Class of 2024 Graduation

The Department is honored to celebrate the achievements of the class of 2024. We're grateful for the opportunity to have worked with this talented group of individuals and appreciate the support they've received from family and friends as they endeavored to achieve their degrees.

Dartmouth Economic Research Scholars

Christopher Snyder, Director

Selected through an application process, scholars deepen their academic experience by collaborating on faculty research, attending seminars, and undertaking mentored independent study. 

          William S. Bryant
          Quentin T. Calhoun
          Morgan A. Chamberlin                                                                                                                                           
          Adriana Chavira Ochoa                                                   
          Federico Cigolot                                                    
          Paul R. Cornell
          Julia Cross
          Luis F. Cusihuallpa Solorzano                                                          
          Caroline E. Domescik
          Claire A. Draeger                                                      
          Kathryn S. Hahm                                                             
          Emma L. Johnson                                                            
          Keso Kakachia *                                                 
          Renesa T. Khanna *                                                 
          Daniel G. Kotrebai
          Alexa V. Lomonaco
          Yaro Lototskyy
          Sharanya Majumder

* DERS Class Officers

Honors and Awards

Economics Department Outstanding Achievement Award

          Conner D. Boehm
          Quentin T. Calhoun                                      
          Kira H. Fontaine
          Rohit V. Garimella
          Itish Goel
          Sydney M. Hoffman
          Keso Kakachia
          Daniel G. Kotrebai          
          Yaro Lototskyy 
          Keren Luo
          Hoang T. Nguyen
          Allan R. Wang
          Yizhen Zhen

Graduating with Honors in Economics

          Lily L. Ding
          Claire A. Draeger
          Kira H. Fontaine
          Wesley B. Liao
          Hoang T. Nguyen
          Allan R. Wang

Graduating with High Honors in Economics

          Morgan A. Chamberlin
          Federico Cigolot
          Paul R. Cornell
          Luis F. Cusihuallpa Solorzano
          Ethan C. Dixon
          Rohit V. Garimella
          Itish Goel
          Amy Halder
          Keso Kakachia
          Renesa T. Khanna
          Keren Luo
          Krishnachandra Nair
          Tejas J. Parekh

Lewis H. Haney Prize (Outstanding Honors Thesis)

          Paul R. Cornell

Nelson A. Rockefeller Prize (Best Performance in the Major)

          Paul R. Cornell
          Keso Kakachia
          Renesa T. Khanna
          Keren Luo
          Hoang T. Nguyen

Economics Department Service and Leadership Award

          Shandukurai Chiuswa

Lamees Kareem '22 Award (Student Spirit in an Immersion Class)

          Ethan C. Dixon

Thesis Topics

         Morgan A. Chamberlin,
         "Farming The Wind: Wind Power and Agriculture."
         (Advisor James Feyrer)

         Federico Cigolot,
         "Why Join the Belt and Road Initiative? Modeling Trade Dynamics and Welfare Outcomes."
         (Advisor Treb Allen)

         Paul R. Cornell,
         "House Price Capitalization of School Finance Reform in New Jersey."
         (Advisor Elizabeth Cascio)

         Luis F. Cusihuallpa Solorzano,
         "Market Response to Presidential Election Results: Evidence from Latin America."
         (Advisor Bruce Sacerdote)

         Ethan C. Dixon,
         "Morality and Mortality: Churches as Bundles of Spiritual and Secular Capital."
         (Advisor Elizabeth Cascio)

         Rohit V. Garimella,
         "Does Media Coverage Make Banks More Susceptible to Contagion Effects?
         Evidence from the Silicon Valley Banking Crisis."
         (Advisors Jonathan Zinman and Bruce Sacerdote)

         Itish Goel,
         "Do Futures Bans Make Markets More Local? Evidence from Agricultural 'Mandis' in India."
         (Advisor Treb Allen)

         Amy Halder,
         "The Impact of Economic Circumstances on Farmer Suicides in India."
         (Advisor Treb Allen)

         Keso Kakachia,
         "Economic Transformation in Georgia: A Post-Conflict Analysis."
         (Advisor Treb Allen)

         Renesa T. Khanna,
         "Who You Know vs What You Know:
         Exploring the Role of Exam Scores and School District Segregation on Upward Social Mobility in the United States."
         (Advisor Douglas Staiger)

         Keren Luo,
         "Do M&As Harm Other Firms in the Industry? The Effect of M&A Announcements on Acquirer's Rivals"
         (Advisor Bruce Sacerdote)

         Krishnachandra Nair,
         "The Real Determinants of National Health Spending: Income Level, Life Expectancy, and Healthcare System."
         (Advisors James Feyrer and Douglas Staiger)

         Tejas J. Parekh,
         "Medicaid and Mental Health: The Effect of Insurance Coverage on Mental Health Diagnoses Rates Across States."
         (Advisor Melinda Petre)