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How to get books and articles on a specific topic

The NL CR offers a wide range of electronic and classical sources that allow to search both Czech and foreign articles or books on a specific topic.

Sources usually used to find appropriate Czech and foreign books are :

  • the NL catalogues (online, scanned, card)
  • the National Bibliography or catalogues of the national libraries
  • Czech and foreign union catalogues

For more detailed information see How to get a book.

Sources usually used to find appropriate Czech and foreign articles are:

  • Czech articles bibliography (both general and specific subjects)
  • Czech and foreign licensed online articles databases

For more detailed information see How to get an article.

To a certain extent, you can also use the less usual sources, e.g. search in the Digital Library Kramerius.

A certain part of the sources mentioned above is freely accessible on the NL web pages, some sources however, can only be used from the NL computers. The licensed online databases may only be used by the NL registered users either from the NL computers or in most cases also through the remote access.

Books and articles in most of the given sources can be searched by readers themselves. Anybody can ask for recommendation of appropriate sources for search or several titles corresponding with the given topic through the form, e-mail, or Ask your library service. These services, refered to as the reference services, are provided for free.

In the NL, you can also order the search of articles or books on a specific topic (research services), these services are charged according to the NL Price List.

Oct 12, 2012
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