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Neuroprotective and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Flavonoid-Enriched Fraction AF4 in a Mouse Model of Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

Figure 2

Brain injury and hemispheric volume loss.

Representative Nissl-stained brain sections from two animals in the motor performance study (A and B). Note the loss of tissue (arrows) in brain sections from animals treated with vehicle (A and B, left panels) and protection produced by AF4 (A and B, right panels). Volumetric measurements from the mice used in the motor performance study (C). A Mann-Whitney U test revealed that mice which received AF4 (50 mg/kg, p.o.; once a day for 3 days) displayed considerably less brain damage than vehicle (10 ml/kg, p.o.; once a day for 3 days) treated mice. *p<0.001 relative to vehicle.

Figure 2

