The ultimate data analytics hub for your eCommerce business

52,000+ Retailers
250+ Categories
150+ Countries
Made in GermanyBusiness Tool Award - Rated Excellent

The ultimate data analytics hub for your eCommerce business

52,000+ Retailers
250+ Categories
150+ Countries
ECDB Dashboard


Analyze retailers with our eCommerce data analytics

The ECDB is your data hub for comprehensive eCommerce analysis, providing valuable insights on companies, stores and marketplaces, summarized in our Retailer section. Get all the information you need through our detailed and up-to-date rankings, learn about your competition, and find the data, that helps you grow your own eCommerce business.
ECDB Dashboard - Company Ranking

Get in-depth, data-driven company analytics

View our rankings of the top eCommerce companies by revenue, with customizable filters for tailored insights. Rankings are filtered by total revenue, highlighting the largest companies, and drilldown by country and product category for each company.

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Review your competition with our store data

Our rankings highlight the world's top eCommerce stores based on net sales. Filter by category, country and currency to get your customized rankings. We also provide information about each store's specialization, payment methods, shipping providers, or store software.

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ECDB Dashboard - Country Ranking
ECDB Dashboard - Benchmark Ranking

Find partners with our marketplace data

Uncover the ideal marketplace for your needs with our detailed rankings, categorizing both pure and hybrid marketplaces by their Gross Merchandise Value (GMV). Fine-tune your exploration with our filters to zoom in on the eCommerce aspects that are most relevant to you or your costumers.

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Retailers - In a Nutshell



Check the top eCommerce countries for online shopping

With our global eCommerce country rankings, you can see where in the world online shopping revenues are growing the fastest. Dive into market sizes, spot emerging trends, and check which online retailers are leading in various countries. Use our revenue figures to discover the top countries for your eCommerce business.
ECDB Dashboard - Country Ranking
  • Business Growth: Fuel your international expansion by identifying high-revenue countries with our data analytics.
  • Market Insights: Stay ahead by monitoring market trends and the online share of specific countries in the eCommerce sector.
  • Data Analytics: Exclusive performance indicators, highlighting the portion of online sales in relation to the overall retail sector.
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Countries - In a Nutshell



Find data on top-performing eCommerce product categories

Refine your product strategy with our Category Ranking. See which items are leading the online shopping world and adjust your business on what's popular, what's trending, and where the market is headed – based on our data. Through filtering by eCommerce revenue, growth or online share, the list of categories can be narrowed down according to different types of research questions.
  • Strategic Data: Focus on categories with high growth potential, maximize profit and meet market demands.
  • Trend Analysis: Stay up-to-date with the eCommerce sector by analyzing data on market growth and online market share trends.
  • Retail Insights: Utilize specific KPIs to assess your digital market position and make informed decisions with our retail insights.
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ECDB Dashboard - Category Ranking

Categories - In a Nutshell



Boost your success with our eCommerce performance benchmarks

Our data provides the tools to elevate your eCommerce strategy: With our ECDB benchmarks you can compare transaction success and boost your overall sales effectiveness. Find out how consumers interact with eCommerce sites comparable to yours and what influences their spending decisions for a data-driven approach to online retail.
ECDB Dashboard - Benchmark Ranking
  • Journey Metrics: Examine add-to-cart and cart abandonment rates to refine the shopping experience.
  • Sales Indicators: Compare conversion rates to evaluate the effectiveness of your sales funnel.
  • Financial Insights: Analyze average order value, discount impact, and return frequencies for profitability optimization.
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Benchmarks - In a Nutshell



Discover all you need to know in our detailed insight articles

Gaining expertise on consumers, key players, and markets is crucial for success in eCommerce. By exploring concepts in detail through data-backed articles and charts, businesses can gain a better understanding of the eCommerce landscape. The topics covered in our insights range from payments and shipping to consumer insights and trends.

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South Korea

Country Ranking & Profiles South Korea

Data updatesMay 31, 2024

We are very pleased to announce the update of our country rankings & profiles for South Korea. The update includes all Store, Marketplace and Company rankings. In addition, associated profiles have been updated. The comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the eCommerce landscape in South Korea.

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New Report "State of Digital Retail 2024"

New contentMay 29, 2024

The global eCommerce market has shown impressive growth over the last years and is expected to reach US$5 trillion in 2024. This extensive report examines the biggest trends and developments shaping the global eCommerce industry in 2024 covering three different perspectives on market growth, retailer diversification and the importance of new customers in the industry.

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Introduction of our new API

FeaturesMay 28, 2024

We are excited to announce our new API on ECDB, designed to enhance your business operations and integrate seamlessly with your systems. Key benefits include customizable data retrieval tailored to your needs, real-time updates, and easy integration into existing workflows. Automating data retrieval minimizes errors and saves time, leading to more efficient operations. Enhance your business processes and enjoy the advantages of modern data integration with our new API.

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Marketplace GMV breakdown

New contentMay 26, 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of a new add-on in our Marketplace GMV Analytics. It provides a detailed breakdown of a hybrid marketplace's Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) into two parts: first-party GMV (attributed to the marketplace operator selling its own goods) and third-party GMV (attributed to sellers utilizing the marketplace platform). This breakdown is accessible for both the aggregate marketplace GMV and for each individual domain within the marketplace.

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