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Ageism & Disparities in Women’s Healthcare

NOMINATED TOPIC | March 29, 2024

1. What is the decision or change (e.g. clinical topic, practice guideline, system design, delivery of care) you are facing or struggling with where a summary of the evidence would be helpful?

What is the evidence on the impact of intersections between ageism, sexism, racism, ableism, and classism- on disparities in quality, safety, equity, access, and outcomes of care in women’s health.

Are there specific health care harms for women that result from a lack of understanding of intersectionality and the role it plays in women’s health care treatments and/or plans of care? Is there any evidence for solutions for both health care practitioners, consumers, and care partners that can inform more positive health outcomes?

We are interested in understanding how implicit bias informs health care decisions for women and by women and their care partners. Are there ways to improve approaches in women’s health care to counter this implicit bias?

2. Why are you struggling with this issue?

Studies and practice guidelines often lack representative samples that include women from multiple underrepresented and often marginalized groups, nor do they recognize the diversity within the underrepresented groups to be able to make strong recommendations for treatment and care. We particularly see studies that reference an age cohort of 65 and older. This age cohort can represent a 40-year (4 decades) health span.

3. What do you want to see changed? How will you know that your issue is improving or has been addressed?

Research studies are designed, and practice guidelines are published with more inclusive evidence acknowledging women across the life course, recognizing the impact of intersectionality of age, sex, race, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status.

4. When do you need the evidence report?

Mon, 03/31/2025

5. What will you do with the evidence report?

Further define gaps in research and advocate for needed studies.

Supporting Documentation

240329 GSA Ageism NCRA (PDF, 56 KB)

Optional Information About You

What is your role or perspective? Professional Society

If you are you making a suggestion on behalf of an organization, please state the name of the organization Gerontological Society of America

May we contact you if we have questions about your nomination? Yes

Page last reviewed March 2024
Page originally created March 2024

Internet Citation: Ageism & Disparities in Women’s Healthcare. Content last reviewed March 2024. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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