansion of plasma volume. The Panel considers the evidence for the acute changes in serum triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol with exercise to be strong (Category A). The evidence for the acute reduction in LDL-cholesterol with exercise is also considered strong (Category A) but may not have physiological relevance. The Panel finds no evidence for a dose-response effect of acute exercise on the lipoprotein changes.

A single session of exercise at an intensity of 50–100% of V̇O2max produces a lowering of 18–20 mm Hg in systolic and 7–9 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure. These changes remain for 12–16 h after the exercise. The maximal changes in blood pressure have been observed in individuals with mild (Stage I) hypertension. The Panel considers the evidence for the blood pressure lowering by acute exercise to be strong (Category A). However, there is insufficient evidence to define a dose-response effect.

The effects of acute exercise on blood glucose and insulin sensitivity at the intensity of 55–75% V̇O2max have been studied in seven controlled trials with a small number of subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data indicate a lowering of 20–40 mg·dL-1 (1–2 mmol·L-1) of blood glucose for 2–3 d (Category A). There is insufficient evidence to define any dose-response effect of acute exercise on glucose metabolism.

In summary, acute exercise has beneficial effects on lipoproteins, blood pressure, and insulin sensitivity. However, there is presently insufficient evidence to define a dose-response effect.

Individual Variability

The HERITAGE Family study has demonstrated a considerable between subject variability in fitness and risk factor responses to a given amount of physical activity (1). These responses aggregate within families (Category B) emphasizing the considerable heterogeneity that may be anticipated when measuring a dose-response to physical activity. Such heterogeneity should be taken into account when analyzing results from both observational and interventional studies and when considering power calculations for future investigations. This familial heterogeneity underscores the importance of understanding the influence of specific genotypes as confounders in the relationship between physical activity and health benefits.


All-Cause Mortality

The hypothesis that physical activity and physical fitness promote health and longevity has been recognized for centuries. What is less clear is the shape of the dose-response curve between physical activity and all-cause mortality rates. This is of particular interest because of the current change in recommendation for 30-min moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week in the place of the previous recommendation that advocated vigorous-intensity exercise for 20 min continuously three times weekly. With the high prevalence of sedentary behavior in modern industrialized societies, it is important to ascertain the minimum dose of physical activity required to decrease all-cause mortality rates. A search of the literature over the past 34 years that addressed all cause-mortality rates (excluding papers that examined only two levels of physical activity or were not written in English) identified 44 papers. Of these, five assessed physical fitness and one both physical activity and fitness. Of the remaining 38 papers, most assessed leisure-time, three assessed occupational, and nine both types of physical activity. Of importance, all assessed the relationship between the volume of physical activity and all-cause mortality rates. Most of these demonstrated a dose-response relationship between physical activity and all-cause mortality rates. Five noted a threshold effect, whereas five found no significant association between physical activity and all-cause mortality. Of the 17 studies that tested for a linear trend of declining all-cause mortality rates with increasing volume of physical activity, most found a significant inverse linear trend in at least one population subgroup. It was not possible to assess the impact of the components of exercise volume (intensity and duration) or frequency in these studies, apart from their contribution to the volume of the physical activity.

The Panel concludes that there is Category C evidence for a dose-response relationship between the volume of physical activity and all-cause mortality rates in adult men and women of all ages from the United States and Europe. The slope of this inverse relationship between physical activity and all-cause mortality is not clearly defined, but in most of the studies the relationship appears to be linear. The minimal effective dose is not well defined, but physical activity expending 1000 kcal·wk-1 (4200 kJ·wk-1) is associated with as much as a 30% reduction in all-cause mortality rates. There is a suggestion that volumes of physical activity as low as 500 kcal·wk-1 might demonstrate a slight favorable effect on all-cause mortality, but this requires further study.

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) contributes substantially to morbidity and mortality throughout the world. There have been no randomized-controlled trials conducted to determine the effect of physical activity or fitness on CVD; however, a large body of prospective observational evidence is available.

Overall, there is a consistent inverse dose-response relationship between physical activity and both the incidence and mortality rates from all cardiovascular and coronary heart disease (Category C). This relationship, which derives from earlier studies that assessed occupational physical activity as well as later ones using leisure-time physical activity, is evident when either the volume or intensity of physical activity are used for assessment. The majority of studies have been conducted in men. However, from the more limited data available, the relationship appears to be similar in women. The shape of the dose-response curve appears to be linear when response is measured in terms of relative risk.

The prospective observational studies that have examined the dose-response relationship between physical activity and the incidence and mortality rates from stroke, however, do not provide consistent evidence of a dose-response relationship. Several studies report a “U”-shaped relationship, with higher disease rates among those with the lowest and highest levels of physical activity. Most studies have not reported the rates of hemorrhagic stroke separately from those of ischemic stroke, which may be relevant given the different pathogenesis of the two conditions.

In summary, the Panel finds an inverse and linear dose-response relationship between physical activity and both the incidence and mortality rates from all cardiovascular and coronary heart disease (Category C).

Blood Pressure and Hypertension

A meta-analysis of 44 RCT (involving 68 study groups and 2677 subjects, both men and women aged from 21 to 79 yr) shows that aerobic training, at an intensity between 30 and 85% of maximal exercise performance (determined by heterogenous methods) reduces systolic/diastolic blood pressure significantly (−2.6/−1.8 mm Hg in normotensive and −7.7/−5.8 mm Hg in hypertensive groups). Thirty-five RCT comprising 45 study groups applied only one training intensity that ranged from 50 to 85% of maximal exercise performance. Weighted meta-regression analysis shows that net change in systolic and diastolic blood pressure is not significantly related to the training intensity nor time per session. The duration of the training program is, however, a significant determinant of the response of the systolic, but not of diastolic, blood pressure. A review of the nine RCT that address dose-response issues reveals that training, at about 50% of maximal exercise tolerance, is as effective in reducing blood pressure as training at about 75%. These studies involved a smaller number of subjects.

In summary, the Panel considers the RCT evidence to be strong for training at ∼ 50% of maximal exercise tolerance to be effective in reducing blood pressure (Category A). Training at high-intensity level does not appear to provide additional benefit (Category B).

Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins

Fifty-one studies (28 RCT), with a duration of exercise of more than 12 wk involving about 4700 subjects aged 18–80 yr (60% men), are available for review. Ten focus on subjects with normal body weight (BMI < 25), 25 studies on overweight subjects (BMI 25–29.9), and 14 studies on obese individuals (BMI ≥ 30). In some studies, the intervention includes both physical activity and dietary change. Only eight studies were performed in subjects with hypercholesterolemia and/or hypertriglyceridemia. The physical activity program used in the studies was aerobic, 50–80% V̇O2max or % heart rate reserve (HRR), three to five times per week for 30–60 min, with an estimated energy expenditure of 500–5000 kcal·wk-1. On average, training resulted in 16% improvement in V̇O2max (range from < 3% to > 50%).

The most common lipid change (in 40% of studies) is an average increase of 4.6% in HDL-cholesterol in both men and women of all ages. Reduction in LDL-cholesterol (−3.7%), triglycerides (−5%), and total cholesterol (−1%, nonsignificant) are observed less consistently than the increase in HDL-cholesterol. The Panel considers there is substantial evidence that moderate to hard exercise has a favorable influence on the blood lipid and lipoprotein levels (Category B). A few studies show that the activity-induced increase in HDL-cholesterol involves primarily HDL-2-cholesterol and that the mechanism for this effect is increased lipoprotein lipase activity (Category B). A part of the effect induced by regular physical activity may be related to a change in body and fat mass (Category B). Age and sex do not seem to be predictors of responsiveness of HDL-cholesterol to physical activity (Category B). Baseline lipid levels appear to strongly influence the lipid response in that a lower pretraining HDL-cholesterol is associated with a greater HDL-cholesterol response, although the pattern is not observed in all studies .

In summary, there are few studies that have evaluated the dose-response effects of different exercise intensities on blood lipids and they provide conflicting evidence.

Coagulation and Hemostatic Factors

Although acute exercise and physical activity have long been recognized to alter blood coagulation, there have been no controlled or uncontrolled studies of a dose-response relationship on overall measures of coagulation. However, platelet function and fibrinolytic factors have been investigated in this context. This topic has received much attention since activation of the hemostatic system has been implicated as a mechanism for sudden cardiac death after acute exercise. The effects of regular physical activity on several aspects of blood coagulation have been investigated in RCT. The best-studied effect is that of physical activity on platelet adhesion. Newer techniques that take advantage of monoclonal antibodies against platelet surface receptors have demonstrated that strenuous exercise activates platelets in sedentary, and to a lesser extent, in physically active individuals. Regular physical activity decreases platelet adhesiveness and aggregation at rest and during acute strenuous exercise (Category B). None of these data, however, allow for an assessment of a dose-response relationship.

Fibrinogen has been identified as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. An inverse relationship between fibrinogen concentrations and physical activity level is consistently reported in cross-sectional studies. However, in RCT, the results have been discrepant, and no studies have tested for a dose-response relationship.

The measurable fibrinolytic factors such as tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) have been assessed in a limited number of primarily cross-sectional studies because exercise also acutely alters fibrinolysis. Acute exercise increases t-PA, but only strenuous activity decreases PAI-1 (Category B). However, their levels are generally unchanged by regular physical activity (Category C). Specific genotypes of PAI-1 and fibrinogen could explain some of the variability commonly observed in response to acute physical activity.

In summary, the Panel finds no evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical activity and coagulation and hemostatic factors.

Overweight, Obesity, and Fat Distribution

The impact of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of obesity and its comorbidities has been reviewed using identical methodology (2). There is evidence of a linear dose-response relationship between the volume of physical activity and the amount of weight loss in studies of ≤ 16-wk duration when diet is controlled (Category A). The amount of body weight or fat loss found in RCT is consistent with the excess energy expended. The published studies thus far relate primarily to Caucasian populations, and the preponderance of studies are in men. However, trials lasting 24 wk or more do not show a dose-response effect. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that a dose-response relationship exists between physical activity and abdominal fat loss independent of weight loss. There is evidence to show that visceral fat loss is comparable between groups who lose weight via dieting and those who lose weight by the negative energy balance produced by physical activity (Category B). The Panel finds that increased levels of physical activity are associated with the prevention of weight gain over time, but the nature of the dose-response relationship is not clear (Category C). The Panel notes that there is evidence for other health benefits as a result of a modest weight loss associated with physical activity.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

A number of relatively large clinical trials have been performed to evaluate the effect of physical activity on glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A positive effect has been found in most, but not all, of these trials. The magnitude of the improvement in blood glucose control attributable to exercise intervention is generally modest but clinically important (a decrease in %HbA1c of 0.5–1%). It is difficult to dissociate the effect of exercise from those of dietary intervention and adjustment in medication in most of the reported studies. The Panel agrees that regular physical activity may modestly improve blood glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes (Category B) but finds no evidence for a dose-response relationship.

There is strong epidemiological evidence that regular physical activity reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (Category C). Large prospective studies, performed in men and in women, have shown that type 2 diabetes mellitus develops less frequently in the individuals who exercise regularly. In the Harvard Alumni Study, a 6% linear decrease in the age-adjusted risk for the development of diabetes has been found for each 500 kcal expended by physical activity in weekly leisure time. Similar findings are reported by a Swedish study of middle-aged men and by a recent study in African-Americans. Furthermore, four large epidemiological studies in both men and women suggest that vigorous regular physical activity protects against the development of type 2 diabetes. The Panel considers the evidence strong but of Category C. One recent study reported a strong dose-response gradient across fitness categories with a three-fold higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in “low-fit” men compared to “high-fit” men. Further randomized and nonrandomized studies suggest that exercise, and exercise combined with dietary intervention, retard the transition from impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes (Category C).

In men with confirmed diabetes, physical activity and moderate-to-high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness appear to reduce the risk of CVD and all-cause mortality (Category C). There is a steep inverse dose-response gradient of mortality risk across categories of fitness (Category C). These results are observed after adjustment for multiple other risk factors.

In summary, the Panel finds Category C evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical activity and the prevention of type 2 diabetes and physical activity and CVD and all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetics.


A large number of observational studies have suggested that physically active populations have lower overall cancer incidence and mortality rates. However, confounding factors (differences in diet and other health behaviors) make interpretation of these studies difficult. The strongest evidence for a beneficial effect of physical activity is for colon cancer (Category C). Thirty-five of 49 studies show an association of increased physical activity with reduced incidence rates. Although 20 studies are interpreted as showing a dose-response relationship, most of these compared only two levels of physical activity. Therefore, the Panel considers there is only moderate evidence for a dose-response effect (Category C). It is not possible to determine the shape of any dose-response because of the lack of data on the volume of physical activity. There is conflicting evidence that increased physical activity is associated with a lower risk of other types of cancer.

In summary, the Panel finds Category C evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical activity and risk for colon cancer.

Low Back Pain, Osteoarthritis, and Osteoporosis

Low back pain, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis are major causes of societal disability. Physical activity, in particular leisure-time physical activity, has the potential to both worsen and prevent the development of these conditions. Additionally, supervised physical activity could prevent the worsening of symptoms.

For low back pain, the evidence for a beneficial effect of physical activity is conflicting. Two RCTs suggest that leisure time physical activity may have a primary preventive effect, whereas prolonged occupational and sports activities increase the risk (Category B). For secondary prevention, there is no evidence that specific exercises are beneficial although exercise is useful within an active rehabilitation program (Category C).

For osteoarthritis, there is no evidence for a preventive effect of physical activity in weight-bearing joints although there is evidence for increased risk of osteoarthritis from heavy physical activity from sports or certain occupations (Category C). Supervised exercise may, however, be effective in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee (Category B).

For osteoporosis, peak bone mass is achieved in youth, and the subsequent rate of bone loss is considered important in determining bone mass at the age of 70 yr. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies and two RCT indicate that physical activity in young adults can contribute to increased peak bone mass (Category B). However, no information is available about the dose-response relationship. Quantitative analysis provides strong evidence that physical activity is effective in maintaining bone mass in premenopausal women and in decreasing subsequent bone loss after the menopause (Category A). No data regarding the dose-response relationship is available, but it appears that the effect is related to high-intensity activities. Intensive training for prolonged periods, such as seen in competitive women runners and in subjects with low body weight and eating disorders, may result in osteopenia. Such women are at particular risk for stress fractures.

In summary, physical activity may have both beneficial and detrimental effects on low back pain, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. It is not possible to quantify specific health benefits of physical activity in the absence of information about dose responses. Nevertheless, there is considerable potential for a beneficial action in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Quality of Life and Independent Living in the Elderly

The main question is whether regular physical activity contributes to enhanced quality of life in subjects 65 yr and older as reflected by sense of well being, physical and mental function, and independent living. Although resistance training and other activities are recognized as important, the review focused primarily on physical activity alone. Cross-sectional studies support a relationship between physical activity and overall well being, but evidence from intervention studies is equivocal. Cross-sectional studies indicate a positive influence of regular physical activity on physical function (Category C). In intervention studies, some of which are randomized, this positive relationship is also observed. A greater improvement in activity of daily living appears to be associated with increasing levels of energy expenditure (Category C). Physical activity intervention studies generally show positive results on walking distance but not speed (Category B). There is conflicting evidence on physical activity and mental function. The most consistent evidence is that regular physical activity postpones disability and promotes independent living in the elderly (Category C).

In summary, the Panel finds Category C evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical activity and an improvement in activity of daily living.

Depression and Anxiety

Individuals with higher levels of physical activity are less likely than those with lower levels to develop depressive illness in observational studies (Category C). Aerobic exercise training for 6–12 wk in mild-to-moderate depression and anxiety is consistently associated with an improvement of symptoms of a magnitude comparable to that obtained with some pharmacological agents, although the response may be slower (Category B). Neither the intensity of the exercise nor the level of fitness is clearly associated with the magnitude of the response (Category B). The data are insufficient to assess the importance of exercise frequency and duration, and the merits of resistance compared with aerobic training. The effect of physical activity on general mood and anxiety in the overall population is important but was not addressed in this review.

In summary, the Panel finds no dose-response relationship between physical activity and depression and anxiety.

Age, Sex, and Prior Health Status

Age, sex, and prior health status may influence the dose-response relationship with physical activity. For the purposes of this Symposium, it was not possible to explore their influence on all of the outcome variables discussed, and the analysis was therefore restricted to systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), serum triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol.

Age has little effect on the response to exercise training for SBP, DBP, triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol (Category B). For instance, the magnitude of blood pressure decreases in all age groups is in the range of 3–8 mm Hg for SBP and 2–6 mm Hg for DBP. Women appear to have an attenuated response compared with men for SBP and DBP with the reduction being generally 1–3 mm Hg less (Category C). The rise in HDL-cholesterol in response to exercise training is also attenuated in women (Category C), whereas a difference in triglyceride response is equivocal.

Subjects with established hypertension appear to have a more favorable response in blood pressure lowering to exercise training than normotensive subjects (Category B). Similarly, subjects with a previous history of myocardial infarction show somewhat larger falls in triglycerides and increases in HDL-cholesterol compared with those with no known coronary disease. This is likely to be related to the higher pretraining level of triglycerides and lower level of HDL-cholesterol in these subjects (Category B).

In summary, the dose-response relationships to physical activity have not been investigated in the different age, sex, and health status groups.

Population Attributable Risk Percentage of Disease due to Physical Inactivity

The calculation of a population attributable risk percentage (PAR%) provides a useful estimate of the burden of a particular disease or condition attributable to a given exposure—in this case, the percentage of specific mortality or morbidity that is attributable to physical inactivity. Using this approach, it has been estimated that the PAR% of cardiovascular disease mortality due to physical inactivity is approximately 35%. This technique can be extended to examine multiple levels of physical activity and to adjust for confounding variables. To do so requires population-specific data on the prevalence of the various levels of physical activity and the relevant confounding variables, as well as the morbidity and mortality rates experienced for each level of physical activity. Such data are not currently available for a representative population sample. The Panel considers this to be an important topic for future research. Both the public and policy makers will find the PAR% method useful for assessing the impact on health outcomes of sedentary life compared with the potential health and economic benefits of a physically active population.


Beneficial Effects of Physical Activity

The Panel concludes that a large body of evidence supports the contention that physical activity produces a number of major health benefits. Regular physical activity is associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality, fatal and nonfatal total cardiovascular disease, and coronary heart disease. It is also associated with a reduction in the incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and an improvement in the metabolic control of individuals with established type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, physical activity is associated with a reduction in the incidence of colon cancer and osteoporosis. Further benefits of regular physical activity include improved physical function and independent living in the elderly. Individuals with high levels of physical activity are less likely than those with lower levels to develop depressive illness. Moreover in those with mild-to-moderate depression and anxiety, prescribed physical activity is associated with an improvement in symptoms.

The Panel also recognizes the favorable impact of physical activity on several cardiovascular risk factors, including a reduction in blood pressure, improvement in the plasma lipid profile, and alterations in coagulation and hemostatic factors.

Dose-Response Relationship of Physical Activity to Health Outcomes

There is an inverse and generally linear relationship for the rates of all-cause mortality, total CVD, and coronary heart disease incidence and mortality and for the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is more difficult to determine a dose-response relationship for other health outcomes. There are several reasons for this difficulty: 1) the absence of studies defining a dose-response; 2) lack of field methods sensitive and accurate enough to determine the dose of physical activity; 3) small effects of physical activity on some outcomes; 4) uncontrolled confounding factors such as genetic variability; and 5) simultaneous changes in body weight and composition that accompanies physical activity. The Panel suggests that where a dose-response relationship cannot be proven, it may be sufficient to discover a level of physical activity or fitness that results in a beneficial effect.

The greater the intensity and volume of exercise, the greater the risk of injury and harm, especially musculoskeletal for most individuals and cardiovascular for those with underlying disease. When attempting to establish an optimal dose of physical activity for health, intensity is especially relevant because it is the major contributor to exercise-induced medical complications. The Panel suggests that, when assessing dose-response, consideration be given not only to the dose that induces the greatest health benefit but also to the potential risk in a particular population.

Research Recommendations

Although the field of physical activity is rich in high-quality observational data and studies of physiology, there are a limited number of RCT on the quantitative effect or dose relationship of physical activity and health outcomes. If the results of RCT on the benefits of physical activity are to be convincing, they must be based on precise and reproducible methodology. To better evaluate the dose-response relationship, attention needs to be paid to the following:

Study design:

1) development of a gold standard for precise field measurement of physical activity; 2) evaluation of the health effects of multiple levels of physical activity, volume, intensity, and fitness; 3) application of innovative statistical procedures; 4) assessment of potential adverse effects of physical activity; and 5) study populations being representative of all ages, both sexes, ethnic groups, and those with a variety of health states.

Study evaluation:

1) strict adherence to regimens of physical activity in future studies must be promoted and carefully monitored; 2) importance of defining a minimum effective dose of physical activity for health benefit and attention being paid to any additional benefits that accrue from increased levels of activity; and 3) in the design and analysis of future studies, attention to the newly recognized interindividual variability in the response to physical activity and its genetic basis.

Consideration should be given to the development of large, multicenter randomized controlled trials on the effect of multiple levels and patterns of physical activity on a range of health outcomes and risks. The Panel recognizes the challenge that would be presented by such studies but observes that such studies have been done and are underway for other important preventive and therapeutic interventions.

If the full benefits of current and future knowledge about the benefits of physical activity are to be realized, substantial and sustained effort will be needed to ensure the practical application of this knowledge into clinical settings and for entire populations.

Address for correspondence: Y. Antero Kesaniemi, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Internal Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Kajaanintie 50, FIN-90220 Oulu, Finland.


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© 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.