Department of Title IX Report Form

Please use this form to submit matters of Sex & Gender Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct or Violence, or Pregnancy & Parenting Accommodations. It is available for students and employees wishing to file a report on their behalf or by anyone wishing to file a report on behalf of an Emory University community member. Concerning incidents of sexual misconduct, this form is used to report alleged policy violations of sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation. Please provide all available details about the incident, including names, date(s), location, and description. Reports may be anonymous; however, anonymous reports may limit the University’s ability to respond to the incident.

Once this form is submitted, if the person who experienced harm (the impacted party), who is reporting an incident, or is seeking accommodations is named, the Title IX Case Manager will reach out to offer resources to support the impacted party and options to address the behavior as described in Emory’s Sex and Gender-based Harassment Policy 8.2. Please note that this form will not serve as a formal complaint requesting the University investigate and address the behavior. This step is an option the impacted party can take after reporting the behavior.

Please note that submissions using this form are not reviewed outside of regular business hours, Monday - Friday 8 am – 5 pm. If you require emergency assistance, please call the Emory Police Department (EPD) at 404-727-6111 or dial 911.
* indicates a required field

Reporter's Status:

Are you reporting for yourself?Required