ERA Talent Platform

Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO)


The purpose of the Observatory is to become the “place to go” for policymakers, organizations and researchers for trustworthy information on R&I talent and careers. The objective is to develop a living information repository for monitoring trends in research and innovation talent development, careers and circulation in EU and OECD countries and other major economies. This action will combine the best of current EU and OECD data in one single place, in addition to collecting new data, while further enhancing their use and relevance for policymakers, organisations, and researchers.


The Observatory is proposed to monitor three dimensions of research careers:

  • Researcher's skills and trainings
  • Researcher's jobs & careers
  • Researcher's mobility

It will enable monitoring of national systems of remuneration and employment conditions, social security policies, portability of grants and pensions, research mobility patterns of researchers both geographically and intersectorally, paying particular attention to gender and intersectional differences in research careers.

The Action is framed in the context of the WIDERA work programme and contributes to the monitoring of the implementation of the Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation, and entrepreneurial talents in Europe, in short, the “Framework for research careers". It will provide evidence on the effectiveness of measures aiming at strengthening the attractiveness of research careers and at a balanced talent circulation. Expected results of this initiative include improved monitoring of the Framework's implementation and systemic reforms, fostering a common understanding among EU Member States and research organisations about the data needs for advancing research careers, and enhancing the attractiveness of research organisations to top talent by providing accessible data that supports career development.

The Observatory is currently under development. Data are currently being collected and will be available in the second half of 2025.